Disastrous: Cautious Part 22

Disastrous: Cautious -

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Her eyes filled with tears as she forced a smile and nodded. "I'm so happy, but I feel guilty for feeling this happy."

Puzzled by what she meant, I traced the back of my fingers along the side of her soft cheeks. "Explain that to me."

"Well, every time I begin to feel like my life is finally taking off, that nothing could change the pattern of how great things are going, just like that," she snapped her fingers, "it's taken away from me, as if I don't deserve for once to just be happy."

"Baby." I pulled her in against my chest and ran my fingers through her soft brown hair. "I can't promise you that life won't try to take a stab at you, that you won't run through a few obstacles, and that you won't feel like quitting at times. But I can promise you that, with each stab, I'll be there to heal the wound. With each obstacle, I'll be running right beside you. And every time you fall, I'll be right there to pick you up. We're in this together, always, and no matter how many times it feels like a struggle, we'll fight through it together because we deserve to be happy. You deserve all the happiness life can bring."

I tugged at her chin and lifted her wet face from my chest. A soft smile formed on her lips as she swiped away the tears. "Well, be prepared because life is going to bring you a moody, hormonal, and very sensitive pregnant woman for the next few months."

Laughing, I framed her face and grazed my thumb along her cheekbones. "It's worth it; everything with you is worth every bit." I lifted her hand, the one with the engagement ring she had accepted again the moment we moved in together, and played with it around her finger. With a smile, I traced my eyes from her hand to her face. "You've made me happier than you'll ever know."

Mia breathed out a smile, leaned down, and pressed her lips against mine-those lips that I had the pleasure to kiss every day for the rest of my life.

Yes, it was exactly then that I knew, without a doubt, that I was the luckiest man alive.




I stared at my reflection in the long mirror before me, and a smile crept along my lips as I admired the beauty in white. The long strapless gown hugged my body flawlessly. The diamond necklace and matching drop earrings were simple but elegant. My hair was pinned into a low bun and covered with a long veil that draped down my back. Gathering my bouquet from the table by the vanity, I held the beautiful yellow roses in front of me and took one last glance at the reflection.

This was the day that I'd walk down the aisle and forever be known as Mrs. Marcus DeLuca. Tears filled my eyes as the thought crossed my mind of spending the rest of my life with the one man I loved. Marcus and I had traveled a path that was dangerous, heart wrenching, and tremendously insane. We also had a life full of love, laughter, and happiness. Even through all the bad times, I couldn't picture my life without him. We had fought for each other tooth and nail. Yes, ours was a flawed relations.h.i.+p, but when we loved each other as deeply as we did, no one could ever take that away from us.

We were meant for each other in every way, and I didn't care how others perceived our relations.h.i.+p. None of that mattered because I was going to spend life with the one person that truly counted.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" My grandfather popped his head in the door and froze as he set eyes on me. "Well, I'll be . . ." Tears began to fill his eyes. Bowing his head, he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "You are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen." He whispered, "Don't tell your grandmother I said that. She'll kill me."

Laughing, I tightened my arms around him. "Thank you so much, and thank you for walking me down the aisle."

"Are you kidding? I'm honored." He pulled back as his eyes danced around my face. "Are you ready to become a married woman?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

He nodded, stepped aside, and bent his arm. I nestled my hand through the crook of it and looked up at him with a smile. "Let's do this."

We walked out of the hotel room and down the hall. My heart fluttered as I antic.i.p.ated seeing Marcus. I wondered if he was just as nervous and anxious as I was. As we waited for the elevators, I heard Megan squealing as she ran down the hall. Her long light yellow silk gown with a white sash swayed as she darted my way. It was the perfect gown for a spring wedding.

"You look amazing." She breathed out as she tried to catch her breath.

"You do too." We quickly hugged and walked into the elevator as it opened.

We traveled down to the lobby and headed to where the ceremony was held. Once we reached the doors, the wedding planner pulled me aside against the wall. "No peeking. We wouldn't want the groom to see you early." I nodded and began fidgeting with my hands as my breathing grew unsteady.

After a few minutes, I was able to calm my breathing. Then I caught sight of Elle running down the hall toward me. She was absolutely beautiful in a white dress with a red sash. The basket she held was filled with yellow rose petals. Once she approached me, her eyes glistened as her lips curled into a huge smile. "Wow, Mia. You look like a princess."

I laughed and leaned down to pull her into a hug. "No, you look like a princess. You're beautiful."

"Thank you. I'm here to perform the flower girl duties. Daddy said it's a very important job."

I burst into laughter. "Oh yes, very important. Without the flower girl, the wedding would be a catastrophe."

With a hand on her hip, she nodded. "Yes, we can't let that happen."

"Alright, everyone in place. The wedding will begin in a few seconds." The wedding planner clapped his hands together.

I straightened at his announcement and wrapped my hand snugly through my grandfather's crooked arm.

