Shadow: Bloody Fairies Part 16

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The sunset deepened to red on the horizon and spread across the curling blanket of clouds.

"I like the sunset," Hippy said. "It's so s.h.i.+ny."

"Fairies and s.h.i.+ny things. It's going to be the death of you all one day."

Hippy giggled. "That's just silly. s.h.i.+ny things could never hurt anyone."

"I stood once outside Thebes with Pandora and watched the sunset," Pierus said. "I remember the colours vividly. She thought there was blood in the sky."

Hippy turned around in the circle of his arms. "Were you mad when Pandora left you?"

He cupped her face in his hands. "Furious." He bent down and kissed her lips.

This was a different kind of kiss from last night. Hippy's eyes widened. Her blood raced. She should really break away, but for the first time ever somebody was treating her like an adult and it was exciting. What other b.l.o.o.d.y Fairy had ever caught the eye of the muse king? She let her eyes close, giving herself up to the experience. She didn't realise how much time pa.s.sed until a now familiar voice spoke right next to them.

"Don't stop on our account, will you?"

They broke apart. The sunset had given way to full night. A few weak electric lights outside were all that remained to see by.

Rustam Badora paced a slow circle around them. His eyes picked up every spark of light and mirrored it back at them in bright red. Ten more vamps waited like sentries at the base each pillar. They were all new vamps, Hippy noted. They retained, for now, their pink human colouring. In another few days they would pale and eventually turn as blue-white as Badora himself. Tony, standing in their midst, was the only one with a tinge of paleness, the colour beginning to leach from his waxy skin.

"It's not like you to keep a fairy around for that sort of thing, Muse King." Badora's footsteps echoed on the stone. He slowed and reached a finger towards Hippy's face. She batted his hand away.

The vamp's laughter rolled around the stone pillars.

"Are you here to play games, Badora?" Pierus pulled Hippy closer.

She scowled. There went the whole being treated like an adult thing.

"Really." Badora, who had watched the exchange with interest, drew the word out. "Games are one of my favourite things. But the muse king is all business." He resumed pacing. "I presume the b.l.o.o.d.y Fairy has conveyed to you my terms?"

"She did." Pierus's voice remained even. "Quite out of the question. I cannot allow you to farm fairies for food."

Badora disappeared. He reappeared inches from Pierus. Their faces were so close they almost touched. "Then you will open a door for my army into Dream."

"Your kind always were unrealistic."

Badora bared his fangs. "I prefer to think of it as taking our destiny into our own hands. You called us out, Muse King. You cannot stop us. If you will not accede I will simply take my human army back into Shadow and overrun the pitiful territory you defend there."

Pierus gave a low laugh that sent more chills down Hippy's spine than anything Badora could have produced. "And how do you propose to return without my help?"

Without taking his eyes off Pierus, Badora reached out for Hippy. His fingers closed around her neck. "How do you think?"

"That's my fairy you've got your hands on."

Hippy decided she'd had enough when the vamp's fingers cut off her air flow. She loosened Fluffy Ducky's pouch with one hand, lifted the spider out and flung him at Badora's face. He ducked. Fluffy Ducky flew through the air and grabbed onto Tony's face. Tony screamed, swatted at him, stumbled back and tumbled down the stairs.

Badora sighed. "He's not going to make any kind of vampire." His fingers squeezed. "You know I'm actually missing Shadow? Humans are very rich. I need some good, plain, fairy in my diet."

Pierus leaped for him. Badora jerked his head. The remaining nine vamps swarmed, closed in, swept him under.

The vamp king drove Hippy up against a pillar and pinned her there by the neck. "It's just you and me now, sweetie."

Hippy cast about for a weapon. Spots danced in front of her eyes from the lack of oxygen and she couldn't seem to find her fairy dust. One flailing hand brushed something sharp in her knotted up hair and she remembered Poppy's kitchen knife. She tore it from her hair and stabbed wildly at the nearest target. The knife sliced into something soft and jelly-like.

Badora's scream sounded like talons down a metal pipe. The hand around her neck disappeared. Hippy gulped air and jerked her knife back with a pop. The vamp stumbled away, one hand clutched to his right eye. He bellowed several incredibly filthy words in Vampish.

Hippy checked the end of her knife and found a slightly squished eyeball on there with slicks of blood all over it. "Eeeewww!" she shook the knife to try and get rid of the thing before the sight made her throw up.

