American Rose_ A Nation Laid Bare_ The Life And Times Of Gypsy Rose Lee Part 19

American Rose_ A Nation Laid Bare_ The Life And Times Of Gypsy Rose Lee -

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17 "You'll hear from us": Lee, "You'll hear from us": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 18.

18 "She was so ruffley": Laura Drake Seattle Historic Theaters Project Oral History Collection, Box 1 Folder 3, Mora Lucille Cody recollections, University of Was.h.i.+ngton Libraries. "She was so ruffley": Laura Drake Seattle Historic Theaters Project Oral History Collection, Box 1 Folder 3, Mora Lucille Cody recollections, University of Was.h.i.+ngton Libraries.

19 always mistook Louise for a boy: Ibid. always mistook Louise for a boy: Ibid.

20 "It's here, papa": Lee, "It's here, papa": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 17.

21 "Master Laddie Kenneth": "Master Laddie Kenneth": Orlean Evening Herald Orlean Evening Herald, December 29, 1922.

22 "King of the Ballad Songsters": "King of the Ballad Songsters": Eau Claire Eau Claire (Wisc.) (Wisc.) Leader Leader, June 29, 1922.

23 "Baby June and Her Pals": Havoc, "Baby June and Her Pals": Havoc, Early Havoc Early Havoc, 66.

24 "Honey Louise": "Honey Louise": Wisconsin State Journal Wisconsin State Journal, October 21, 1922.

25 "The Doll Girl": Havoc, "The Doll Girl": Havoc, Early Havoc Early Havoc, 66.

26 "clever Juvenile character actress": "clever Juvenile character actress": Eau Claire Eau Claire (Wisc.) (Wisc.) Leader Leader, June 29, 1922.

27 Pantages offered: Lee, Pantages offered: Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 18. I couldn't find any such agreement with Pantages in Gypsy's papers at the New York Public Library, but it's likely those contract files aren't comprehensive.

28 On to Tacoma: Tarrach, 22. On to Tacoma: Tarrach, 22.

29 Louise and Master Laddie Kenneth: Havoc, Louise and Master Laddie Kenneth: Havoc, Early Havoc Early Havoc, 6668.

30 "I got hurt a lot": June Havoc, commentary, "Vaudeville," a PBS "I got hurt a lot": June Havoc, commentary, "Vaudeville," a PBS American Masters American Masters special, 1997. special, 1997.

31 "It was safe": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008. "It was safe": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008.

32 "Ten percent": Lee, "Ten percent": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 20.

33 "What are you getting?": Gilbert, 230. "What are you getting?": Gilbert, 230.

34 William Morris: Ibid., 226. William Morris: Ibid., 226.

35 "It's a wonder": Author's interview with June Havoc, 2008. "It's a wonder": Author's interview with June Havoc, 2008.

36 "A horse on you!": Ibid. "A horse on you!": Ibid.

37 "You keep the change": Ibid. "You keep the change": Ibid.

38 fleeting and temporary "uncles": Havoc, fleeting and temporary "uncles": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 174.

39 "What are you doing here?": Author's interview with June Havoc, June 2008. "What are you doing here?": Author's interview with June Havoc, June 2008.

40 first pangs of shame: Ibid. first pangs of shame: Ibid.

41 "I'll never forget": Ibid. "I'll never forget": Ibid.

42 Murray Gordon Edelston: World War I Draft Registration Card, 19171918, Franklin County, Ohio; Roll 1832026; Draft Board: 2. Murray Gordon Edelston: World War I Draft Registration Card, 19171918, Franklin County, Ohio; Roll 1832026; Draft Board: 2.

43 a child nearly the same age: Ibid. a child nearly the same age: Ibid.

44 "I lost their father": Lee, "I lost their father": Lee, Gypsy Gypsy, 23.

45 "I'm Baby June": Ibid. "I'm Baby June": Ibid.

