Corps Security: Cooper Part 16

Corps Security: Cooper -

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I follow Asher's lead when he heads down the hallway that I know leads to their offices as well as the conference room in the back. Axel and Greg are in deep conversation about the pros and cons in hunting big game. I don't even want to know what the h.e.l.l that means. I s.h.i.+ver at the thought, causing Asher to tighten his hold on my hand and look at me in question. I just shake my head and look around the room.

"Hey, guys," I say when we step into the room, doing my best to plaster on a happy smile.

"Hey, Chelc. How are you feeling?" Greg asks warmly.

"I'm doing okay, just tired. Pretty sure that's normal though-all things considered."

He laughs when I wave my hand over my big belly.

"You have no idea. Melissa was tired all the time. Just nap when you can. She said that helped."

"Izzy was the same way with Nate. Things seem to be different this time around though. Hang in there. You're almost done." Axel smiles at me, but before I can address them, I'm beat to the punch.

"Yeah, bet that's because it's a girl this time," Beck jokes when he joins the group. "That would be interesting with how protective you are of Izzy and Nate. I can see it now. You're going to have that baby in a bulletproof bubble before she can talk."

I laugh because, really, he probably isn't wrong. Axel is crazy about Izzy and Nate, almost to the point where it's overkill. She seems to love it, so I guess that works for them.

Looking over at Asher, I think for the millionth time how lucky I am. He seems to have little bits of each of these strong alpha males' personalities in him. He has Axel's protectiveness without being over the top. If what Melissa tells us is correct, he shares Greg's bedroom skills. He has that huge heart of gold that Beck is famous for. And of course, he shares Maddox's strength and determination.

I always found it fascinating how much these men all act like a family, but when you get right down to it, they really are brothers. Just minus the shared DNA. Sometimes I think that makes their bond stronger. They've fought together, worked together, and lived their lives together. They have that bond that some siblings will never have.

"Come on, Suns.h.i.+ne. Have a seat and I'll go grab you a water."

I sit in the proffered seat and look around the room, once again feeling the claws of dread latching into my skin, digging in deep, and refusing to leave.

"Is everyone here?" Greg asks from the head of the table.

"Not yet," Axel responds, walking up to Greg and punching him in the shoulder. Greg laughs and moves out of Axel's spot.

"Who isn't here yet?" Beck asks, looking around the room.


I turn my head and s.h.i.+ver at the intensity of the gaze that locks with mine.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Beck says, walking over to give Maddox one of those weird half-hug, half-backslap things that men do. "When did you get back in town?"

I'm starting to feel a little uneasy with Maddox's black eyes still focused only on me. I don't think there are many people who could hold his gaze and not physically feel burned. He gives me just the barest of nods before stepping forward, a slight limp to his long gait.

"We've been back a few days now," he answers, coming around the table.

He greets Axel and Greg the same way he did Beck. When he gets to Asher, my eyes widen. He pulls him close, his embrace different than the others, and turns his head to whisper something so that only Asher can hear.

Asher's back gets tight, and I watch these two men interact with complete fascination. When Maddox finishes speaking to him, he pulls back, and whatever Asher says in response has a smile taking over his normally stoic mask. A smile that is so beautiful I let out a gasp before I can stop myself.

Asher turns and gives me a smile of his own before pulling out the high-back, leather office chair and settling his large frame down. The guys are all speaking amongst themselves, so I take a moment to lean over and question Asher about what Maddox just said.

"Are you okay? That looked...interesting."

"Yeah." He looks over at me, his clear, blue eyes s.h.i.+ning with a peace-like intensity. "He just reminded me about something he told me a few months ago. He asked me how that darkness has been treating me, and d.a.m.n, it felt good to tell him I have been standing in the middle of some h.e.l.l of a suns.h.i.+ne for a while now."

Even though his words kind of make sense to me, the fact that Maddox is asking has me baffled.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Chelcie. It's good, I promise you."

"All right, let's get this started. Asher, why don't you go ahead and let us know what you need talk to us about." Axel interrupts.

I look around and notice that all four of the other men in the room have taken their seats, all staring intently at Asher and waiting for him to talk.

Oh, G.o.d. This is it.