The eyeball flew off, hit the next pillar and exploded.

Badora crouched on the ground, still clutching his face. "You'll pay for that Fairy!" he roared. "I'll give you the slowest death you ever experienced! I'll make you beg for mercy! I'll drain every last drop and then bring you back and do it all again!"

Hippy took a deep breath and overcame the nausea. There, she was definitely getting better with blood. "That looks nasty. You should probably keep an eye on it." She swung her leg around and kicked him in the head as hard as she could.

Badora toppled over.

"You're not so tough." Hippy tossed the knife into her other hand and grabbed a handful of fairy dust to finish him off, but another vamp dived at her. She shoved the fairy dust into his face, ground it in and pushed him aside, only to find herself in the thick of the fight around Pierus. She would much have preferred a spear to the little kitchen knife, but there was nothing for it. She slashed at the next vamp to attack. Her knife sliced into soft flesh over the chest. Blood spurted over her face. She spat madly and tried to hold herself together.

Pierus loomed over her. "Hippy, run," he said. "Now."

"You can't fight these by yourself!" Hippy flung fairy dust in a vamp's eyes.

"As a matter of fact, I can. I said run." He shoved her so hard she reeled out of the fight and collided with another body.

As she instinctively brought the knife around in a wide arc, Poppy grabbed her arms and yanked her behind a pillar. "What the h.e.l.l?" she hissed. "I just got here and I saw you stab that guy! What kind of a violent psycho are you?"

"That's very sweet of you to say, but they're all vamps." Hippy leaned around the pole to see what Pierus was doing. With any luck he was offering his throat to a vamp. b.a.s.t.a.r.d. How dare he push her out of a good fight?

Pierus had gone very still. He stood in the centre of the circle of vamps, a thin smile curving his mouth. He slowly raised his hands and pressed them to his temples.

"What's he doing?" Poppy kept a firm grip on Hippy's tunic while she struggled to dart out there and help him.

"Getting himself killed!"

"No, he's doing something."

Pierus said a word. It sounded like a really, really bad word, but it wasn't anything Hippy had ever heard before. He said it so forcefully it seemed even the ground beneath them vibrated, and then the vamps around him stopped closing in. One clutched his head and made a strangled noise. Another dropped to the ground. One by one, the vamps contorted in pain and fell.

Hippy shrank back towards Poppy. She shuddered when the air iced around them. "Is he doing that?"

"Apparently." There was a tremor in Poppy's voice.

Pierus's words made the ground tremble a second time. "You are cursed creatures," he said. "Go. Put an end to yourselves."

The vamps disappeared from around him so fast they seemed little more than blurs of light. Poppy said a lot of bad words under her breath.

Hippy looked around for Badora to see how he'd taken this, but he was gone. d.a.m.n. She should've killed him while she had the chance.

Pierus sank to his knees on the stones. Exhaustion lined his face. His colour was almost grey. "Hippy," he said.

Hippy broke away from Poppy's grip, ran to him and crouched down. "Are you okay? What just happened? What did you do? Where did Rustam Badora go? Why did you push me?"

Pierus held up a hand. "My dear girl, patience. It's the old magicit's been so long, I can only work them like that in Dream, and only because they were not quite full vampire" he swayed. "I didn't realise it would take so much. Give me your hand. I'm sorry my love, I must ask a little more of you if we are to survive the night."

"What are you talking about? They're all gone!" Hippy gave him her hand, only to find it crushed in a death grip.

He pulled her closer and gripped the back of her head with the other hand. "Do you trust me?"

Hippy blinked. "Well, I suppose so."

"Then trust that this is necessary, and that I am grateful." He put his lips on hers.

It wasn't like a kiss at all. It hurt in ways she couldn't describe. Her blood slowed. Her fingertips and her feet grew icy cold. Her skull ached. Dark, brittle fingers clutched her ribcage from the inside and squeezed.

Hippy struggled against Pierus's grip. When he wouldn't let go she balled a fist and punched him in the chest with her free hand, which broke his hold. She scrambled away. She felt as though she'd run a marathon after that small exertion. She panted. Her head pounded. She staggered to Poppy and got behind her. "What did he do?" Her voice came out in little more than a whisper.

