Corps Security: Cooper Part 17

Corps Security: Cooper -

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Sway called an emergency meeting today, so I've been waiting for Dee to swing by and pick me up before we head over to the salon. It's the Thursday before the big meet is supposed to happen, and the guys are spending a few more hours in the office going over last-minute business. I know Asher is struggling with his decision, but I also know that he's made the right one, and I'll do my best to help him come to terms with that.

"How are you today, Ms. Avery?" Joe asks when I step into the lobby. Dee just called saying that she was ten minutes away and to "be ready so we don't miss the show."

"I'm doing well, Joe. Thank you for asking. How are you doing? Anything exciting happening in the building?"

"Oh, just the same old same old. We got a few new renters-one right on your floor and some on the lower floors. Had a dog steal Mrs. Marks's wig right off her head the other day. Never thought I would see the day that woman ran after something," he laughs.

"I bet that was a sight to see. Did she run with her walker?"

Mrs. Marks is a mean old lady who is pus.h.i.+ng ninety-five. I don't think I've ever seen her move quicker than shuffle speed. The thought of her running after a dog has uncontrollable giggles escaping. By the time Dee walks into the lobby, Joe and I are in peals of laughter, the sound booming through the otherwise quiet lobby.

"Hey, Joe!" Dee sings.

"Well, h.e.l.lo there, Ms. Dee! What a pleasure it is to see you. I hope everything is going well with that man of yours."

"Hey, how come you never call me Ms. Chelcie?"

He looks confused for a second before a smirk curls his winkled lips. "Ms. Avery, you've never asked me to," he jests.

"Oh, well...please do."

Both Dee and Joe laugh at my embarra.s.sment.

"He's amazing, Joe. We're getting married soon. Can you believe it?"

"Yes, Ms. Dee, I can believe it." He looks over at me and I know it's coming before he opens his mouth. "And I hear there's a congratulations in order for you and Mr. Cooper as well?"

I hear Dee gasp, and before I can answer Joe, she s.n.a.t.c.hes my hand in hers. "Holy s.h.i.+t," she mumbles. "Holy s.h.i.+t! You didn't tell me?"

"Thanks, Joe. I'm extremely happy."

He gives me a nod and I make quick work of saying our goodbyes. Dee doesn't let go of my hand the entire time.

We climb into her car-after she was kind enough to let go of my hand-and she gives me a second to buckle my seatbelt before turning on me, the questions flying rapidly out of her mouth.

"How did he ask? OhmiG.o.d! When did it happen? Were you shocked? I bet you cried. Have you set a date? We should go look at dresses this weekend. Well, maybe we should wait until after the baby comes before we do that," she giggles. "Holy s.h.i.+t, Chelcie. Everyone is going to freak out! I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"Jesus, Dee, take a breather. We didn't tell anyone. There hasn't been a chance. We were planning on telling you guys after everything settled down some more."

"I'm so happy for you, for both of you. You deserve this happiness. All three of you do."

"Thank you. I'm unbelievably happy."

"Sway is going to freak!"

I lay my head back and prepare myself for the frenzy I'm sure this day will turn into.

"Hey, Beck mentioned something to me when he got back the other day-you know when you guys had that meeting at CS?" I nod, questioning where she is going with this. "He mentioned the name Zac. Is that what you decided to name the baby?"

I turn and look at her, wondering when I let Zac's name slip. It makes sense that I would have. Emotionally, the stakes were so high in that conference room that I used every tool I had to get Asher to listen. If he wouldn't have for me, I know he would have for Zac. We hadn't wanted to tell anyone what we were having, so I'm kind of upset that not only is his gender known, but also his name.

"Yeah, we decided to name him Zac," I speak softly.

It doesn't really matter if they know, and we can still share the meaning behind his nickname when he's born. I mentally remind myself to fill Asher in on everyone knowing.

"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" she hesitantly asks while merging into traffic.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just didn't realize that I had said Zac's name. We had planned on waiting until he was born to announce it."

"I'm sorry, Chelcie. If it makes you feel better, I think I'm the only one who knows. Beck just asked me if I had heard anything about it."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I've got a healthy baby boy, a great fiance, and...and I just sent my book off to my editor, Mickey. Trust me, Dee. It's okay."

"Holy s.h.i.+t, Chelc! That's amazing. Congratulations."

"Thank you. I'm still terrified, but I figure I would regret it if I never tried."

"I agree. I can't wait to read it."

I smile at her and we continue to make small talk before we pull into the parking lot where Sway's salon is located as well as Dee's small insurance company and the Corps Security offices.

Dee loops her arm through mine and we take off across the parking lot. I have to struggle to keep up with her. Her ever-present heels are eating up the pace quicker than I can waddle after her. I've turned into a d.a.m.n teeter-totter the last few days. The only things that have grown on my body are my and belly, but it still feels like I have an extra hundred pounds to carry around.

