St. Peter, His Name and His Office Part 2

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[11] Luke xxii. 26.

[12] Vid. John i. 42; Mark iii. 16; Matt. xvi. 18; Luke xxii. 32; John xxi. 15.

[13] Pa.s.saglia, p. 35-7.

[14] John i. 35-42.

[15] S. Chrysostome on the text. S. Cyril on John i. 42.

[16] Isai. xxviii. 16; Ps. cxvii. 22; Dan. ii. 35; Zach. iii. 9; Eph. ii. 20.

[17] Theodoret on Dan. ii. 34.

[18] Ambrose on Luke, Lib. 6, n. 97.

[19] Serm. iv. 2.

[20] For the name Boanerges, which in one place is given to the two sons of Zebedy, is in the first place a joint name; secondly, it is nowhere else referred to, and does not take the place of their birth-names; thirdly, it indicates not an official dignity, but an inward disposition. We cannot doubt that such a name bestowed on the two brothers was a mark of great distinction, but, for the above reasons, it cannot come into compet.i.tion with the name of Peter. See Pa.s.saglia, p. 44, n. 38.

[21] Mark iii. 14; Matt. x. 1; Luke vi. 14.

[22] Cont. Marcion. L. 4, c. 13.

[23] Apoc. xxii. 16; iii. 7.

[24] S. Chris. on Matt. 16, Hom. 54.

[25] S. Leo, Serm. 3 on his anniversary.

[26] Hilary of Poitiers on Matt. xv. n. 6; on Ps. cx.x.xi. n. 4; on the Trinity, L. 6, n. 20. Gregory Naz. Orat. 26, p. 453. Ambrose in his first hymn, referred to also by Augustine, Retract. lib. 1, c.

21, and Epiph. in ancor. n. 9.

[27] Tertullian de monogam. c. 8. Origen on Ps. 1, quoted by Eusebius, Hist. I. 6, c. 25. Cyprian, Ep. 71, and Firmilian, among Cyprian's letters, 75.

[28] Basil cont. Eunom. lib. 2, n. 4. Zeno. lib. 2, tract. 13, n. 2.

[29] By the same.

[30] Epiphan. haer. 59, n. 7.

[31] August. in Ps. cont. par. Donati. Leo, serm. 98.

[32] Theodoret, ep. 77.

[33] Maximus of Turin, serm. pro natali Petri et Pauli.

[34] Greg. n.a.z.ian. in hom. archieratico inserta.

[35] Origen on Exod. hom. 5, n. 4.

[36] Gallican sacramentary, edited by Mabillon, T. I. Mus. Ital. p.

343. Synod of Ephesus, act. 3.

[37] Peter Chrysologus, serm. 154.

[38] Ambrose on Virginity, c. 16.

[39] Ambrose on Luke, lib. 4, n. 70.

[40] Chrysostome, hom. on debtor of ten thousand talents, Tom. 3, p.


[41] Philip, legate of the Apostolic See, in Act. 3 of Council of Ephesus.

[42] Council of Chalcedon, act. 3. in deposing Dioscorus.

[43] For the above references see Pa.s.saglia, p. 400.

[44] Vid. Pa.s.saglia, p. 54, note 47.

[45] Gen. x. 25; xvii. 19; x.x.x. 18; xii. 51, 52.

[46] Gen. xxv. 26; xxvii. 36; xxv. 25; xxv. 30; Exod. ii. 10; 1 Macc. ii. 4; Mark iii. 17.

[47] Isai. vii. 3; Os. i. 4, 6, 9; Gen. v. 29; x.x.xii. 28; Numb.

xiii. 17; Gen. xvii. 15; Matt. iii. 1.

[48] Pa.s.saglia, p. 51.

[49] Pa.s.saglia, p. 52.

[50] Gen. xii. 1; Mark 1. 16, 17; Luke v. 10.

[51] Gen. xii. 4; Mark i. 18.

[52] Gen. xvii. 5; John i. 42.

[53] Gen. xxii. 1; Matt. xvi. 15; John xxi. 15.

[54] Gen. xxii. 10; Matt. xvi. 16; John xxi. 15.

[55] Gen. xviii. 17; Acts x. 10; xv. 7; Luke xxii. 32.

[56] Gal. iii. 7.

[57] Gal. iii. 16.

[58] Matt. i. 1.

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