Poppy's hands moved. Her pack opened. She aimed her gun at Pierus. "Yeah. What the h.e.l.l did you just do to her?"

Pierus got to his feet in one fluid motion. "This is getting tiresome, Poppy," he said. "Put that thing away. I didn't hurt her. At least not much."

"You know this whole thing just got a little too weird for me," Poppy said. "Hippy let's go." She backed away, pus.h.i.+ng Hippy with her.

Hippy burst into sudden, uncontrollable tears.

"Hippy-" Pierus held a hand out. "Hippy come back. Just let me explain."

"I really don't think she wants to." Poppy backed them up past the line of pillars. "But we'd both like to know exactly what you just did to her. In plain language."

"I used ancient magic to push back the vampires," Pierus said. "It's been so long since I've been able to summon that power, it left me drained to the point of death. If more come, we would be lost. I needed energy from someone who had plenty to give."

"It didn't occur to you to explain this to her before you just sucked it out of her?" Poppy's fury made her voice shake.

Hippy gulped and tried to swallow her sobs. All she managed was a hiccup. The stones looked like a really comfortable bed.

"There was no time!" Pierus stalked their retreat, both hands reached toward Hippy. "I'm sorry it went so badly. Hippy, look at me. It had to be you. It had to be someone as close to me as you."

Hippy peered around Poppy's shoulder at the urgency of his plea and hiccupped again. "Why?"

"Because only love can replenish like that."

"Love?" Hippy took a step away from Poppy.

"Seriously, you're not buying this?" Poppy said.

"I tried not to," Pierus said. "A muse and a fairy, it's unheard of, but from the first moment I saw you, so much like Pandora, yet so much moreI'm sorry I scared you."

Hippy took a step towards him. "Do you mean it?"

"I love you, Hippy Ishtar."

"Oh for Pete's sake. Somebody get me a bucket!" Poppy exclaimed.

Hippy took another step towards him. "Then don't ever do that again."

"Come to me." Pierus held out his hand. "Thanks to you, I am restored. I can make you better now."

"Don't do it Hippy," Poppy said.

Hippy took another hesitant step toward him.

Pierus smiled. His whole face softened. "Do not be afraid, my love."

"Definitely going to throw up." Poppy made a disgusted noise, put away her gun and turned to walk away, but before she'd gone two steps, a slim metal arrow whistled past her head. She yelled and threw herself to the ground.

A second arrow sliced open the sleeve of Pierus's coat. A third barrelled toward his chest.

Hippy yelled a warning and Pierus jumped out of the way. A cloaked shape clattered into the Parthenon with a sound like a galloping horse, seized Hippy around the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

"Pierus!" she screamed, but her captor had already thundered down the steps and into the trees beyond. She hammered on his back with her fists, but Pierus had left her with little energy to do anything more.

In the thick of the darkness under the trees, her captor dropped her on the ground. Hippy tried to jump to her feet and run, but a second cloaked figure pinned her there with something sharp and heavy. A hoof. It was a hoof, these really were forest people from Shadow that had been following them everywhere. She'd never met one before, only heard about them, terrible stories about what happened to fairy children who wandered too far into the forest. Fluffy Ducky would save her. Where was Fluffy Ducky? Her hand went to her belt, but the pouch was empty.

Footsteps crashed through the undergrowth. Pierus called her name in a voice edged with fury.

Hippy screamed again, but the sound was cut off by a third figure who clapped a hand over her mouth.

"Do it," said the one pinning her to the ground. "There's no time to explain."

"Sweet dreams," said the Freakin Fairy in her ear. Then he removed his hand and clapped a rag over her mouth.

Hippy took a deep breath to scream again. An acrid smell a.s.sailed her nostrils and burning fumes. .h.i.t her lungs. The voices disappeared and she fell into darkness.


Gaslight flickered over Pierus's face and gave his skin a bluish tinge. His grey eyes sparked.

Hippy reached up to touch his face. She felt overwhelmingly happy, even though she had no idea at all how he came to be kneeling over her. He loved her. The muse king was in love with her, the least of the b.l.o.o.d.y Fairies.

Pierus's lips curved in a thin smile. "I told you this was a bad idea."

"What was a bad idea?" Hippy turned her head to the side and discovered her hair was loose. It covered the ground around her head like a great creeping shadow. His hands pinned it to the stone.

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