American Rose_ A Nation Laid Bare_ The Life And Times Of Gypsy Rose Lee Part 21

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CHAPTER 14: NEW YORK CITY, 19201924.

1 "We'll get drunker": Quoted in Lerner, 260. "We'll get drunker": Quoted in Lerner, 260.

2 "Last rites and ceremonies": Trager, 388. "Last rites and ceremonies": Trager, 388.

3 "mourning parties": "mourning parties": Daily News Daily News (New York), January 16, 1920. (New York), January 16, 1920.

4 Uptown at Healy's: Uptown at Healy's: New York Post New York Post, January 17, 1920.

5 "I've had more friends in private": "I've had more friends in private": Daily News Daily News (New York), January 17, 1920. (New York), January 17, 1920.

6 Alphonse Capone: Walker, 11. Alphonse Capone: Walker, 11.

7 "I never was a crumb": "I never was a crumb": The New York Times The New York Times, January 27, 1962.

8 Arnold Rothstein: Walker, 11. Arnold Rothstein: Walker, 11.

9 speakeasies sprouted: Lerner, 138. speakeasies sprouted: Lerner, 138.

10 "vaguely familiar": Walker, 102. "vaguely familiar": Walker, 102.

11 Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith: Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith: The New York Times The New York Times, February 18, 1938.

12 Dozens lined East First: Dozens lined East First: The New York Times The New York Times, March 8, 1931.

13 "an itch to try new things": Lerner, 133. "an itch to try new things": Lerner, 133.

14 "Give me a ginger ale": Ibid. "Give me a ginger ale": Ibid.

15 WAITER: Would the lady: Minsky and Machlin, 41. WAITER: Would the lady: Minsky and Machlin, 41.

16 shook a bottle: Zeidman, 149. shook a bottle: Zeidman, 149.

17 "Burlesque, like Broadway": "Burlesque, like Broadway": Billboard Billboard, September 19, 1925.

18 half-page ads: half-page ads: New York Clipper New York Clipper, February 9, 1921.

19 Anne Toebe: "The History of Burlesque," Anne Toebe: "The History of Burlesque," Billboard Billboard, December 29, 1934.

20 Carrie Finnell: Ibid. Carrie Finnell: Ibid.

21 "My face ain't much to look at": Shteir, "My face ain't much to look at": Shteir, Striptease Striptease, 8081.

22 "the girl with the $100,000 legs": Ibid., 81. "the girl with the $100,000 legs": Ibid., 81.

23 "Varicose Alley": Gilbert, 381; Zeidman, 110. "Varicose Alley": Gilbert, 381; Zeidman, 110.

24 "I'll do anything": Zeidman, 133. "I'll do anything": Zeidman, 133.

25 Minsky "Rosebuds": Minsky and Machlin, 11. Minsky "Rosebuds": Minsky and Machlin, 11.

26 "a lavish and bounteous extravaganza": "a lavish and bounteous extravaganza": The New York Times The New York Times, June 25, 1920.

27 "Look out, Minsky": Burlesque Clippings Files, Folder 30, Museum of the City of New York. "Look out, Minsky": Burlesque Clippings Files, Folder 30, Museum of the City of New York.

28 "They are far seeing youths": "They are far seeing youths": The New York Times The New York Times, September 4, 1921.

29 "Burlesques": "Burlesques": The New York Times The New York Times, September 16, 1922; Billboard Billboard, November 11, 1922.

30 The company consisted of: The company consisted of: New York Clipper New York Clipper, March 8, 1922.

31 "hulking": "hulking": The New York Times The New York Times, September 16, 1922.

32 "The Victoria": Van Hoogstraten, 41. "The Victoria": Van Hoogstraten, 41.

33 "Sober Sue": Gilbert, 247 "Sober Sue": Gilbert, 247 34 two retired Pinkerton detectives: Minsky and Machlin, 56. two retired Pinkerton detectives: Minsky and Machlin, 56.

35 intense conversations with his p.e.n.i.s: L. Sprague de Camp, 119. intense conversations with his p.e.n.i.s: L. Sprague de Camp, 119.

36 "The long-awaited uncorking": "The long-awaited uncorking": New York Clipper New York Clipper, September 20, 1922.

37 "People," Morton said: Minsky, 58. "People," Morton said: Minsky, 58.

38 closed after just twenty-three weeks: closed after just twenty-three weeks: New York Clipper New York Clipper, February 14, 1923.

CHAPTER 15: GYPSY'S COUNTRY HOME, HIGHLAND MILLS, NEW YORK, AUGUST 1942 1 "By the time you swear you're his": Quoted in Meade, 143. "By the time you swear you're his": Quoted in Meade, 143.

2 Gypsy Rose Lee wears black: Gypsy Rose Lee wears black: Orlean Orlean (N.Y.) (N.Y.) Times Herald Times Herald, August 31, 1942.

3 the gathering downstairs: Preminger, 61; the gathering downstairs: Preminger, 61; Mansfield Mansfield (Ohio) (Ohio) News Journal News Journal, August 31, 1942.

4 "night club bad company": Rose Thompson Hovick to Gypsy Rose Lee, May 10, 1938, Series I, Box 1, Folder 9, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "night club bad company": Rose Thompson Hovick to Gypsy Rose Lee, May 10, 1938, Series I, Box 1, Folder 9, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

5 "Dear Bride Gypsy Rose Lee": June Havoc to Gypsy Rose Lee, Series I, Box 2, Folder 9, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "Dear Bride Gypsy Rose Lee": June Havoc to Gypsy Rose Lee, Series I, Box 2, Folder 9, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

6 "young, good-looking": "young, good-looking": Oakland Tribune Oakland Tribune, June 11, 1933.