Right on time, the planner hurried Elle along the aisle. Before walking down the aisle, she winked at me, adjusted her shoulders, and smiled brightly for the guests.

I loved that little girl.

Megan was up next. "See you in a few!" She squealed and waved her hand, showing off her diamond engagement ring, and headed down the same path as Elle. In a few months, she and Jeremy would be reciting their own vows. I couldn't have been happier for them.

"Okay, in about ten seconds, the wedding bells will go off, and then you can walk down."

I nodded at the planner and took in another deep breath.

Right on time, I heard the bells go off. My grandfather moved forward, and I followed beside him as he guided me down the aisle. My head was bowed at first. I heard shoes shuffling as the guests stood the moment we entered. As we continued in a slow pace down the aisle, in the midst of it all, I had the courage to finally look up.

First, I saw my mother standing beside my grandmother with their eyes filled with joyous tears. Second, Jeremy, with a wide smile, gave me one nod. I returned the gesture and then let out a soft laugh. Third, I saw Theresa. She was beautiful in a cream silk gown as her eyes glowed at the sight of me. I looked straight ahead and found Jimmie as the best man with his smile wide and bright. I remembered the talk I had with him the previous night, when he told me that he couldn't have picked a more suitable wife for his brother. I told him one day he'd find love and that, when it came, it would hit him hard. He disagreed, but I knew one day he would.

After I smiled at Jimmie, I turned my head slightly to the left, and then I saw him: my soon-to-be husband. My heart expanded with more love than I ever thought possible. Marcus stood at the other end of the aisle, looking more handsome than ever in a black tuxedo. With a wide dimpled smile, he tilted his arm so I could get a better look of our six-month-old baby boy he held. Michael was dressed in a matching tiny tux. My eyes swelled as I saw my two boys waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I laughed as tears escaped me when Marcus lifted our baby's tiny hand to wave at me.

Once I made my way up to them, Marcus leaned in and kissed my forehead. "You look so beautiful."

"You too." I whispered through my cracked voice.

Marcus chuckled and kissed our baby boy's soft head before handing him over to me. I grabbed him and looked down at the big brown eyes and tiny lips that curled into a small grin, which showed off his dimple just like his daddy's. It was right then that I knew I wouldn't change any of the past couple of years. I'd never been happier. My life was complete as I held my baby and looked up at the man that gave me more than just happiness. He gave me love and a life full of unexpected turns that brought us to where we were now-a life that only a few could dream of, but this wasn't a fantasy. This was real.

We stood before all of our family and friends and promised to love, trust, and be honest for the rest of our lives. There might be rocky times, but we would get past them together and never give up, because love-and not just any love, but our love-was worth fighting for.

He leaned down and gave me my first kiss as Mrs. Marcus DeLuca.



First and foremost, I want to thank my readers. I didn't think anyone would actually like my first book, Disastrous, let alone fall in love with the characters. Thank you for the support and love you've given me. If it weren't for your continued support, Cautious would've never met its deadline. You guys are the reason why I'll continue my pa.s.sion. I have so much more and can't wait to give you.

To my husband, Alex, words cannot express how much I love you. Although, we're not perfect, (What relations.h.i.+p is?) I can't picture life without you. Thank you for always supporting me, for being there when I cried because I thought I couldn't meet my deadline, and for picking-up laundry duty along with the take-out dinners. I know you haven't had a good home-cooked meal in months. I owe you one or a few. ;-) Love you, babe.

To my family and friends, I'm sorry I haven't been around as much as I used to. I was always a phone call away or jumped in my car when I was needed, but you still stuck by me and supported me the entire way! I love you all! Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! <3 mom!="" you're="" the="" reason="" for="" all="" of="" this.="" it'll="" never="" get="" old="" for="" me="" to="" remind="" you!="" thank="" you="" for="" pus.h.i.+ng="" me="" to="" publish="" disastrous;="" it="" started="" my="" new="" beginning.="" love="">

To Christine Martinez, thank you for sending me different medical terms to help with the "shooting scene." You're the best!

To my beta readers, Jennifer Diaz, Lori Francis, and Karinna Baez, thank you ladies for the feedback and for going through this process with me. *Heart hand motions*

To Jennifer Wolfel, you're simply awesome. Thank you for dealing with my anxiety and slapping me a few times to get me out of my depression. Your honest feedback helped improve my story, so thank you for that as well!

To Ashley Hartigan Tkachyk, AHH! I love you! I'm so happy you stalked me *inside joke* because we would've never become great friends. I'm certain if you were not with me throughout this entire process Cautious would not be what it is and I probably would've been admitted into an insane asylum. Also, thank you for listening to me cry and whine over the phone or through private message. I know you rolled your eyes a few times, even though you said you didn't. LOL. You're the best, and your feedback on Cautious was amazing.

