Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 47

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78. Cypraea errones. Lin. Syst. Nat. 1178. Gray, l.c. 1 385.

Cypraea erronea, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3411.

Cyprrea olivacea, b. Lam. Hist. 7 392.

Icon. Pet. Gaz. t. 97. f. 21.

79. Cypraea caput serpentis. Lin. Syst. Nat. 1175. Gmel. 3406. Lam. Hist.

7 385. Gray, Zool. Journal 1 495.

Icon. Lister. t. 702. f. 50. et t. 704. f. 52. Martini 1 t. 33. f. 316.

Ency. Meth. 354. f. 4.

80. Cypraea zigzag, Gmel. Syst. Nat. t. 3410. Lam. Hist. 7 394. Gray, Zool. Journal 1 373. Cypraea undata, Lam. Ann. Mus. n. 41.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 661. f. 5. Martini 1 t. 23. f. 224, 225. Ency.

Meth. t. 356. f. 8. a. b.

81. Cypraea helvola, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1130. Gmel. 3417. Lam. Hist. 7 398.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 691. f. 38. Martini Conch. 1 t. 30. f. 326, 327.

Ency. Meth. 356. f. 13.

82. Cypraea nucleus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1 1181. Gmel. 3418. Lam. Hist. 7 400. Gray, Zool. Journal 1 515.

Icon. Born. t. 8. f. 17. Ency. Meth. t. 355. f. 3.

83. Cypraea oniscus, Lam. Hist. 7 402.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 706. f. 55. Martini 1 t. 29. f. 306, 307.

84. Cypraea australis, Lam. Hist. 7 404.

Icon. --

85. Mitra tabanula ? Lam. Hist. 7 323. n. 79.

A single bleached specimen, agreeing with this description excepting in having five instead of three or four plaits on the columella, was brought up by the sounding line. The sh.e.l.l is longitudinally grooved, and very remarkable for being furnished with numerous, rather distant, smooth, narrow, raised spiral bands; having the inter-s.p.a.ces finely spirally striated; the nucleus of the sh.e.l.l, like that of a voluta, is mammillary.

86. Mitra scutulata, Lam. Hist. 7 314.

Voluta scutulata sue discolor, Chemn. Conch. 10 Gmel. 3452.

Icon. Chemn. l.c. t. 151. f. 1428, 1429.

Lamarck never having seen this sh.e.l.l has described it on the authority of Chemnitz, whose figure agrees very well with the sh.e.l.l before me; excepting that the spots round the suture form nearly a continual band at a little distance from it; the outer lip is smooth and thin; the inside dull livid brown; the axis is fourteen-twelfths, the diameter seven-twelfths, of an inch.

87. Marginella minuta (n.s.) Testa minuta ovata fusiformis alba polita, spira conoidea obtusiuscula, labro inflexo, columella quadriplicata.

Icon. --

Sh.e.l.l ovate, fusiform, white, polished; spire conical, nearly as long as the aperture, rather blunt; outer lip somewhat inflexed; columella with four distinct plaits; axis three-twelfths, diameter two-twelfths of an inch.

88. Strombus plicatus, Lam. Hist. 7 210.

Strombus dentatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3519.

Icon. Rumph. Mus. t. 37. f. T. Pet. Amb. t. 14. f. 21. Schroet. Einl. in Conch. 1 t. 2. f. 12. Ency. Meth. t. 408. f. 2. a. b.

89. Strombus urceus, Lin. Gmel. 3518.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 857. f. 13. Martini. Conch. 3 t. 78. f. 803-806.

90. Strombus australis (n.s.)

Testa ovato-oblonga tuberculata spiraliter sulcata albida fusco-variegata, spira exserta, cauda recurva, labro incra.s.sato posterius lobo digiti-formi termitato intus (roseo ?) sulcato.

Icon. -- ?

Sh.e.l.l ovate oblong, spiral, white, spotted and lined with pale, fulvous-brown; the spire exserted, conical, half as long as the sh.e.l.l; the whorls longitudinally ribbed with one more prominent than the rest, the one nearest the suture being acute and tuberculated; the ca.n.a.l recurved; the outer lip thickened, ending in a projecting lobe behind, and edged with two or three blunt tubercles; the throat rose-coloured, furrowed; the inner lip much thickened.

This sh.e.l.l is one of the five species which have been confounded with Strombus auris dianae; it is most like S. zelandiae, n. Chemn. 10 t. 156.

f. 1485, 1486, in form and throat, but has the sculpture of S. adusta, n.

Chemn. 10 t. 156. f. 1487, 1488; this last Lamarck considers as the true S. auris dianae, whilst Linnaeus unquestionably describes the sh.e.l.l figured by Martini, 7 t. 84. f. 840, and by Seba, 3 t, 61. f. 1, 2, which I have named S. lamarckii, from having considered it to be the young of a new species; it is figured by Martini, 7 t. 84. f. 338, 339, and by Seba, 3 t. 61. f. 5, 6, and is very nearly allied to S. bituberculatus of Lamarck.

91. Pterocera lambis, Lam. Hist. 7 196.

Strombus lambis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3508.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 866. f. 21. Martini, Conch. 3 t. 87. f. 858, 859.

This sh.e.l.l is very distinct from Strombus camelus of Chemn. 10 t. 155. f.


92. Bulla australis, Gray, Ann. of Philosophy, 9 n.s. 408.

Icon. --

This species is very distinct from Bulla striata, Lister. Conch. t. 714.

f. 72. with which it has been generally confounded; it is of larger size and perfectly smooth.

93. Bulla hyalina (n.s.)

Testa ovata cylindrica imperforata tenuis hyalina albida laevis concentrice subrugosa; apice incra.s.sato.

Icon. --

The sh.e.l.l ovate, cylindrical, thin; hyaline white, smooth, very slightly concentrically rugose; the vertex thickened, not perforated; the aperture rather longer than the sh.e.l.l; the inner lip slightly reflexed; axis five-twelfths, diameter three-twelfths of an inch.

94. Cryptostoma haliotoideum (n.) Sigaretus haliotoideus, Lam. Hist. 6 2. 208.

Icon. Martini. Conch. 1 t. 16. f. 151-154.

95. Hipponix listeri (n.) Icon. Lister. t. 544. f. 29.

This sh.e.l.l is very nearly allied to Pileopis, but the animal is evidently not brachiopodous. It does not form (or at least not always) a support, but corrodes the surface of the sh.e.l.l to which it is attached, so as to form a more flat attachment, and to leave a lunate convex rib instead of the lunate muscular impression which is observed on those specimens or individuals which have a base.

96. Siphonaria radiata, Var. Gray, Phil. Mag. 1824. 275.

Siphonaria exigua, Sow. Gen.

Patella j.a.ponica, Donovan.

Icon. Donovan, Nat. Repos. t. 79.

97. Bulimus kingii, Gray, Ann. Phil., 9 n.s. 414.


The sh.e.l.l ovate, white, with numerous dark-brown irregular concentric lines, smooth except near the suture where it is slightly wrinkled; whorls six, rather convex; aperture ovate, about half as long as the sh.e.l.l; peristome thin (perhaps not formed); perforation covered with a white even lip, surrounded by a dark edge; the throat chocolate-brown.

This sh.e.l.l is abundant on the hills of King George the Third's Sound, in the vicinity of Bald Head.

98. Cyclostoma australe (n.s.)

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