Disastrous: Cautious Part 19

Disastrous: Cautious -

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"Listen, Jimmie, I want you to stay here, okay? There's no need for both of us to be there."

"No." Jimmie shook his head adamantly.

"Jimmie, just stay here."

"I said, 'no.' We got in this together. We're going to leave it together."

"You're a stubborn f.u.c.k, you know that?"

"Yeah? Well, it's a trait I picked up from my little brother." He gently laughed and sniffed. Then he stood from his chair as he turned his back to me. He didn't want me to see the emotion p.r.i.c.kling his features. "I have to go to the bathroom."

Jimmie walked over to the door of my office. He froze with his hand on the k.n.o.b. "Marcus?"

"Yeah, Jimmie?"

He bowed his head as he opened the door. "I love you, Bro." He whispered and left the room.

"I love you too." I whispered into an empty room. I let out a heavy breath and sank against the chair.

Half an hour later, I had my brother, Vinnie, and his two men in my office. Jimmie stood by the door listening for Elle and our mom. Vinnie's two men, Eric and Liam, sat on the chairs in front of my desk. Vinnie stood beside me hovering over the desk and pointing his finger on a plan that showed the entire layout of Club21.

"Okay, so you see this entrance right here?" He pointed to the left side of the building. I nodded and he continued, "This is where Lou is planning on bringing the s.h.i.+pment in a few hours. Since there are double doors, they open flush against the brick wall outside. Lou plans to have his men back the truck in as close as possible and unload the drugs here." He pointed to the wall inside next to the door. "Once his men unload everything, the truck will leave, and they'll await Salvatore Lombardi and his men."

"When are they expected?" I asked, hovering over the club's layout plan.

"An hour after Lou arrives. He wants to make sure everything is set and ready. Lou will have his men surrounding the building." He pointed two fingers at the entrance. "He'll have Buddy and Rich at the main entrance, fully armed." His fingers traced down the back of the building where the parking lot was. "This is where two of Lou's guys and I will be. My men here," he nudged his head at both Liam and Eric in front of us, "will handle those two; they'll be in custody before the bust begins."

Vinnie straightened his position. "Obviously, Lou will have Gio with him for the exchange, but he's also called in some backup. Lou made an agreement to have some of Rick Boyle's men there."

"What the f.u.c.k, Vinnie. How many are there?"

He crossed his arms and pinched his lips together, as if lost in thought or calculating in his head. "I'd say a total of ten, maybe twelve, men of Lou's. Salvi agreed to bring the same amount, not to overpower Lou during the exchange, but if I know Salvi, I'm sure he'll have a few men close by, just in case."

"How many men do you have in your team for the bust? Are we outnumbered?"

"We have enough, Marky."

"Bull f.u.c.kin' s.h.i.+t!" Jimmie spat out, all heads turned in his direction. "You expect us to risk our lives out there with only a handful of your men who we don't even f.u.c.kin' know? Do you realize who you're f.u.c.kin' dealing with here? Lou Sorrento is not some f.u.c.kin' Joe from down South, and Salvatore Lombardi? You've all lost your f.u.c.kin' minds."

Vinnie grew agitated. With his arms spread wide, he glared at Jimmie. "Maybe we have, but at least we are f.u.c.kin' trying. If you ever want to do something in your life, do this, Jimmie. Think of your little girl."

"Don't you ever bring up my f.u.c.kin' little girl, you f.u.c.kin' b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I've been thinking about her since day f.u.c.kin' one! We're all signing our death warrants as we march into that f.u.c.kin' club, and you know it, Vinnie!" Jimmie pointed, as he tried to catch his breath, his shoulders heaving up and down from his heavy breathing.

"So what? You want out? Just like that? Fine, be a f.u.c.kin' coward. The one thing I never expected was a DeLuca brother backing down, especially you, Jimmie."

"You shouldn't set your expectations so f.u.c.kin' high, Vinnie. People change all the d.a.m.n time, especially when it involves possibly never seeing their loved ones again."

Frustrated by the change of events, I spat out, "Okay, enough of this s.h.i.+t." I stood from my chair, "We're doing this, Vinnie." I turned my head toward Jimmie, and his head snapped in my direction. "Yes, Jimmie, we're doing this."

Laughing once, Jimmie waved his arm exaggeratedly and bowed down to me. "Whatever you say, boss."

"Come on, Jimmie. Don't be like that. You said it yourself. We started this together, and we're ending it together."

Jimmie stared at me as he took in the words I threw back at him. He leaned back, crossed his arms, lifted one leg, and pressed his foot against the wall to keep balance. After a few minutes, he nodded at me and then at Vinnie to go on.