To Melissa L. Delgado, are there enough words to express to my CP/soul sister/awesome sauce friend how much I love her? Nope, not enough words! Melis, thank you so much, for everything. Not just for the feedback on Cautious but for being a friend. You showed me that there are still sincere and genuine people out there. Ending a Broken Journey is going to touch so many readers, and I can't wait to ride that journey with you! Love you, honey bunny! ;-) To Becca Manuel, thank you for the amazing Cautious trailer; you're very talented. I can't wait to see you shoot for the stars. Also, thank you for being simply sweet!

To David Goldhahn, again thanks for a wonderful job on the cover. I can't wait to continue to work with you on my future covers.

Theresa Wegand, it was amazing working with you again. Thank you for beta reading, editing, and formatting Cautious.

To Miranda Petrillo, wow, you did such an amazing job proofreading Cautious! I couldn't be happier with the end result and will be working with you in the future! Thank you so much for your hard work.

To all book bloggers, there are so many of you that it would have taken ten pages, but I just want to say thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. You take time out of your work life, family life, and personal life to support and spread the word of your favorite authors. I'm in awe of you, for just being so committed and loving a story that has touched you and all you want to do is simply share your pa.s.sion about the story with others. Thank you for that! If not for you, many readers would lose out on the opportunity of finding a story that they might fall in love with as well. Thank you!

Last, but certainly not least, to my author group; you girls keep me sane. Seriously, you girls made me laugh when I wanted to cry, allowed me to feel pride when I was discouraged, and allowed me to believe in myself when I had doubts. A special thank you to Syreeta, Gail, Madeline, Claire, Cindy, Trevlyn, Karina and Laura-you girls rock! Thank you for listening to my everyday rants. <3 coming="">


This is a standalone scheduled to be released: Fall 2013/Spring 2014 Sometimes in life we are confronted by unforeseen hurdles. Other times there are people introduced in our lives for unexpected reasons: reasons beyond our control or desire. No matter the differences, sometimes two people find one another when they are most needed, even when not searching.

When Jenna McDaniel meets Josh Lewis, she begins to slowly discover herself. Josh Lewis wasn't looking for love or even a girlfriend. Trying to make ends meet and help care for his nephew, his already screwed up-life goes downhill the moment he is confronted by Jenna.

No one deserves to be alone, no one deserves to be judged, and no one certainly deserves to be unloved. For more reasons than one, sometimes we find something perfect-even when it has flaws.

Beaten, stomped, or simply thrown away, anything could be perfect even when damaged.

FIGHTING TO STAND (a novella) This is a spin off from the Disastrous Series-Jimmie DeLuca's story.

To be released: Fall 2013/Spring 2014 Synopsis coming soon.

Sneak Peek of Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan To read an excerpt of Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan, turn the page and enjoy.


By Madeline Sheehan Madeline Sheehan Books 2012 There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.

-Angel Flonis Harefa


Mark Twain said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."

I don't remember the day I was born, but I remember the day I found out why.

His name was Deuce.

He was my "why."

And this is our story.

It is not a pretty one.

Some parts of it are downright ugly.

But it's ours.

And because I believe everything happens for a reason, I wouldn't change a thing.


I was five years old when I met Deuce. He was twenty-three, and it was visiting day at Rikers Island. My father, Damon Fox or "Preacher"-the President of the infamous Silver Demons motorcycle club (mother chapter) in East Village, New York City-was doing a five-year stint for aggravated a.s.sault and battery with a deadly weapon. It was not the first time my father had been in prison, and it wouldn't be the last. The Silver Demons MC was a notorious group of criminals who lived by the code of the road and gave modern society and all it entailed a great big f.u.c.k you.

My father was a powerful and dangerous man who ruled over all Silver Demons worldwide and was highly respected but mostly feared by other MCs. He had government connections and ties to the mafias, but what made him the most dangerous and most feared was his many connections to average, everyday people. People who didn't run in his circle. People who were off the grid. People who could get things done quietly.

His way with words and his killer smile made him friends everywhere he went-and considering he'd been riding since he was in my grandmother's womb, when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

My father's shortcomings, the constant crime, and the club lifestyle weren't strange to me; it was all I knew.

I was holding my Uncle "One-Eyed" Joe's hand as we walked through Rikers family visiting room. Since my father was my only parent, my Uncle Joe and Aunt Sylvia had been given temporary custody of me. My mother, Deborah "Darling" Reynolds, had split a few weeks after I was born. Many men would have crumbled under the responsibility of a newborn baby, especially a biker who couldn't handle more than a few weeks without needing the open road.

But not Preacher.

Aside from going to prison every once in a while, my father was a good dad, and I'd never wanted for a thing.

Dressed in an orange jumpsuit and his long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail at his nape, Preacher spotted us immediately and jumped up. He was hindered slightly by the handcuffs around his wrists, ankles looped together by a chain, and the prison guard standing behind him who shoved him back down.

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About Disastrous: Cautious Part 22 novel

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