Brotherhood - Claiming The Highlander Part 21

Brotherhood - Claiming The Highlander -

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"You forget headstrong and unreasonable."

"That had to come from Anghus."

"Actually, it comes from your brother Lochlan most recently. But also from anyone who has ever had to deal with me."

He laughed.

Before he could speak, Sin stepped out of the woods in front of them. "There's a small clearing a bit farther ahead, if you're interested. I'm going after dinner now."

"You need any help?" Braden asked.

Sin shook his head. "You'd best stay with Maggie in case one of ourfriends returns."

"Good idea."

Braden picked up their packs from the damp peat and handed Maggie hers before he started off in the direction Sin had indicated. "Let's go find our camp."

Maggie stared at his back as they walked, longing for the impossible. Too easily, she could imagine having such a kind and wonderful man to call hers. If only he could be trusted with her heart.

But she knew better. And she had cried enough tears over him. She would content herself with his friends.h.i.+p and try to protect her heart as best she could.

When they found the place where Sin had left his pack, Braden made a small fire.

Maggie sat down and took her pack off her arm. She groaned a bit at the ache in her shoulder from the weight of it.

"Here," Braden said, kneeling behind her. "Let me help."

Before she could protest, he placed his warm hands on her shoulders and gently ma.s.saged her aching muscles.

Och now, that felt good. Really,really good.

Closing her eyes, Maggie enjoyed the sensation of his hands sliding along her collarbone and upper arm, where his hands clenched and unclenched in a soothing, seductive rhythm. His touch was both light yet firm, hot and masterful. And when he pressed his thumbs beneath her shoulder blade and wiggled them about, she gave an involuntary moan.

Oh, his firm, hot touch was heaven, pure and complete heaven.

He leaned so close to her that she could smell the raw, earthy scent of him. Could smell the elderberries in his hair.

"Better?" he asked, his voice thick and deep.

"Aye," she breathed, her body melting.

Braden reached his right hand around her and gently cupped her face in his hand, angling her chin until she looked up at him. Maggie stared in awe of his handsomeness. At those beautiful greenish brown eyes darkening as he watched her expectantly.

And then he kissed her.

Maggie moaned at the contact of his lips on hers as molten heat tore through her, pooling itself at the center of her body, where it throbbed and ached in a primal need she barely understood. Braden's touch was both gentle and demanding. Fierce yet tender.

Maggie wanted him closer. Needed him closer.

She wrapped her arms about him and Braden willingly obliged her unspoken request, moving his body until nothing but clothing separated them.

He left her lips to trail slow, scorching kisses over her cheek to her neck, where he teased her flesh with his tongue. Maggie hissed at the sensation as chills spread all through her. She reeled from the feelings inside her that coalesced into something indescribable. And it was Braden, her Braden, who was making her feel this way.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s swelled and ached as the deep, painful throb became even more demanding than before.

In that instant, she wanted him. Wanted him as she always had.

How many nights had she lain awake, clutching her pillow to her, pretending it was Braden she held?

Not even her best dream could compare to this reality. She was really here and Braden was finally holding her in a true lover's embrace.

He loosened the laces of her s.h.i.+rt, then buried his lips against the column of her throat as he worked on the piece of linen she had binding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s down tightly to her chest.

Her body on fire, Maggie swallowed as she ran her hands through the black silken strands of his hair.

Braden pushed the linen down and she shook as the cool air caressed her hot skin.

"So very sweet," he breathed, moving his right hand lower, and lower until he seized her taut breast.

She cried out in pleasure as he teased the tip, then parted her tunic so that he could replace his hand with his hot, sleek mouth.

Maggie knew she should push him away, and yet she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not after all the years she had dreamed of having him, of holding him just like this.

In fact, she could say nothing at all, only feel. Feel his breath scorching her, feel his hand and lips teasing her flesh as his delectable weight pressed her down.

Braden inhaled the sweet floral scent of her as he teased her taut nipple with his tongue. His head dizzy, he could think of nothing save her. She filled him with need and wonder, with a strange peaceful feeling that defied his ability to name.

And he wanted to taste more of her.

Pus.h.i.+ng back the saffron s.h.i.+rt, he licked his way toward her other breast and thought of other places he intended to taste before he was through with her.

Aye, she would be branded on all his senses before the day was through, and he would claim her as no man had ever claimed her before.

