Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 16

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Jace Sinclair: Um...the person you wrote the song about?

My face burns, but I'm grinning as I laugh out loud.

Avery Rose: Goodness, do you have room wherever you go with an ego like that?

Jace Sinclair: Not that much, but I manage. Try to tell me it isn't about me. I dare you.

Jace Sinclair: Double dare.

b.u.t.terflies go crazy in my gut as I shake my head. This guy. He is crazy! There is no way I'm admitting that on Facebook. To his face...probably not, but he can think what he wants. Even if it is the truth. But before I can tell him that, my phone dings with a text.

From Matty.

Two days in a row? What the h.e.l.l?

Clicking on his text, my brows come together when I read what he has sent.

Matty: Why is Jace Sinclair all over your s.h.i.+t?

Me: Huh? What are you talking about?

He then sends me a screenshot of Jace's post and I'm confused. What the h.e.l.l?

Me: Stalker much? Why does it matter?

Matty: Because that's the dude I'm fighting first draft spot for. Are you f.u.c.king him?

Me: What the h.e.l.l? That's none of your business for one, and two, why do I care who you are going against in the draft?

Matty: Because I'm your brother. Stay away from him.

Me: Yeah, okay. Where do you get off?

Matty: I'm not kidding, Av. Stay away from him.

Me: Can you give me a reason?

Matty: Because he's a d.i.c.k like his brothers.

That confuses me. What the h.e.l.l is he talking about? How does he even know Jace? I mean, I get that they are probably in the same division for tournaments and s.h.i.+t, but I doubt he knows him personally. I've never heard him mention his name, and Jace and I had no friends in common. Which means one thing: Jace must have beaten him at something.

Me: What, did he win a tourney over you?

Matty: Shut it, Av, and do what you're told.

Me: Lol. Please. Get over yourself. If you were smart, you'd encourage me to be with him so it would be a distraction and you could win. Because G.o.d forbid, you don't win everything.

Matty: You're no distraction, Av. Just a constant pain in the a.s.s.

Rolling my eyes, I shut the messaging app and shake my head. G.o.d, he is such a d.i.c.k, and I really don't understand why he is so mean to me. Isn't he supposed to love me? What did I ever do to him? I almost want to ask him, but I feel like I know the answer.


Not wanting to open that can of worms, I go back to Facebook. I won't do what Matty wants. I've always had to sacrifice my happiness for him, and I won't do it any longer. This almost makes me want to pursue things with Jace more, just to spite him. But I wouldn't do it for that reason. I'd do it because I want Jace, and I do. I just wish my brother wasn't such a d.i.c.kwad.

When my phone dings, I notice I have a message on Facebook. From Jace.

Jace Sinclair: You're just gonna leave me hanging?

Grinning, I hit his name and go to the chat.

Avery Rose: Can't confirm or deny your allegations.

Jace Sinclair: Oh you can, it's just will you?

Avery Rose: No comment.

Jace Sinclair: I'll shoot you some disgustingly corny lines until you do.

Avery Rose: Is that supposed to be a punishment?

Jace Sinclair: Baby, if you want punishment, I can give you some. Just ask.

Avery Rose: Ew, you just went full 50 Shades of Grey on me.

Jace Sinclair: I did, so bend over, let me spank ya a bit.

Avery Rose: I will cut you if you try.

Jace Sinclair: Challenge accepted.

That has me giggling so hard, my stomach hurts. Falling over to my side, I watch the little chat bubbles as he types, feeling every bit like a girl with a crush. I'm hanging on every word he types and I am practically begging for more.

Jace Sinclair: No, but really, tell me you wrote that song for me.

Avery Rose: I didn't write it for you, thank you.

Jace Sinclair: Jeez, you know how to cut a fella down, huh? But fine, about me.

Avery Rose: Still no comment.

Grinning, I wait for his response like I'm waiting for Santa on Christmas morning, with all the antic.i.p.ation and hope of a five-year-old. He makes me giddy and excited. I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until the message comes through.

Jace Sinclair: Give me your number.

Avery Rose: Stalker, no.

Jace Sinclair: Yes, give it to me.

Avery Rose: Why?

Jace Sinclair: Cause I need it.

Avery Rose: For?

Jace Sinclair: Because I want the number for the most gorgeous girl on campus, the one who makes my heart race, and also the one who traced her tongue up my ab and wrote a song about it.

Swoon! He is incredible.

Avery Rose: Well then... ask nicely.

Jace Sinclair: Avery, beautiful Rose, can I please have you number?

Avery Rose: Yes Once I send it, I fully expect him to text me. But instead, my phone starts to ring. Surprised, I read the number I expect is his and consider answering it. I should send it to voice mail just to mess with him. But I go ahead and answer it.


"Tell me that song isn't about me." His voice is low, rough, and every bit dripping with naughty s.e.x. I close my eyes, my whole body tensing up as I grip my blanket, for what, I have no clue. Holy h.e.l.l, his voice is torture.

"No way. No comment," I manage to say, and in return, he laughs softly.

"You're gonna make me work for it?"

"I am."

"Good," he says then, sending chills down my spine. "What are you doing after your gig?"

"Probably coming home to go to bed."

"Or, you could come out with me."


"A special place."

"Your bed?"

"No, you h.o.r.n.y thing, somewhere special."

"Fine, I'll bite-"

"Oh, thank G.o.d," he moans and I giggle, my cheeks burning with not only embarra.s.sment but need, too.

"Goodness me. I mean, where?"

"You'll see, but you have to agree."

"You're impossible."

"Say yes."

"Fine, yes."

"Awesome, cool, so yeah." He pauses awkwardly which I think is so stinking cute, and I'm breathless as silence comes over the line. "So, not to sound like a complete stalker loser, like Markus has been calling me, but I've been thinking about you all day."

Grinning, I press my lips together as giddiness washes over me. "Really?"


"I guess I'm supposed to say the same, huh?"

"It would be nice if I wasn't the only stalker here."

That makes me laugh, and soon he is laughing with me. "Yeah, you're not."


"Cool." I open my eyes, looking at the ceiling, unsure what the h.e.l.l is going on. Why are we so ridiculously cute and awkward? We had s.e.x all night and morning. I shouldn't be self-conscious, but I am. Along with giddy and unable to stop smiling. What does that even mean? "What are you doing to me?"

I can hear his smile in his voice as it drops an octave. "Nothing yet."

"Jace, you know what I mean. I feel all schoolgirl-like."

"Good, 'cause I feel like a kid going through p.u.b.erty talking to my crush."

"So you're crus.h.i.+ng?"

"Oh, yeah. Hard."

"How hard?" I ask to lighten the moment because he is getting deep and I can't handle it. He can't be this into me, can he? I've spent so long thinking I was nothing, but he makes me feel like something. Then I can't help but feel like I'm in deep. Which cannot happen. Not yet. I just met him. And I want fun! I don't want something serious.

"Really hard, and don't act like you aren't crus.h.i.+ng either."

"Never said I wasn't."

"Didn't confirm it either."

"Well, maybe I don't word vomit like you do."

"No, you just write hot-a.s.s songs about me to show how you feel."

"You're full of yourself," I accuse and he laughs.

"Fine, keep it under lock. I'll find that key." He probably didn't mean it to be suggestive, but it is and I'm almost speechless as I bite my lip.

"I hope you do."

"I will."

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