7 "I don't think a woman": Ibid. "I don't think a woman": Ibid.

8 never to consummate: Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009. never to consummate: Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009.

9 "Dearest Gypola": Alexander Kirkland to Gypsy Rose Lee, September 8, 1943, Series I, Box 1 Folder 3, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "Dearest Gypola": Alexander Kirkland to Gypsy Rose Lee, September 8, 1943, Series I, Box 1 Folder 3, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

10 "charm the birds": Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009. "charm the birds": Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009.

11 twig of grapes: twig of grapes: Wisconsin State Journal Wisconsin State Journal, August 31, 1942.


1 "Their sincerity was greater": "Their sincerity was greater": Billboard Billboard, December 26, 1936.

2 "I wanted to die": Richard E. Lauterbach, "Gypsy Rose Lee: She Combines a Public Body with a Private Mind," "I wanted to die": Richard E. Lauterbach, "Gypsy Rose Lee: She Combines a Public Body with a Private Mind," Life Life, December 14, 1942.

3 "Mind your own business": Lee, "Mind your own business": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 126.

4 "Go and do it": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008. In "Go and do it": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008. In More Havoc More Havoc, June writes that "with the exception of [the doctor's] visits, and the hotel maid, I saw absolutely no one for two weeks" (27).

5 fourteen now and 165 pounds: Havoc, fourteen now and 165 pounds: Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, photo and caption: "Louise at fourteen, weight, 165 pounds," following page 54.

6 "Don't feel bad about it": Lee, "Don't feel bad about it": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 75.

7 "nutrition": Havoc, "nutrition": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 128.

8 No fewer than 540: No fewer than 540: The New York Times The New York Times, January 27, 1925.

9 playing the scores of the same shows: playing the scores of the same shows: The New York Times The New York Times, January 4, 1925.

10 "There is no more important question": "There is no more important question": The New York Times The New York Times, January 27, 1925.

11 E. F. Albee: Stewart, 251. E. F. Albee: Stewart, 251.

12 old-time vaudeville houses succ.u.mbed: Ibid., 249. old-time vaudeville houses succ.u.mbed: Ibid., 249.

13 The "film peril": The "film peril": The New York Times The New York Times, July 20, 1928.

14 introduction of Vitaphone: Stewart, 252. introduction of Vitaphone: Stewart, 252.

15 only five hundred theaters nationwide: Nathan Miller, 339. only five hundred theaters nationwide: Nathan Miller, 339.

16 $1.5 million "defense fund": $1.5 million "defense fund": The New York Times The New York Times, June 30, 1928.

17 "that big boisterous American wench": "that big boisterous American wench": The New York Times The New York Times, April 24, 1927.

18 "Unique Pepologist": Series V, Box 41, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "Unique Pepologist": Series V, Box 41, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

19 "The Joy Girl": Ibid. "The Joy Girl": Ibid.

20 "festival of splendor": "festival of splendor": The Daily Freeman The Daily Freeman (Kingston, N.Y.), October 29, 1925. (Kingston, N.Y.), October 29, 1925.

21 "Malcontent!": Havoc, "Malcontent!": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 36.

22 made her bite June's favorite stagehand: June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002. made her bite June's favorite stagehand: June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002.

23 "The kids aren't babies": Lee, "The kids aren't babies": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 92.

24 "What fights?": Havoc, "What fights?": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 37.

25 a vision appeared: Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009. a vision appeared: Author's interview with Erik Preminger, November 2009.

26 "one bright spot": Lee, "one bright spot": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 88.

27 "Everything going out": Ibid., 96. "Everything going out": Ibid., 96.

28 "His very lack of pretension": Ibid., 95. "His very lack of pretension": Ibid., 95.

29 "You've told me to get out": Ibid., 96. "You've told me to get out": Ibid., 96.

30 "I'm going to start": Ibid., 98. "I'm going to start": Ibid., 98.

31 "We'll just have to tighten": Havoc, "We'll just have to tighten": Havoc, Early Havoc Early Havoc, 190.

32 They had repaid: Lee, They had repaid: Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 154.

33 "That's interesting": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008. "That's interesting": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008.

34 "Why, that's an insult": Lee, "Why, that's an insult": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 107.

35 they took all of them: Series V, Box 41, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. they took all of them: Series V, Box 41, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

36 "It is understood": Ibid. "It is understood": Ibid.

37 "The experience will be": Havoc, "The experience will be": Havoc, Early Havoc Early Havoc, 191.

38 "danced like a bubble": Ibid., 192. "danced like a bubble": Ibid., 192.

39 "show-offy": Lee, "show-offy": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 138.

40 "cheap-looking": Ibid. "cheap-looking": Ibid.

41 "I like being with you": Ibid., 139140. "I like being with you": Ibid., 139140.

42 one-night stands: Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, 1928, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. one-night stands: Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, 1928, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

43 Three Ormonde Sisters: Ibid. Three Ormonde Sisters: Ibid.

44 Evelyn Nesbit: Ibid. Evelyn Nesbit: Ibid.

45 "Dainty June and the Happy Gang Revue": Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, 1928, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "Dainty June and the Happy Gang Revue": Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, 1928, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

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