I dig my fingers into the armrest on the chair, willing my body to calm down and my mind to stay sharp. This isn't about me; this is about Asher and making sure that he makes the best decision with the most favorable outcome. I know that, if anyone can see reason in his turning all of his information on Dominic Murphy over to the authorities, it will be these men. However, I also know that these men's sense of loyalty and pa.s.sion runs deep. If they agree that vengeance is the way to go, there will be no way for me to talk him down from the ledge.

"As some of you know, I've spent a good bit of time looking into Dominic Murphy. His empire of evil is essentially what lead to Coop's death. You all know the details on his connection, so I'll spare you those. I have been able to confirm from a few inside sources close to Dom that he did, in fact, put the word out that Coop's death had been taken to call on a debt. A debt that Coop didn't owe him. Dom doesn't care that he killed an innocent man. To him, it is nothing but a normal day in the office." Asher reaches out, pulls my hand off the armrest, and places it on his firm thigh before returning his eyes to the men around the table.

"It's taken me months to get everything I have on this man. To get the proof I needed to pin Coop's demise on him and to get enough piled up on him that I could bury him underneath prison. I've spent hours staking out his local businesses, places of leisure, and homes. I know the ident.i.ty of each one of his closest allies. If he breathes, at this point, I'll know it. I've gotten close enough to place tracking devices on six of his known vehicles as well as attached a few to his person when I was lucky enough to get close at a few restaurants he frequents. Not much, and if he isn't wearing the jackets in question or they aren't hanging within a close enough distance to pick up audio, they're basically worthless."

He looks over at me to a.s.sess how I'm holding it together. I give him a few squeezes to his leg and urge him to continue. Whatever he sees in my eyes is enough that he gives me a small nod and turns back again.

"I've managed to collect audio confirmation about his involvement in Coop's murder. It might not be enough to convict him alone, but it is enough to paint him in one h.e.l.l of a d.a.m.ning light."

"You've managed to get this on your own without getting one of us to sit in on this with you? What the h.e.l.l were you thinking?" Axel booms from his seat. "Brother, I understand where you're coming from, but putting yourself in danger won't help a d.a.m.n thing."

"Well, with all due respect, brother, this wasn't your call to make. I've been safe, I've stayed hidden in the shadows, and trust me, he doesn't have a clue. If he did..." He pauses, looking over at me. "If he did, then I wouldn't be sitting here right now."

"It was reckless, Asher," Greg throws in.

"Maybe so, but at that time, I didn't think I had anything to lose. Now... Now, I know better."

I can feel my throat getting tight, and I will the impending tears away, blinking rapidly, taking my eyes off of Asher's proud strength, which seems to be emanating from his body.

"I had a long chat with Chelcie last night. She's helped me see things in a new light, and the reason that I-that we-called you here is so that you can help me make this decision. I'm not sure that I can trust myself when it comes to seeing the logic. I want to lead with my heart, anger, and grief. I think I can say now that, if I do that, then the outcome might not be favorable."

"That makes sense. Hard to be objective with the target when you're seeing your pain. Pain that he's responsible for," Axel grumbles.

"So tell us what you have," Beck stresses.

Greg and Maddox remain silent, their eyes hard. It's hard for me to judge what's going through their heads. I know that each of these men had a different relations.h.i.+p with Coop. Beck's and Greg's were arguably the closest. I think Maddox and Coop had shared a bond as well. h.e.l.l, judging by the fury that is coming off of him in waves, my guess is that he was closer to Coop than any of us know.

"Some more audio that could be used to convince a more in-depth investigation on him. But let's face it-they might have him on their radar, but they haven't been looking hard enough. It took me a handful of months dedicated to trailing his every movement, another few months hacking into every system that Dominic might have touched with the smallest fingerprint, and a few unbelievably close calls. In that time, I managed to get a lock on at least six local warehouses that he is using to house his firearm trade. Another four that, best I can tell, are his packaging and distribution centers for his drug empire. Two houses, owned by him or his second-in-command, Pauly, that are keeping up his methamphetamine trade. I've also located close to the same in seven different towns scattered from New York to Miami. All of this has picture evidence, of both the locations and visuals of Dom at each location."

