Healing Through Exercise Part 6

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14 Clare Gillies and others, aPharmacological and Lifestyle Interventions to Prevent or Delay Type 2 Diabetes in People with Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Systematic Review and Meta-a.n.a.lysis,a British Medical Journal, doi:10.1136/bmj.39063.689375.55 (published January 19, 2007).

15 Frank Hu and others, aElevated Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Prior to Clinical Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes,a Diabetes Care 25 (2002): 1129-1134.


1 William Evans and Irwin Rosenberg with Jacqueline Thompson, Biomarkersa"The 10 Keys to Prolonging Vitality (New York: Fireside Books, 1991).

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Aloys Berg and others, aMehr Bewegung fr alle-Anstze zur Vernderung von Lebensstil und Gesundheitsprofil,a Kinder-und Jugendmedizin 4 (2004): 139-145.

5 Markus Schlke and others, aMyostatin Mutation a.s.sociated with Gross Muscle Hypertrophy in a Child,a New England Journal of Medicine 350 (2004): 2682-2688.

6 Henriette Pilegaard and others, aTranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle During Recovery from Exercise,a American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism 279, issue 4 (2000): E806-E814.

7 Jouko Karjalainen and others, aMuscle Fiber-Type Distribution Predicts Weight Gain and Unfavorable Left Ventricular Geometry: A 19-Year Follow-Up Study.a BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 6 (2006): 2.

8 Personal communication. I interviewed Dr. Williams in September 2006 in Boston when he gave a talk at Harvard Medical School.

9 Evans and Rosenberg with Thompson.

10 Aloys Berg and others, aGewichtskontrolle ist nicht nur FdH,a MMWa"Fortschritte der Medizin 27-28 (2004): 636-639.

11 John Todd and R. J. Robinson, aOsteoporosis and Exercise,a Postgrad Medical Journal 79 (2003): 320-323.

12 Evans and Rosenberg with Thompson.

13 The definition of what is a cholesterol value too high should be met with skepticism because it was drafted by doctors with ties to the pharmaceutical industry. The threshold value for cholesterol was many times lowered in the Western countries, so that the majority of Americans and Europeans now have cholesterol values that are supposedly too high, including normal-weight people who exercise. See Jrg Blech, Pus.h.i.+ng Pills and Inventing Disease (London: Routledge, 2006).

14 William Kraus and others, aEffects of the Amount and Intensity of Exercise on Plasma Lipoproteins,a New England Journal of Medicine 347 (2002): 1438-1492.

15 Hans-Georg Predel, aWerden Sie Lebensstil-Manager!a MMWa"Fortschritte der Medizin 47 (2006): 29.

16 Evans and Rosenberg with Thompson.


1 Hans-Georg Predel and Walter Tokarski, aEinfluss Krperlicher Aktivitt auf die Menschliche Gesundheit,a Bundesgesundheitsblatta"Gesundheitsforschunga"Gesundheitsschutz 48.8 (2005): 833-840.

2 Rainer Hambrecht, aSport als Therapie (Physical Exercise as Treatment Strategy),a Herz, 29 (2004): 381-390.


4 B. K. Pedersen and B. Saltin, aEvidence for Prescribing Exercise as Therapy in Chronic Disease,a Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 16, suppl. 1 (2006): 3-63.

5 A. W. Gardner and E. T. Poehlman, aExercise Rehabilitation Programs for the Treatment of Claudication Pain: A Meta-a.n.a.lysis,a Journal of the American Medical a.s.sociation 274 (1995): 975-980.

6 Pedersen and Saltin, 3-63.

7 Rainer Hambrecht and others, aEffect of Exercise on Coronary Endothelial Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease,a New England Journal of Medicine 17 (2000): 342, 454-460.

8 Marianne Pynn and others, aExercise Training Reduces Neointimal Growth and Stabilizes Vascular Lesions after Injury in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice,a Circulation 109 (2004): 386-392.

9 Romualdo Belardinelli and others, aEffects of Moderate Exercise Training on Thalium Uptake and Contractile Response to Low-Dose Dobutamine of Dysfunctional Myocardium in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy,a Circulation 97 (1998): 553-561.