Vinnie let out a breath in relief and turned back to me. "Okay, you and Jimmie will be in this VIP room." He pointed back to the plan on my desk. "That's where the surveillance will be set up. You two will radio every detail of what's going on: a play-by-play. Once you spot both Salvi and Lou in the same room-the moment Salvi arrives and Lou is there-you let us know and we move in." Vinnie looked around the room at each and every one of us. "Do you all understand the plan?" We all nodded in response. "Good, let's get going. I want you guys set up in the surveillance room before Lou's men show up."

Vinnie and his two men grabbed their things and walked out of the office. I stood up from my chair and adjusted my jacket before reaching into the drawer and removing two guns. I put one in the back of my pants underneath my s.h.i.+rt and the other in the front of my pants, adjusting it by my hip."

I grabbed another two and walked over to Jimmie and handed them to him. "Are you sure you can do this? It's not too late to stay here with Elle and Mom. I can handle this, Jimmie."

He uncrossed his arms and straightened his shoulders. Grabbing the guns from my hand, he adjusted them on him as I did mine. "I'm with you all the way."

Relieved in a way, I bowed my head. "Jimmie, I just want you to know the only reason why I want to go on with this is because of Dad." I looked up at him as his brows pinched together in confusion. "Don't you see? If we keep on going as he did, little by little we'll break, and before we know it, we'll end up like him. It just proves that there's no easy way out, well, at least not without a fight."

Jimmie's expression relaxed, indicating that he had understood what I had said, and then he gently slapped the side of my face and nodded.

Not another word was spoken as we walked out of the house. We all hopped into the same car and drove off.



All night, I couldn't stop thinking of Marcus and the uneasiness I felt when we had left each other. I wasn't able to take it anymore. I knew it was still early that Sunday, but I had to drive to his house and talk to him. During the entire drive, the past few months sprinted through my head. These last few weeks, we hadn't spent much time together, but I knew it was because of our busy schedules.

I missed falling asleep in his arms and waking up next to him. Maybe waiting until the semester was over to move in with him was ridiculous. I could simply move my clothes over to his house, and everything else could wait. I felt guilty that I might have led him to believe that I didn't love him enough to want to spend every possible minute together.

When Megan and I arrived back at my apartment the night before, Jeremy was there waiting for us. She was completely intoxicated from the tequila shots she'd thrown back. Jeremy guided her into his bedroom and came back out. Then, he filled me in on what happened between the two of them. Apparently, Megan said, "I love you," and it scared Jeremy. He was thrown off by it and wasn't sure how to handle it. Megan had gotten upset because he just froze and didn't respond, which caused her to walk out the door. Jeremy said that, after we left, he took a walk around the neighborhood and that's when it dawned on him that he did love her. When he came back, we were already gone. Needless to say, they were back to being Megan and Jeremy by the morning.

As I pulled into Marcus's driveway, Theresa was pulling in at the same time. I turned off my ignition and hopped out of the car. "Mia!" Elle shouted as she jumped out of the pa.s.senger side of Theresa's vehicle. She ran up to me and wrapped her tiny arms around my hip.

"Elle, how are you, honey?"

"I'm good! Did you come to see me?" She spread her lips into a huge grin.

Smiling, I leaned down and kissed her cheek, "Actually, I need to speak to your Uncle Marc. Is he around?"

"I believe you may have just missed him." Theresa proclaimed as she approached us. I straightened to greet her. She pulled me into a hug. "How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm good." We untangled from our embrace. "Do you know where he might be? I thought he'd be here because it's still so early."

"Inventory." At my puzzled expression, she continued. "The club. It's that time of month for inventory. It's done once a month."

"Ah, so he's there?"

"Yes. I just came back from the park with Elle. Would you like to have lunch with us while you wait for him?"

"Actually, I think I'll just go to the club. I really need to speak with him."

"Everything okay? With the two of you I mean?"

"Oh, yes, I just really need to talk to him." I a.s.sured her.

"Okay. I'll see you later?"

"Yes, of course." I leaned in, hugged her and Elle good-bye, and entered my car. Pulling out of the driveway, I turned at the curb and zoomed toward the club.

As I pulled into the empty parking lot of Club21, I was concerned that I may have missed Marcus, because I didn't spot his car. There was a huge truck on the side of the building backed up into an entrance, but I didn't see anyone. Looking around before I exited my vehicle, I noticed the back door was wide open. He had to be there. Exiting my car, I made my way toward the door and poked my head in before going in. The hallway was quiet and empty. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked through the hall. Halfway through, I heard a noise coming from one of the side doors, a door that led to the bas.e.m.e.nt. Because the truck on the side of the building led to the bas.e.m.e.nt, it made sense that he was down there. I pulled the door open and walked down the stairs.