When he stops, I think he's done. My mind is spinning with everything I've just learned-how deep he has managed to coil himself in this vengeance he's seeking. It isn't until his voice breaks the silence that I realize just how close I came to him making this decision alone-and, I fear, without him ever telling anyone what he had planned. I could have lost him, and judging by just how powerful this man is, I doubt I ever would have known what happened to him.

"I've gotten some recent intel from my inside source that there is a meet scheduled for this coming between Dom and another man from Chicago, Dino, to make the final transaction in one of the largest drug and firearm deals we've seen. I'm talking billions of dollars worth of just guns alone. They're meeting in Chicago, Dino's turf, and from what I can tell from my guy on the inside, this was Dom's way of expressing his loyalties to the cause. Whatever the case."

"Jesus Christ," Maddox spits through clenched teeth.

Greg nods in agreement. "You aren't lying, Mad."

"Let me get this straight. You've been sitting on this for all of this time for what exactly?" Axel asks.

I hold my breath and wait for Asher to continue, knowing that this is the moment when these men will pick sides. They will pick sides and essentially decide my man's fate.

"So that I can avenge my brother's murder."

Chapter 29 Chelcie.

It takes only seconds after Asher hissed out those eight words.

Those eight words that will either be his demise or his salvation.

In that short time, the room explodes with voices of concern, outrage, anger, and understanding. I can't tell with all of their yelling which is winning.

"Excuse me," I try to say over the testosterone fest that is raging within the conference room's four solid walls. They don't even spare me a glance.

Each one of them is speaking over the other, trying to be the lone voice that gains the upper hand and gets to speak first.

h.e.l.l. No.

There is no way I'm going to sit back and let them help make the call that would define my future. No way. That would not only be tempting fate with Asher's own life, but if I know anything about these men, it is that they would never let Ash go at this alone-effectively making this a call that will affect all of their futures and those of their families.

"Excuse me," I try again, raising my voice slightly.

When that still doesn't work, I push myself up, the chair wheeling back with a force so strong that it slams against the wall behind me. They still don't even stop to look at me.

Looking around the room for something that will help me gain the upper hand, I see Maddox watching me with a small smirk on his face. He isn't even attempting to stick his voice into the uncontrolled war around us. I'm not sure what compels me to act like a child, but seeing him just sitting there-doing nothing-causes my already rising temper to shoot through the roof.

I place my hands on my hips, c.o.c.k my head to the side, and stick my tongue out at him.

Well, it seems as if basket case has decided to come and play today.

I see his shoulders move with his silent laughter, and then he pushes up from the table and walks around the short distance to me, all the while going completely unnoticed by the other men in the room. They just keep yelling over each other.

Maddox dips his head low, his face just inches from mine, and I try my hardest not to cower under his intense gaze. He's standing so close that I can feel the heat of his nose against my own. He gives me one sharp nod, s.h.i.+fts to the right, and brings his mouth to my ear.

"You make sure and keep that d.a.m.n light s.h.i.+ning bright on him. You give a broken man like me hope that there might be something to be said about trusting that blaze that fights a man's demons." Then he pulls back just as quickly.

I get one h.e.l.l of a smile before he places his hands on my hips, turns my body to face the men in the room, and lifts me up. I flail for a second until I realize that he's helping me onto the conference table. He doesn't remove his hands, making sure that I'm safe on my perch.

"EXCUSE ME!" I scream.

The room falls silent and all four of the grown toddlers fighting over the last cookie turn to look at me with shock.

Greg's and Beck's eyes go wide. Axel roars with laughter. But Asher's face turns hard as he looks at Maddox with nothing short of bared vehemence.

"I suggest you get your f.u.c.king hands off my woman," he fumes.

Maddox doesn't move. He keeps his hold on my hips, and I see Asher's eye twitch.

"I'll f.u.c.king kill you," he vows.

"Oh be quiet, you overgrown ape!" I scream down at him.

His blue eyes are alight with anger, but I can see the shock starting to hit him with my tone.