10 Volker Adams and others, aIncrease of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease After Exercise-Induced Ischemia,a Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 24 (2004): 684-690.

11 Marcus Sandri and others, aEffects of Exercise and Ischemia on Mobilization and Functional Activation of Blood-Derived Progenitor Cells in Patients with Ischemic Syndromes: Results of 3 Randomized Studies,a Circulation 111 (2005): 3391-3399. Published online before print June 13, 2005, doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.104 .527135 12 Personal communication, Rainer Hambrecht. He was at the university hospital in Leipzig and took up a new position in Bremen in June 2006.

13 Sandri and others, 3391-3399.

14 Rainer Hambrecht and others, aPercutaneous Coronary Angioplasty Compared with Exercise Training in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease: A Randomized Trial,a Circulation 109 (2004): 1371-1378.

15 The costs refer to the improvement by one so-called CCS unit (CCS is for Canadian Cardiovascular Society).

16 Rainer Hambrecht, aVom Sessel auf das Laufband!a MMWa"Fortschritte der Medizin 35-36 (2005): 735/26-738/29.

17 MMWa"Fortschritte der Medizin 48 (2006): 16.

18 The enzymes are superoxide dis.m.u.tase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. See Axel Linke and others, aAntioxidative Effects of Exercise Training in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure,a Circulation 111 (2005): 1763-1770.

19 Paul Thompson, aExercise Prescription and Proscription for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease,a Circulation 112 (2005): 2354-2363.


1 Miriam Nelson and others, Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis (New York: Perigee, 2002).

2 Kristin Baker and others, aThe Efficacy of Home Based Progressive Strength Training in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial,a The Journal of Rheumatology 28 (2001): 1655-1665.

3 Nelson and others.

4 K. S. Thomas and others, aHome Based Exercise Programme for Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis: Randomised Controlled Trial,a British Medical Journal 325 (2002): 752.

5 B. W. Penninx and others, aPhysical Exercise and the Prevention of Disability in Activities of Daily Living in Older Persons with Osteoarthritis,a Archives of Internal Medicine 161 (2001): 2309-2316.

6 Jean-Michel Brisme and others, aGroup and Home-Based Tai Chi in Elderly Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial,a Clinical Rehabilitation 21 (2007): 99-111.

7 Alexandra Kirkley and others, aA Randomized Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthritis of the Knee,a The New England Journal of Medicine 359 (2008): 1097-1107.

8, accessed June 7, 2008.

9 Klaus-Michael Braumann, Die Heilkraft der Bewegung (Munich: Irisiana, 2006).

10 Lars Konradsen and others, aLong Distance Running and Osteoarthrosis,a The American Journal of Sports Medicine 18 (1990): 379-381.

11 N. E. Lane and others, aThe Risk of Osteoarthritis with Running and Aging: A 5-year Longitudinal Study,a Journal of Rheumatology 20.3 (1993): 461-468.

12 Beat Knechtle and others, aFhrt Laufen zu Arthrose?a Praxis 95 (2005): 1305-1316.

13 Stefan Gdde, aRheumatoide Arthritis: Kondition und Sport,a Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Sportmedizin 5 (2004): 137-138.

14 B. K. Pedersen and B. Saltin, aEvidence for Prescribing Exercise as Therapy in Chronic Disease,a Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 16, suppl.1 (2006): 3-63.

15 Kevin McCully and others, aReduced Oxidative Muscle Metabolism in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,a Muscle Nerve 19 (1996): 621-625.

16 Kathy Fulcher and Peter White, aRandomised Controlled Trial of Graded Exercise in Patients with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,a British Medical Journal 314 (1997): 1647-1652.

17 Monika Siegrist and others, aKraftraining an Konventionellen bzw. Oszillierenden Gerten und Wirbelsulengymnastik in der Prvention der Osteoporose bei Postmenopausalen Frauen,a Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Sportmedizin 7/8 (2006): 182-188.