I looked around, confused at first, but then, everything started to register. It was a bust. All around the bas.e.m.e.nt were at least twenty to thirty men with their guns drawn on each other. There were men in blue-and-yellow FBI jackets with their guns pointed at some men who I recognized from Marcus's surprise party. They were all a part of the mob. I was sure of it. They had their guns pointed at the federal agents as well. My heart fought against my chest as my eyes scanned the room searching for Marcus. They landed on Vinnie, Marcus's friend, who wore a badge around his neck and locked eyes with mine. "Mia, I want you to stay where you are. Do not move! Do you understand?"

My mind felt as if I nodded, but I wasn't sure if I did. I was in complete shock. Swallowing the huge lump in my throat, I continued to scan the room. I saw more angry men all with guns who cursed and hissed at one other. The moment I realized who was standing beside me, he gripped me against his chest and pressed a gun against my head. "Lou, let her go now!" Vinnie yelled. Everything was happening so fast. My vision blurred as I tried to focus on something-anything. My heart thundered against my chest, my breathing increased, and sweat beaded along my skin.

Lou wrapped his arm around my neck as he pulled me in tighter. My arms reached up and tried to pull at his grip, but his hold was snug under my chin. I whimpered as he traced the tip of the gun down the side of my face and under my jawline. He pinned my head back into his shoulder. His lips grazed the outside of my ear as he harshly whispered, "Your man's not around to save you, huh, princess?" Lou dug his nose in my ear and wildly sniffed in the scent of my shampoo. "I wonder if I should kill you now and make your death fast and easy like your brother's."

My knees buckled and I collapsed into him. My eyes burned as I fought to see past the tears. My nails dug into his hold, but I couldn't pull him away. It was difficult to breathe as I gasped for air. Laughing, he secured his grip on me. "After I'm done with you, I'll make sure we take care of Marky. I have plans for him, though. I'll make sure he dies a slow, tortuous, and painful death." He sneered in my ear.

I broke into uncontrollable sobs.

"f.u.c.k!" Vinnie spat out. "Lou, let her go! You have nowhere to run. This whole place is surrounded."

Lou snapped his head back up to Vinnie. Remembering where we were, he dragged me back with him until he reached the door. He kicked it opened and leaned in as far as he could. "We'll see about that." He pushed me away, turning my entire body to face him. A rush of relief washed through me at the loss of contact and I gulped in air.

With the bas.e.m.e.nt stairway door opened, he leaned in and kept the gun pointed at me. I tried to swallow as he lowered the gun, gave a lopsided grin, and said, "Tell your brother I said, 'Hi.'"

Before I could utter a word, he pulled the trigger, causing a loud noise to echo through the room. My entire body shattered as I felt the bullet bite through my chest. I was frozen. Everything around me stilled. I looked down, and my hand swiped along the burning wound with trembling hands. Dark red blood spread along my palm. A dizzy spell caught me, and as I tried to breathe in, my throat wheezed at the failed attempt. My body fell back as I heard the sounds of gunfire surround me. It all became faint.

I couldn't breathe. My lungs felt as if someone were squeezing every single breath left inside of me. My eyes rolled back, and I focused on the ceiling. With each gasp of air I took in, my mind began to slowly recede. Images of those I loved faded in and out of my mind: my father, Michael, my mother, Jeremy, Megan, and my grandparents. The one I loved more than anything and was willing to give my last breath for, the one that I wanted nothing more than to see his face one last time-Marcus-his was the last image that crossed my mind.

Then I grew hungry-hungry for oxygen-anything to help stop the tortured pain that scorched through my lungs, as I fought for every breath.



Ice-covered, I couldn't move. I blinked again to find out if what I saw the first time was real. And it was. Mia had entered the hallway from the back parking lot and had opened the doors to the bas.e.m.e.nt where the bust had just taken place less than five minutes before. I felt my body grow pale as I saw her go down the stairs where it all was taking place.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Come on!" Jimmie gripped my shoulder and lifted me from my chair, pulling me out of my daze and bringing me back to reality.

f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k. My heart pounded against my f.u.c.king chest with every step I took. It went with the rhythm of the sound of guns firing.

As we reached the door to the bas.e.m.e.nt, we caught sight of Lou, who was running down the hall. I had a decision to make. Follow him or go see if Mia was alright. "Go! I'll check on Mia." Jimmie shouted over the sound of gunfire. I hesitated. "Go! All of this will be worth nothing if Lou gets away!" He shoved my shoulder. Nodding the moment that I realized he was right, one foot moved in front of the other as I went after Lou.

Everything was happening so fast, but it felt as if I were playing a movie in my head in slow f.u.c.king motion. It wasn't happening fast enough.