"Slow down, you crazy woman," I hiss when I almost fall on my face.

"Hey, you just need to figure out how to get that watermelon to sway with you," she giggles.

"Whoa, this belly doesn't sway. I haven't swayed in way too long. I just kind of march, heavy and with a weird side step to keep my hips from grinding."

She shudders. "That sounds terrible."

I laugh. "It really isn't that bad. I think the positives by far outweigh the pain I might be feeling for a few more weeks."

I try to keep it positive, but truth be told, I'm miserable. I just want to be done being pregnant and hold my son in my arms. Unfortunately, I still have some time. My last doctor's appointment confirmed that Zac is measuring well past his gestational age. Dr. Sosa laughed and told me politely that the baby must take after his linebacker father. I don't ever correct her when she a.s.sumes that Asher is the father. To us, he will be, and the detail of Zac's conception isn't anyone else's business but our own.

"I guess you're right," she says reverently. "Maybe one day, but for now, we're having too much fun practicing." She winks at me and pushes the door to the salon open wide. "Hey, everyone! Guess who's engaged!" she screams at the top of her voice.

My face instantly heats, but I laugh right along with her when every one of our friends pounces. My hand is pulled in a million directions. Congratulations are squealed and screamed. By the time all the girls have stopped gawking at my beautiful ring, I look up and see Sway-hands on his hips and his eyebrow raised.

"You better get that fine a.s.s over here, mama!" he

I excuse myself from his receptionist's grasp and walk over to where he's standing. Like normal, he's dressed loudly.

"You look good, Sway. How much weight have you lost now?" I implore, hoping that he won't make a big deal about this.

"Don't you try and distract me now, honey. I know I look good. Between Davey helping me work out at the gym and at home, oh Lordy Lou, you would think I would have those s.e.xy six-pack abs all of you girls' fine men have. But enough about me and how fabulous I am." He moves one heavily braceleted arm to his hip, sticking his other hand in my direction and waving it as if I'm supposed to magically know what he's demanding. "Don't make me wait all day, you vixen. Give me that hand!"

I laugh and bring my left hand up. He oh-so-delicately jerks me forward and pulls my hand closer. I can hear him humming and awwing as he gazes at it in rapture. I try to put myself in his shoes-his very tall-heeled shoes-and look at my ring from his eyes. Asher went slightly overboard, but I can't help but smile every time I look at it.

The large, round diamond is set high on a triple band of diamonds. It's relatively simple-if you can overlook the obnoxious size of diamond sitting on those stunning, thin bands. He explained to me that he knew right away when he saw the ring that it was the one. He wanted something special, something I could look at and remember how much he loves me, but also something that would represent our son and what brought us together-Coop. So he clarified that each band stood for the men in my life. One for him, Zac, and Coop. By the time he finished telling me that story, I was crying hysterically. He just laughed and pulled me closer.

"Your arm is going to kill you carrying that big diamond around, but holy Mr. Bojangles, it is stunning!" Sway drops my hand and spins in a circle on his heels. His blouse bellows around him as he twirls, and when it lifts in the back, I notice-with jealousy-how tight his a.s.s looks.

"Did you just say Mr. Bojangles?" Izzy laughs from behind me.

"Don't you make fun of me, you woman you."

"You just make it so easy," Dee giggles.

"Hmph. I do not," he smiles.

We spend the next five hours gossiping, getting pampered within an inch of our lives, and watching all of the men come and go from the Corps Security offices-not a single one is one of our boys. And by the time Dee drops me off at home, my stomach hurts from how often I laughed.

Chapter 31 Asher.

It's killing me knowing that Chelcie is just next door and I'm not able to go see her. With all of the red tape we've been trying to fight through and meeting after meeting to brief each tactical team on everything I know, I feel like my mind is about to explode.

We have finally finished all of our meetings today. Dominic Murphy will be going down and there isn't a d.a.m.n thing that can stop it now. He has so much s.h.i.+t piled on the scales against him-all of the evidence I'm responsible for bringing to light. I expected to feel upset over losing my chance at vengeance, but I know that Chelcie is right. Coop would hate this, and what's important is that I'm around for my family. If something would have gone wrong and I was taken from Chelcie-just the thought kills me.

After the last handshake from the suit from the FBI, I wait until he leaves my office-my official office-and breathe a sigh of relief.

It's over.

In two short days, Dominic will go down. Even though Coop's murder is my motivation in this, it feels good to know that someone as disgusting as him will be taken off the streets. The sense of pride that fills me when I think about how-or rather by whom-all of this was set in motion is all consuming.