46 "I hate him": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008; Series VI, Box 42, Folder 4, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "I hate him": Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008; Series VI, Box 42, Folder 4, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.


1 "If you cry": Havoc, "If you cry": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 269.

2 "talked about the things": Author's interview with June Havoc, 2008. "talked about the things": Author's interview with June Havoc, 2008.

3 "original juke box voice": June Havoc to Gypsy Rose Lee (undated), Series I, Box 2, Folder 12, Gypsy Rose Lee papers, BRTD. "original juke box voice": June Havoc to Gypsy Rose Lee (undated), Series I, Box 2, Folder 12, Gypsy Rose Lee papers, BRTD.

4 "I interviewed Leslie Howard": Rodgers, O'Hara, and Hart, 8688 (I abbreviated the lyrics here). "I interviewed Leslie Howard": Rodgers, O'Hara, and Hart, 8688 (I abbreviated the lyrics here).

5 She begins sobbing: Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008. She begins sobbing: Author's interview with June Havoc, March 2008.

6 "You always stopped the show": June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002. "You always stopped the show": June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002.

7 "It wasn't hilarious": Ibid. "It wasn't hilarious": Ibid.

8 "I...I didn't think": Havoc, "I...I didn't think": Havoc, More Havoc More Havoc, 226.

9 "Well, you see, June": Ibid., 227. "Well, you see, June": Ibid., 227.

10 "Men yelling, 'Take it off'": June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002. "Men yelling, 'Take it off'": June Havoc, interview with Laura Jacobs, 2002.

11 Gypsy breaks the news: Tippins, 138. Gypsy breaks the news: Tippins, 138.

CHAPTER 10: NEW YORK CITY, 19171920.

1 "Puritanism: the haunting fear": Fessenden, Radel, and Zaborowska, 267. "Puritanism: the haunting fear": Fessenden, Radel, and Zaborowska, 267.

2 "Ya know": Minsky and Machlin, 3233. "Ya know": Minsky and Machlin, 3233.

3 They planned to advertise: Robert C. Allen, 231232. They planned to advertise: Robert C. Allen, 231232.

4 more motor vehicles than horses: Ellis, 509. more motor vehicles than horses: Ellis, 509.

5 J. Montgomery Flagg's: J. Montgomery Flagg's: The New York Times The New York Times, May 20, 1917.

6 "The First Fifty": "The First Fifty": The New York Times The New York Times, May 18, 1917.

7 "Booze or coal?": Lerner, 29. "Booze or coal?": Lerner, 29.

8 City Hall bowed: City Hall bowed: The New York Times The New York Times, November 2, 1917.

9 "a fascinating cross": Series I, Box 4, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "a fascinating cross": Series I, Box 4, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

10 he worked to cultivate: Hirsch, he worked to cultivate: Hirsch, The Boys from Syracuse The Boys from Syracuse, 13, 17, 69.

11 Billy Minsky considered him: Undated clipping, Burlesque Clippings Files, Museum of the City of New York. Billy Minsky considered him: Undated clipping, Burlesque Clippings Files, Museum of the City of New York.

12 "The people must be amused": "The people must be amused": The New York Times The New York Times, November 4, 1917.

13 a sad parade: Minsky and Machlin, 33. a sad parade: Minsky and Machlin, 33.

14 Herbert took over "culture": Ibid., 49. Herbert took over "culture": Ibid., 49.

15 credit to "Will" Shakespeare: credit to "Will" Shakespeare: Orlean Orlean (N.Y.) (N.Y.) Evening Times Evening Times, December 19, 1925.

16 "plenty of short girls": "plenty of short girls": The New York Times The New York Times, September 4, 1927.

17 "No name in the history": Cantor, Freedman, and Johnson, 53. "No name in the history": Cantor, Freedman, and Johnson, 53.