Once I reached the parking lot, I spotted him by the far end, where a hidden street led behind a group of brick buildings. Picking up the pace, I sprinted towards him. The closer I got to him, the more the adrenaline pumped through me. Reaching for the gun that was pressed against my back, I pulled it out and aimed it at him as I continued running after him. Once I was close behind him, he looked back as he heard footsteps approaching. The moment he locked eyes with mine, he laughed and stopped. He turned around and pointed his gun at me. Breathing out heavily, he said, "You were responsible for all of this, Marky?" His faced was filled with amus.e.m.e.nt.

With a steady aim on him, I stopped running but continued in a rapid stride toward him. "No, but once I was asked if I wanted to be a part of bringing you down, I didn't have a second thought."

He saw I wasn't stopping, so he c.o.c.ked back his gun, but before he could pull the trigger, I shot at his hand. His gun, along with a few b.l.o.o.d.y fingers, fell to the floor. He shrieked as he gripped his wrist in shock. "You f.u.c.kin' c.o.c.k. f.u.c.k!" He huddled over, wincing in pain. I continued running with the gun still aimed at him. Laughing, he stood slanted, squeezing his arm, trying to hold back the rapid bleeding. "You know," he grimaced through clenched teeth as he spat, "I'm glad I pulled that f.u.c.kin' trigger on your girl. Now she can f.u.c.kin' join that two-faced brother of hers." He spat at the ground and laughed at me as he weakly stumbled back.

Everything around me went red. All I could see was the f.u.c.kin' smirk on his face. One foot in front of the other, I charged at him with every quick step I took. I knew I was closer, but it wasn't fast enough. My legs quickened and I sprinted at him. The moment I was close enough, I tightened a fist, cranked my arm back and swung it directly at his face. There was a loud crack as my knuckle smashed against his nose. Lou's head jerked back at the contact, forcing him to stumble a few steps.

With his eyes wide, he snapped his head forward. He glared at me with intense and vicious eyes at the unexpected blow. Blood gushed out of his nose. His jaw tensed, and the veins on his neck popped out in rage. His body shook with adrenaline. "You're a f.u.c.kin' dead man, Marky. Dead!" He came after me, but I didn't give him a chance as I smashed my fist against his face again. Crack.

And again.


And again.


With each blow, he was forced back until he was against the brick wall.

I gripped his neck with one hand, squeezing it tightly, forcing every f.u.c.king breath he had out of him. His eyes bulged out of their sockets; he let out a desperate gasp for air. Gripping the sides of his face with both hands, even with the gun I held pressed against the side of his cheek, I began slamming his head against the brick wall. "You're the f.u.c.kin' dead man, Lou!" I spat as I cracked his head against the concrete wall. "You'll never see another f.u.c.kin' day."

Crack! I grunted as I did it again. Hatred for this man was drilled into every fiber of my being. I wanted nothing more than to suck the life out of him.

His eyes fluttered with each blow of the head, but it didn't deter him from chuckling one last time. "I saw her gasp for air as she took her last breath."

Reaching my boiling point, I lifted my other hand, placed the barrel of the pistol against his lips, and shoved it down his throat, causing his teeth to shatter from the force. "I want to see your f.u.c.kin' brain splattered against the f.u.c.kin' wall, your blood drenched against my f.u.c.kin' skin, and your dead body on the f.u.c.kin' ground right along with the sc.u.m where you belong. Soon no one will know who the f.u.c.k Lou Sorrento ever was!" My finger steadied against the trigger, I breathed out a lopsided smirk, and that was the last image he saw. Without a second thought, I yanked at the trigger.


Just like that, the last I saw of Lou Sorrento were his eyes bulging wide open as the bullet pierced his brain and the residue splattered against the wall. His body dropped to the ground the moment I let go of the hold I had on him.

Looking at his lifeless body lying on the ground, I spat on him. All of the rage and disgust I felt for him was displayed in that one final gesture. Turning my back on him, the meaning of his words finally sank in. I ran fast. I ran hard-back to the woman I loved. There was no way she was f.u.c.king gone.

As I entered the room, my blood was still pumping with adrenaline from what just happened. I blinked a few times as the cloud of smoke from the gunfire filled the room. My eyes searched for the one person I feared for the most. It was a rampage and guns continued to fire. I quickly ran around searching but could not find that familiar face.

My heart picked up its pace as I hovered over lifeless bodies and held a tight grip on the gun in my hand, ready for anyone who got in the way. As I continued my search, I finally spotted Jimmie. He was kneeling on the ground, hovering over someone. My throat closed, and my entire body stilled as I saw the person before him. For a mere second I grew faint but managed to force my trembling legs toward them.

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