Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico Part 32

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> Queen Charlotte's Island, Gallatin in Trans. and Coll. Am. Antiq.

Soc., II, 15, 306, 1836 (no tribe indicated). Gallatin in Trans. Am.

Eth. Soc., II, pt. 1, 77, 1848 (based on Skittagete language). Latham in Jour. Eth. Soc. Lond., 1, 154, 1848. Latham, Opuscula, 349, 1860.

X Northern, Scouler in Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc. Lond., XI, 219, 1841 (includes Queen Charlotte's Island and tribes on islands and coast up to 60 N.L.; Haidas, Ma.s.settes, Skittegas, c.u.mshawas). Prichard, Phys. Hist. Mankind, V, 433, 1847 (follows Scouler).

= Kygani, Dall in Proc. Am. a.s.s'n, 269, 1869 (Queen Charlotte's Ids.

or Haidahs).

X Nootka, Bancroft, Nat. Races, III, 564, 1882 (contains Quane, probably of present family; Quactoe, Saukaulutuck).

The vocabulary referred by Gallatin[95] to "Queen Charlotte's Islands"

unquestionably belongs to the present family. In addition to being a compound word and being objectionable as a family name on account of its unwieldiness, the term is a purely geographic one and is based upon no stated tribe; hence it is not eligible for use in systematic nomenclature. As it appears in the Archaeologia Americana it represents nothing but the locality whence the vocabulary of an unknown tribe was received.

[Footnote 95: Archaeologia Americana, 1836, II, pp. 15, 306.]

The family name to be considered as next in order of date is the Northern (or Haidah) of Scouler, which appears in volume XI, Royal Geographical Society, page 218, et seq. The term as employed by Scouler is involved in much confusion, and it is somewhat difficult to determine just what tribes the author intended to cover by the designation.

Reduced to its simplest form, the case stands as follows: Scouler's primary division of the Indians of the Northwest was into two groups, the insular and the inland. The insular (and coast tribes) were then subdivided into two families, viz, Northern or Haidah family (for the terms are interchangeably used, as on page 224) and the Southern or Nootka-Columbian family. Under the Northern or Haidah family the author all the Indian tribes in the Russian territory, the Kolchians (Athapascas of Gallatin, 1836), the Koloshes, Ugalentzes, and Tun Ghaase (the Koluscans of Gallatin, 1836); the Atnas (Salish of Gallatin, 1836); the Kenaians (Athapascas, Gallatin, 1836); the Haidah tribes proper of Queen Charlotte Island, and the Chimesyans.

It will appear at a glance that such a heterogeneous a.s.semblage of tribes, representing as they do several distinct stocks, can not have been cla.s.sed together on purely linguistic evidence. In point of fact, Scouler's remarkable cla.s.sification seems to rest only in a very slight degree upon a linguistic basis, if indeed it can be said to have a linguistic basis at all. Consideration of "physical character, manners, and customs" were clearly accorded such weight by this author as to practically remove his Northern or Haidah family from the list of linguistic stocks.

The next family name which was applied in this connection is the Skittagets of Gallatin as above cited. This name is given to designate a family on page _c_, volume II, of Transactions of the Ethnological Society, 1848. In his subsequent list of vocabularies, page 77, he changes his designation to Queen Charlotte Island, placing under this family name the Skittagete tribe. His presentation of the former name of Skittagets in his complete list of families is, however, sufficiently formal to render it valid as a family designation, and it is, therefore, retained for the tribes of the Queen Charlotte Archipelago which have usually been called Haida.

From a comparison of the vocabularies of the Haida language with others of the neighboring Koluschan family, Dr. Franz Boas is inclined to consider that the two are genetically related. The two languages possess a considerable number of words in common, but a more thorough investigation is requisite for the settlement of the question than has yet been given. Pending this the two families are here treated separately.


The tribes of this family occupy Queen Charlotte Islands, Forrester Island to the north of the latter, and the southeastern part of Prince of Wales Island, the latter part having been ascertained by the agents of the Tenth Census.[96]

[Footnote 96: See Petroff map of Alaska, 1880-'81.]


The following is a list of the villages:

Haida: Kaigani: Aseguang. Chatcheeni.

c.u.mshawa. Clicka.s.s.

Kayung. Howakan.

Kung. Quiahanless.

Kun?it. Shakan.


New Gold Harbor.






_Population._--The population of the Haida is 2,500, none of whom are at present under an agent.


= Takilma, Gatschet in Mag. Am. Hist., 1882 (Lower Rogue River).

This name was proposed by Mr. Gatschet for a distinct language spoken on the coast of Oregon about the lower Rogue River. Mr. Dorsey obtained a vocabulary in 1884 which he has compared with Athapascan, Kusan, Yakonan, and other languages spoken in the region without finding any marked resemblances. The family is hence admitted provisionally. The language appears to be spoken by but a single tribe, although there is a ma.n.u.script vocabulary in the Bureau of Ethnology exhibiting certain differences which may be dialectic.


The Takilma formerly dwelt in villages along upper Rogue River, Oregon, all the latter, with one exception, being on the south side, from Illinois River on the southwest, to Deep Rock, which was nearer the head of the stream. They are now included among the "Rogue River Indians,"

and they reside to the number of twenty-seven on the Siletz Reservation, Tillamook County, Oregon, where Dorsey found them in 1884.


> Tay-waugh, Lane (1854) in Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, V. 689, 1855 (Pueblos of San Juan, Santa Clara, Pojuaque, Nambe. San Il de Conso, and one Moqui pueblo). Keane, App. Stanford's Comp. (Cent, and So.

Am.), 479, 1878.

> Tano, Powell in Rocky Mountain Presbyterian, Nov., 1878 (includes Sandia, Tewa, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, Pojoaque, Nambe, Tesuque, Sinecu, Jemez, Taos, Picuri).

> Tegna, Keane, App. Stanford's Comp. (Cent, and So. Am.), 479, 1878 (includes S. Juan, Sta. Clara, Pojuaque, Nambe, Tesugue, S. Ildefonso, Haro).

= Tewan, Powell in Am. Nat., 605, Aug., 1880 (makes five divisions: 1.

Tano (Isleta, Isleta near El Paso, Sandia); 2. Taos (Taos, Picuni); 3.

Jemes (Jemes); 4. Tewa or Tehua (San Ildefonso, San Juan, Pojoaque, Nambe, Tesuque, Santa Clara, and one Moki pueblo); 5. Piro).

> E-nagh-magh, Lane (1854) in Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, V, 689, 1855 (includes Taos, Vicuris, Zesuqua, Sandia, Ystete, and two pueblos near El Paso, Texas). Keane, App. Stanford's Comp. (Cent, and So. Am.), 479, 1878 (follows Lane, but identifies Texan pueblos with Lentis? and Socorro?).

> Picori, Keane, App. Stanford's Comp. (Cent, and So. Am.), 479, 1878 (or Enaghmagh).

= Stock of Rio Grande Pueblos, Gatschet in U.S. Geog. Surv. W. 100th M., vii, 415, 1879.

= Rio Grande Pueblo, Gatschet in Mag. Am. Hist., 258, 1882.

Derivation: Probably from "tainin," plural of ta-ide, "Indian," in the dialect of Isleta and Sandia (Gatschet).

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