18 Nude Descending a Staircase: Nude Descending a Staircase: Charyn, 46. Charyn, 46.

19 "One type is missing": Florenz Ziegfeld, "How I Pick Beauties," "One type is missing": Florenz Ziegfeld, "How I Pick Beauties," Theatre Magazine Theatre Magazine, September 1919; Florenz Ziegfeld, "Picking Out Pretty Girls for the Stage," American Magazine American Magazine, December 1919.

20 "energetic Amazon": "energetic Amazon": Variety Variety, April 12, 1928.

21 "censorless ginger": Ziedman, 122. "censorless ginger": Ziedman, 122.

22 "The Minsky brothers": Minsky and Machlin, 34. "The Minsky brothers": Minsky and Machlin, 34.

23 "If people want it": Ibid. "If people want it": Ibid.

24 He hadn't invented: Alexander, 17. He hadn't invented: Alexander, 17.

25 having lost his virginity: John S. Sumner, having lost his virginity: John S. Sumner, Half and Half: Somewhat Autobiographical Half and Half: Somewhat Autobiographical, 4244, John Saxton Sumner Papers, Wisconsin Historical Society.

26 Haymarket "resort": Ibid.; Haymarket "resort": Ibid.; The New York Times The New York Times, July 30, 1902.

27 "died of joy": Alva Johnston, "Contented Crusader," "died of joy": Alva Johnston, "Contented Crusader," The New Yorker The New Yorker, February 20, 1937.

28 Two years prior: Shteir, Two years prior: Shteir, Striptease Striptease, 93.

29 "I have never before": Minsky and Machlin, 35. "I have never before": Minsky and Machlin, 35.

30 "Have your men drop in": Ibid. "Have your men drop in": Ibid.

31 a "Boston": Robert C. Allen, 247. a "Boston": Robert C. Allen, 247.


1 "Michael Todd was the toughest": Author's interview with June Havoc, June 2008. "Michael Todd was the toughest": Author's interview with June Havoc, June 2008.

2 "cruelly": "cruelly": Hagerstown Hagerstown (Md.) (Md.) Daily Mail Daily Mail (AP report), January 28, 1941; (AP report), January 28, 1941; The New York Times The New York Times, January 28, 1941.

3 "obscene and abusive language": Ibid. "obscene and abusive language": Ibid.

4 "I never try": J. P. McEvoy, "More Tease Than Strip," "I never try": J. P. McEvoy, "More Tease Than Strip," Reader's Digest Reader's Digest, July 1941.

5 "Did you ever hold": Ibid. "Did you ever hold": Ibid.

6 "I'll do my specialty": Gypsy Rose Lee to Lee Wright, January 20, 1941, Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "I'll do my specialty": Gypsy Rose Lee to Lee Wright, January 20, 1941, Gypsy Rose Lee sc.r.a.pbooks, Reel 1, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

7 "I'm delighted to hear": George Davis to Gypsy Rose Lee, January 15, 1941, Series I, Box 3, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "I'm delighted to hear": George Davis to Gypsy Rose Lee, January 15, 1941, Series I, Box 3, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

8 "I think it very funny": George Davis to Gypsy Rose Lee, undated but circa December 1940, Series I, Box 3, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "I think it very funny": George Davis to Gypsy Rose Lee, undated but circa December 1940, Series I, Box 3, Folder 2, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

9 "Darling, I reread": Michael Todd to Gypsy Rose Lee, undated, Series I, Box 3, Folder 8, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD. "Darling, I reread": Michael Todd to Gypsy Rose Lee, undated, Series I, Box 3, Folder 8, Gypsy Rose Lee Papers, BRTD.

10 "My father was unavoidably detained": Cohn, 107. "My father was unavoidably detained": Cohn, 107.

11 making $55,000 per week: Todd, Jr., 70. making $55,000 per week: Todd, Jr., 70.

12 Bertha Todd bursts into: Preminger, 58. Bertha Todd bursts into: Preminger, 58.

13 She has her superst.i.tions: Ibid., 1415. She has her superst.i.tions: Ibid., 1415.


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