18 The number relates to women with a femoral neck T score of 2.5 or less; C. Green and others, Bone Mineral Density Testing: Does the Evidence Support Its Selective Use in Well Women? (Vancouver, BC: British Columbia Office of Health Technology a.s.sessment, 1997).

19 Steven R. c.u.mmings and others, aEffect of Alendronate on Risk of Fracture in Women with Low Bone Density but Without Vertebral Fractures: Results from the Fracture Intervention Trial,a Journal of the American Medical a.s.sociation 280 (1998): 2077-2082.

20 John Abramson, Overdosed America (New York: HarperCollins, 2004).

21 Ibid.

22 Henry Bone and others, aTen Yearsa Experience with Alendronate for Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women,a New England Journal of Medicine 350 (2004): 1189-1199.

23 Eckhard Schnau and Oliver Fricke, aMuskel und Knochena"eine funktionelle Einheit,a Deutsches "rzteblatt 50 (2006): A3414-A3419.

24 Diane Feskanich and others, aWalking and Leisure-Time Activity and Risk of Hip Fracture in Postmenopausal Women,a Journal of the American Medical a.s.sociation 288 (2002): 2300-2306.

25 Press release, University of Freiburg, Germany, March 9, 2004.

26 Ibid.

27 Edward Gregg and others, aPhysical Activity and Osteoporotic Fracture Risk in Older Women,a Annals of Internal Medicine 129 (1998): 81-88.

28 Der Tagesspiegel, October 31, 2006.


1 I learned about Dr Weinsteinas twisted back from a newspaper article and interviewed him subsequently by phone. See also Gina Kolata, aWhen Itas O.K. to Run Hurt,a New York Times, January 11, 2007.

2 James Weinstein, aAbsent from Work: Nature Versus Nurture,a Annals of Internal Medicine 140 (2004): 142-143.

3 Gordon Waddell and others, aSystematic Reviews of Bed Rest and Advice to Stay Active for Acute Low Back Pain,a British Journal of General Practice 47 (1997): 647-652.

4 Annette Becker, aSchonungslose Medizina"Der neue Umgang mit dem Kranksein,a Zeitschrift fr Allgemeinmedizin 82 (2006): 338-342.

5 Jan Hildebrandt and S. Mense, aRckenschmerzen-ein ungelstes Problem,a Der Schmerz 6 (2001): 411-412.

6 Steffen Heger, aZur Psychosomatik des Failed-Back-Syndroms: Warum Rckenschmerzen chronifizieren,a Der Nervenarzt 3 (1999): 225-232.

7 Jrgen Krmer, aPresidential Address: Natural Course and Prognosis of Intervertebral Disc Disease,a Spine 20 (1995): 635-639.

8 Richard Deyo, aLow-Back Pain,a Scientific American, August 1998.

9 Ibid.

10 Heger, 225-232.

11 Richard Deyo and James Weinstein, aLow Back Pain,a New England Journal of Medicine 344 (2001): 363-370.

12 Ingrid Gralow, aPsychosoziale Risikofaktoren in der Chronifizierung von Rckenschmerzen,a Schmerz 14 (2000): 104-110.

13 Jan Hildebrandt, aDie Muskulatur als Ursache fr Rckenschmerzen,a Schmerz 17 (2003): 412-418.

14 Ibid.

15 Michael Pfingsten and Jan Hildebrandt, aDie Behandlung Chronischer Rckenschmerzen durch ein Intensives Aktivierungskonzept (GRIP)a"Eine Bilanz von 10 Jahren,a Ansthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 36 (2001): 580-589.

16 Kolata.

17 Michael Strumpf and others, aMedikamentse Therapie bei Rckenschmerzen,a Schmerz 15 (2001): 453-460.

18 Pfingsten and Hildebrandt, 580-589.

19 James Weinstein and others, aSurgical Versus Nonoperative Treatment for Lumbar Disk Herniation,a Journal of the American Medical a.s.sociation 296 (2006): 2441-2450.

20 Eugene Carragee, aSurgical Treatment of Lumbar Disk Disorders,a Journal of the American Medical a.s.sociation 296 (2006): 2485- 2487.

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