"That's right. All of you just shut up for a second. Sitting here and p.i.s.sing all over each other isn't going to accomplish anything, but I have something to say and you're d.a.m.n well going to listen to me." Maddox's fingers flex against my hips in encouragement. "I will agree with Asher that this a.s.shole, this vile excuse for a human, needs to pay for what he did and every crime he's committed since Coop's death. I firmly believe that he needs one h.e.l.l of a kick in the a.s.s. He needs to suffer, and he needs to suffer for a long time. That being said, going off half-c.o.c.ked to seek some vigilante type of justice? News flash-you boys are not invincible and there are a lot of people who love you, who don't want to see something terrible happen to you."

I look around the room while I gauge the best way to express myself. "Tell me this. Would Coop, for one second, want you all to be putting your lives on the line just so that you can avenge him? Well, I'll tell you this much-he d.a.m.n sure wouldn't. I might not have known him as long or as well as you all did, but I knew a man who lived each day as if it were his last. He laughed often. He loved fiercely. He was strong, brave, and courageous. He was a man who knew right down to the last second what he was giving up by stepping in front of that bullet." Maddox's hands clench so tight that I have to bite my cheek to keep from crying out in pain. "He a.s.sessed the situation and he decided that he would be the hero he was meant to be. He would be sick if he knew that any one of you were willing to follow him into the grave just to punish the man responsible."

I look down at Asher, his earlier anger washed away, and he's looking up at me with something close to shocked pride.

"His memory will never be anything short of miraculous. Asher, baby, he doesn't need this vengeance in the way that you have planned. You don't need to kill another man to make this wrong right. Make him pay, suffer, and spend the rest of his days locked in a cell with no hope of ever seeing the outside again. I'm begging you, baby. I don't want our son to lose another father. We need you," I stress.

I pat Maddox's hands, letting him know that I'm ready to get down. He easily lifts me off the table and gently places my feet on the floor. I turn, give him a brief hug, and turn back to Asher. I walk as close as I can, or as close as my belly will allow, placing both of my palms on his chest and looking up into his sad face.

"I would never be able to give you up without a fight, Asher. I told you a long time ago that I'm with you every step of the way, but I need you to understand me and why I feel the way I do about this. This is about so much more than giving your brother peace. You need to look at the bigger picture. If you go through with this, you're not only risking your life, but each one of these men who stand with you. Whether they agree with you or not, you know they would follow you into the depths of h.e.l.l. And if that happens, there are a lot more people than just me who stand to lose their persons." His eyes flash, comprehension finally dawning within. "I need you, they need you, Zac needs you. And as much as it pains me to say this, whatever you decide, I will do my best to be the strength you need to ensure that you have everything needed to make it happen. You and me, baby. It's you and me."

I can hear the others moving around us. Their chairs are rolling back to the table and they're sitting back. The energy that was going wild just moments before is now sober. I continue to hold Asher's gaze, pouring all my love into this look. He closes his eyes, drops his forehead to mine, and lets out a rushed breath.

"I hear you, Suns.h.i.+ne." He turns back to the room, moving his chair back to the table and taking a seat. He pulls me into his lap and places his hand on my belly before addressing the men silently waiting. "We call Robert with the ATF, get with Mitch.e.l.l over with DEA, and I'll call Stan with the FBI. Let's make sure Dominic Murphy goes down...and pays for a long f.u.c.king time."

I let the tension leave my body, and the mammoth amount of fear, anxiety and pain washes out in one big rush. I collapse back on Asher, his arms tightening around me, and I say a silent prayer that everything is going to be okay.

I look over at Maddox moments before my eyes close and the stress of the situation bleeds from my body. He meets my gaze, gives me a nod and a warm smile.

His approval that I did the right thing.

Yes, everything is going to be just fine.

I close my eyes, my head resting against Asher's chest, his heartbeat thumping against my ear. The voices around me-making plans and finalizing decisions-lull me into a deep sleep.

Chapter 30 Chelcie.

Things started rolling quickly after that. When they made the calls they needed to make-and showed the heavy evidence that Asher had collected against Dominic-it was a whirlwind of crazy. It seemed like hundreds of men ascended on our small town.

Asher and all of the guys seem to live in the office. I overheard Izzy telling Dee that Maddox has even been sleeping a few nights there between his computer searching. Asher makes a point to come home each night; I think he needs it just as much as I do. But either way, I'm happy that his arms are wrapped tight around me when I drift off.

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