The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands Part 9

The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands -

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"I cast upon this man a look of scorn, but made no reply. Going to the drawer in which the surgical instruments were kept, I took out those that suited my purpose, and went to work with a degree of coolness which astonished myself. I had often seen my father sew up wounds, and had a.s.sisted at many an operation of the kind, so that, although altogether unpractised, I was not ignorant of the proper mode of procedure. The people looked on with breathless interest. When I had completed the operation, I saw my father looking over the shoulders of the people with an expression of unutterable surprise not unmingled with amus.e.m.e.nt. I blushed deeply, and began some sort of explanation, which, however, he cut short by observing in an off-hand manner, that the thing had been done very well, and the child had better be carried into my bedroom and left there to rest for some time. He thus got the people out of the surgery, and then, when we were alone, told me that I was a born surgeon, that he could not have done it much better himself, and, in short, praised me to such an extent that I felt quite proud of my performance."

Queeker, who had listened up to this point with breathless attention, suddenly said--

"D'you mean to say that you _really_ did that?"

"I do," replied Stanley with an amused smile.

"Sewed up a mouth cut all the way to the ear?"


"With a--a--"

"With a needle and thread," said Stanley.

Queeker's powers of utterance were paralysed. He looked at the young doctor with a species of awe-stricken admiration. Jealousy, for the time, was in abeyance.

"This, then, was the beginning of your love for the profession?" said Mr Durant.

"Undoubtedly it was, but a subsequent event confirmed me in my devotion to it, and induced me to give up all thoughts of the sea. The praise that I had received from my father--who was not usually lavish of complimentary remarks--made me ambitious to excel in other departments of surgery, so I fixed upon the extraction of teeth as my next step in the profession. My father had a pretty large practice in that way. We lived, as you remember, in the midst of a populous rural district, and had frequent visits from farm servants and labourers with heads tied up and lugubrious faces.

"I began to fit myself for duty by hammering big nails into a block of wood, and drawing them out again. This was a device of my own, for I wished to give my father another surprise, and did not wish to betray what I was about, by asking his advice as to how I should proceed. I then extracted the teeth from the jaw-bones of all the sheep's-heads that I could lay hands on; after a good deal of practice in this way, I tried to tempt our cook with an offer of five s.h.i.+llings to let me extract a back tooth which had caused her a great deal of suffering at intervals for many months; but she was a timid woman, and would not have allowed me for five guineas, I believe, even to look into her mouth. I also tried to tempt our small stable-boy with a similar sum. He was a plucky little fellow, and, although there was not an unsound tooth in his head, agreed to let me draw one of the _smallest_ of his back teeth for seven and sixpence if it should come out the first pull, and sixpence for every extra rug! I thought the little fellow extravagant in his demands, but, rather than lose the chance, submitted. He sat down quite boldly on our operating chair, but grew pale when I advanced with the instrument; when I tried to open his mouth, he began to whimper, and finally, struggling out of my grasp, fled. I afterwards gave him sixpence, however, for affording me, as I told him, so much pleasurable antic.i.p.ation.

"After this I cast about for another subject, but failed to procure a live one. It occurred to me, however, that I might try my hand on two skeletons that hung in our garret, so I got their heads off without delay, and gradually extracted every tooth in their jaws. As there were about sixty teeth, I think, in each pair, I felt myself much improved before the jaws were toothless. At last, I resolved to take advantage of the first opportunity that should offer, during my father's absence, to practise on the living subject. It was not long before I had a chance.

"One morning my father went out, leaving me in the surgery, as was his wont. I was deeply immersed in a book on anatomy, when I heard a tremendous double rap--as if made with the head of a stick--at the outer door, and immediately after the question put in the gruff ba.s.s voice of an Irishman, `Is the dactur within?'

"A tremendous growl of disappointment followed the reply. Then, after a pause, `Is the a.s.sistant within?' This was followed by a heavy tread in the pa.s.sage and, next moment; an enormous man, in very ragged fustian, with a bronzed hairy face, and a reaping-hook under his arm, stood in the surgery, his head almost touching the ceiling.

"`Sure it's niver the dactur's a.s.sistant ye are?' he exclaimed, with a look of surprise.

"I rose, drew myself up, and, endeavouring to look very solemn, said that I was, and demanded to know if I could do anything for him.

"`Ah, then, it's a small a.s.sistant ye are, anyhow,' he remarked; but stopped suddenly and his huge countenance was convulsed with pain, as he clapped his hand to his face, and uttered a groan, which was at least three parts composed of a growl.

"`Hooroo! whirr-r-hach! musha, but it's like the cratur o' Vesoovious all alive-o--in me head. Av it don't split up me jaw--there--ha--och!'

"The giant stamped his foot with such violence that all the, cups, and vials in the room rang again, and, clapping both hands over his mouth, he bent himself double in a paroxysm of agony.

"I felt a strange mixture of wild delight and alarm shoot through me.

The chance had come in my way, but in antic.i.p.ating it I had somehow always contemplated operating on some poor boy or old woman. My thoughts had never depicted such a herculean and rude specimen of humanity. At first, he would not believe me capable of extracting a tooth; but I spoke with such cool self-possession and a.s.surance--though far from feeling either--that he consented to submit to the operation.