I'm not even upset that I won't be a part of the takedown. I don't need to be there. I don't need anything but the verification that he's behind bars when it's over. I've done my part, and in turning all my intel over, I've also guaranteed Chelcie's and Zac's safety.

There hasn't been anything else threatening since that one letter. I instantly pulled back and stopped being so reckless in my hunt of Dom. I used the Internet to silently weave in and out of his life. Thank G.o.d, because his being clueless means that Chelcie is no long in danger.

It's time to live our lives for the future we're building, and I can't wait.

"You getting ready to head out?"

I look up and take in Maddox's casual stance. "I was thinking about it. Did you see the girls leave yet?"

"Yeah. Headed out about five minutes ago."

"All right, so tell me why you're standing there keeping me from getting home to my woman."

One thing about Maddox is that, when he speaks, you listen, so I know he wouldn't be here if he didn't think this was worth it. He's a man of few words, and I can respect that. And I owe him for waking my a.s.s up when I'd needed it. I'm not sure if I would be where I am right now had it not been for him.

He walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. He takes a few slow steps before sitting in the chair across from me. Once he's settled in, his arms rest against each armrest, his fingers laced in front of him. He doesn't say anything for the longest time, just observes me in an eerie silence.

"I'm proud of you, brother," he finally says.

"Thanks, Maddox. I owe it to you, you know. I'm not sure anyone could have knocked some sense into me quite like you did. You made me see the h.e.l.l I was letting myself become consumed with." I look away, getting ahold of my emotions. "I wouldn't have any of this if you hadn't reminded me that there were still things worth living for. I wouldn't have one h.e.l.l of a woman who is about to become my wife. A son on the way. And most importantly-with this s.h.i.+t we just finished up here this week-I wouldn't have peace with Coop's death."

"I didn't do anything but remind you what's important. Far as I can see, you did all the hard work. Just remember, there are going to be days when that darkness starts creeping up on you. You can feel it starting to whisper against your skin, see it out of the corner of your eyes, and sometimes it's right on your heels. It's not easy, Ash. Sometimes it's a daily war against no one but yourself. If you need me, I'm here."

I clear my throat and nod. He's so spot-on with how it feels when I have a bad day. When the grief and sadness of missing my brother become too much to bear.

"Congratulations, by the way. I noticed that rock on her hand the other day. You deserve this, Asher, and she's one h.e.l.l of a warrior to have in your corner."

"That she is," I reply with pride dripping from my words.

I wait a few moments and study Maddox. He looks exhausted. I can tell that the last few months have been hard for him. I know enough that he's been fighting Emmy to come home, but as far as details-he's been dead silent on those.

"How are things with Emmy?" I hedge.

His eyes flash, pain and exasperation in the forefront. "She's back, so there's something."

He doesn't say anything else, and judging by his tone, if I pressed it, he wouldn't take that well. Whatever the h.e.l.l is going on between them seems to just be getting worse.

"You were there when I needed you, Mad. Don't go at this like you're alone, okay?"

"It's sometimes for the best that way. I'm happy for you and Chelcie-really, I am-but Emmy deserves better than anything I could ever give her."

I open my mouth to lay into him like he did to just months before but stop and hold up my hand for him to wait when my cell starts ringing.

"Hey, Suns.h.i.+ne?"

The grin I'm sporting has Maddox pus.h.i.+ng himself up to stand. I notice distractedly that he seems to be moving slower than normal today.

"Chelcie? Are you there?"

I wait, wondering why the h.e.l.l she's calling me if all I'm going to hear are some weird scuffling noises. It sounds like she dialed me from her purse or something.

"Chelcie?" I try one more time.

Maddox turns from where he's about to walk out of the room. His eyes are narrowed in a way that has every hair on my body tingling with dread.

"Chelcie, please," I mutter. "Please, Suns.h.i.+ne."

My stomach feels like it's full of lead. I don't move the phone from my ear as I start moving papers from my desk, looking for my keys.

I look up when Maddox lets out a quick whistle. He holds his own keys up and nods his head towards the door. He doesn't have to f.u.c.king tell me twice. With the phone to my ear, I make my way behind Maddox.

I'm praying over and over that my gut is wrong and that she just accidently forgot to lock her phone, but I stop dead just steps away from the front door to Corps Security. When I hear her ear-piercing scream break through the static in the line, my blood runs cold and I sprint into action.

I reach Maddox's Charger ahead of him, waiting impatiently as he hurries to the driver's seat. He doesn't ask questions-he just throws the car in gear and speeds out of the parking lot. I keep the phone pressed tight to my ear, praying to hear something else that will give me a clue as to what we're about to walk into.

f.u.c.k me. An image of Dominic Murphy flashes through my mind and a sob bubbles out when I think that, by not killing that b.a.s.t.a.r.d when I could have, I could lose everything.

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