And take her in more ways than she could imagine. He wouldn't stop until she was weak from his touch, drained and spent in his arms.

Only then would he have mercy on her. And on himself.

Maggie sighed in pleasure as he ran his hand down between their bodies. It was so incredible, she thought, amazed by the sensations flooding her.

She felt consumed by fire. His hand skimmed over the curve of her hip to touch the flesh of her thigh.

Instinctively, she arched her body toward his hand, as she delighted in the feel of his skin against hers.

She wanted more. Needed more.

He returned to claim her lips with his own.

Maggie buried her hands in his hair while his hand moved to her inner thigh, skimming up higher and higher until he touched the delicious ache between her legs.

She jerked in surprise as he touched her where no one had ever touched her before.

Was he supposed to do that?

And yet it felt so deliriously wonderful.

His tongue toyed with her mouth, matching the rhythm of his fingers as they slid around the center of her body, teasing her, stroking her until she was ready to scream.

And then suddenly she felt him deftly slide a finger inside her body. She moaned deep in her throat as she instinctively lifted her hips to draw his hand in deeper.

Never in her life had she felt the like. Clenching her teeth, she bucked her hips against his hand, wanting more. Craving more.

Braden wanted to roar in triumph. He had her right where he wanted her and she was his for the asking.

Deepening his kiss, he continued to toy mercilessly with the tiny nub of her, taking delight in her pleasurable moans.

She was so hot and slick and tight, just waiting for him to fill her to capacity. And he would.

Aye, he would fill her deep and hard, and have her screaming out in release, begging him for more until they were both covered with sweat and thoroughly spent.

Kissing her, he circled her once with his thumb, then plunged it deep inside her.

"Please, Braden," she moaned.

And in that miserable, awful instant, reality came cras.h.i.+ng down upon him as he felt her maidenhead with his finger.

She was a virgin. And until he had come along, she had been completely untouched.

Against his will, he saw himself for the first time through her eyes. A wandering rogue with no thought of anyone save himself.

He had seduced her to this. And come the morning, she would feel used by him.

She would hate him.

Or worse, she would hate herself.

His painfully aroused body begged for hers, but he couldn't take her. Not like this. Not out in the woods like some h.o.a.ry beast with no regard for her or her feelings. She was a maiden and she deserved a better first time than this.

She deserved...

She deserved to be taken by a man who loved her.

d.a.m.n it to h.e.l.l! he roared at himself.

And d.a.m.n her for giving him a conscience.

Infuriated at both of them, Braden forced himself to pull away.

She looked up at him with a frown.

"I'm sorry, Maggie," he breathed. "I forgot myself."

And then he saw the shame in her gaze.

Worse, tears filled her eyes as she pushed herself to her feet. Without a word, she took off running through the woods.

Braden went after her, catching her before she ran too far ahead.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I canna believe I let you do that," she said. "I'm not a wh.o.r.e, to-"

He silenced her words with one finger over her lips. "Nay, you are not a wh.o.r.e. If you were, I wouldn't have stopped."

Her frown deepened.

"There is nothing wrong with what we did," he said quietly. "You are a woman full grown and it was wrong of me to take advantage of you. If you want to hate someone for what just happened, then hate me. But never hate yourself."

Confusion and pain mixed on her face as she studied him. "Why did you do it?"

"Because I want you," he said, his voice breaking with need and emotion. "Even now my body craves yours in a way that is most painful."

"Then why did you stop?"

He moved his hand to cup her face. And right then, it was all he could do not to kiss her. Not to finish what they had started.

"Because I didn't want you to hate me for it," he told her. "Or worse, to hate yourself."

"I don't understand."

"I know you don't. Tell me, Maggie, when you were making those plans of growing old without a man, did you never give thought to what you might be missing?"

"Of course I did."

Braden arched one brow. "Does that include what you just felt?"

Heat crept over her face. "I didn't know about that. I mean, I knew about that, but I didn't know..."

"What it felt like."

She nodded.

He leaned his head forward until their foreheads touched, and he buried his hands in her soft russet hair.

It was all he could do not to touch her more intimately, because right then, being intimate with her was all he wanted.

Indeed, he wished he could just crawl inside her and stay there for eternity.

"What you felt, little blossom, is nothing compared to the pleasures to be had. And I wish to all that is holy that I could be the one who shows it to you."

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