For the sake of additional security, I seated him on the floor, and took his head between my knees; and I confess that when seated thus, in such close proximity to his rugged as well as ma.s.sive head, gazing into the cavern filled with elephantine tusks, my heart almost failed me. Far back, in the darkest corner of the cave, I saw the decayed tooth--a ma.s.sive lump of glistening ivory, with a black pit in the middle of it.

s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up my courage to the utmost, I applied the key. The giant winced at the touch, but clasped his hard hands together--evidently prepared for the worst. I began to twist with right good-will. The man roared furiously, and gave a convulsive heave that almost upset myself and the big chair, and disengaged the key!

"`Oh, come,' said I, remonstratively, `you ought to stand it better than that! why, the worst of it was almost over.'

"`Was it, though?' he inquired earnestly, with an upward glance, that gave to his countenance in that position a hideous aspect. `Sure it had need be, for the worst baits all that iver I drained of. Go at it again, me boy.'

"Resolving to make sure work of it next time, I fixed the key again, and, after getting it pretty tight--at which point he evidently fancied the worst had been again reached--I put forth all my strength in one tremendous twist.

"I failed for a moment to draw the tusk, but I drew forth a prolonged roar, that can by no means be conceived or described. The Irishman struggled. I held on tight to his head with my knees. The chair tottered on its legs. Letting go the hair of his head, I clapped my left hand to my right, and with both arms redoubled the strain. The roar rose into a terrible yowl. There was a crash like the rending of a forest tree. I dropped the instrument, sprang up, turned the chair on the top of the man, and cramming it down on him rushed to the door, which I threw open, and then faced about.

"There was a huge iron pestle lying on a table near my hand. Seizing it, I swayed it gently to and fro, ready to knock him down with it if he should rush at me, or to turn and fly, as should seem most advisable. I was terribly excited, and a good deal alarmed as to the possible consequences, but managed with much difficulty to look collected.

"The big chair was hurled into a corner as he rose sputtering from the floor, and holding his jaws with both hands.

"`Och! ye spalpeen, is that the way ye trait people?'

"`Yes,' I replied in a voice of forced calmness, `we usually put a restraint on strong men like you, when they're likely to be violent.'

"I saw the corners of his eyes wrinkle a little, and felt more confidence.

"`Arrah, but it's the jawbone ye've took out, ye goormacalluchscrowl!'

"`No, it isn't, it's only the tooth,' I replied, going forward and picking it up from the floor.

"The amazement of the man is not to be described. I gave him a tumbler of water, and, pointing to a basin, told him to wash out his mouth, which he did, looking at me all the time, however, and following me with his astonished eyes, as I moved about the room. He seemed to have been bereft of the power of speech; for all that he could say after that was, `Och! av yer small yer cliver!'

"On leaving he asked what was to pay. I said that I'd ask nothing, as he had stood it so well; and he left me with the same look of astonishment in his eyes and words of commendation on his lips."

"Well, that _was_ a tremendous experience to begin with," said Mr Durant, laughing; "and so it made you a doctor?"

"It helped. When my father came home I presented him with the tooth, and from that day to this I have been hard at work; but I feel a little seedy just now from over-study, so I have resolved to try to get a berth as surgeon on board a s.h.i.+p bound for India, Australia, China, or South America, and, as you are a s.h.i.+powner and old friend, I thought it just possible you might be not only willing but able to help me to what I want."

"And you thought right, Stanney, my boy," said the old gentleman heartily; "I have a s.h.i.+p going to sail for India in a few weeks, and we have not yet appointed a surgeon. You shall have that berth if it suits you."

At this point they were interrupted by the entrance of a servant maid with the announcement that there was a man in the lobby who wished to see Mr Durant.

"I'll be back shortly," said the old gentleman to Stanley as he rose; "go to the drawing-room, girls, and give Mr Hall some music. You'll find that my Katie sings and plays very sweetly, although she won't let me say so. f.a.n.n.y joins her with a fine contralto, I believe, and Queeker, too, he sings--a--a what is it, Queeker?--a ba.s.s or a baritone--eh?"

Without waiting for a reply, Mr Durant left the room, and found Morley Jones standing in the lobby, hat in hand.

The old gentleman's expression changed instantly, and he said with much severity--

"Well, Mr Jones, what do _you_ want?"

Morley begged the favour of a private interview for a few minutes.

After a moment's hesitation, Mr Durant led him into his study.

"Another loan, I suppose?" said the old gentleman, as he lit the gas.

"I had expected to have called to pay the last loan, sir," replied Mr Jones somewhat boldly, "but one can't force the market. I have my sloop down here loaded with herrings, and if I chose to sell at a loss, could pay my debt to you twice over; but surely it can scarcely be expected of me to do that. I hear there is a rise in France just now, and mean to run over there with them. I shall be sure to dispose of 'em to advantage. On my return, I'll pay your loan with interest."

Morley Jones paused, and Mr Durant looked at him attentively for a few seconds.

"Is this all you came to tell me?"

"Why, no sir, not exactly," replied Jones, a little disconcerted by the stern manner of the old gentleman. "The sloop is not quite filled up, she could stow a few more casks, but I have been cleaned out, and unless I can get the loan of forty or fifty pounds--"

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