Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 45

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Sh.e.l.l orbicular conical; spire rather depressed; whorls five spirally striated; upper part flattened, expanded, white with numerous diverging red cross lines; centre flat, nearly at right angles with the upper edge, white, with a convex thread-like rib round its base, which is distantly articulated; base of the whorls convex, red, punctured and variegated with white; axis conical, concave, white, smooth at the commencement; aperture subquadrangular; inside pearly, inner lip with an obscure tooth at the end of the umbilicus; axis one-fourth, diameter one-third, of an inch.

35. Turbo setosus, Gmel. Sys. Nat. 3594. Lam. Hist. 7 42.

Icon. Chemn. 5 t. 181. f. 1795, 1796.

36. Turbo torquatus, Gmel. 3597. Lam. Hist. 7 40.

Icon. Chemn. 10 293. figure 24. f. A. B.

37. Phasianella varia, Lam. Ency. Meth. plate 449. f. 1. a. b. c.

Phasianella bulimoides, Lam. Hist. 7 52.

Buccinum Australe, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3490.

Icon. Chemn. 9 t. 120. f. 1033, 1034.

38. Phasianella pulchra (n.s.)

Testa minuta oblique conica tenuis pellucida linea albida opaca et fasciis coccineis ornata, anfractibus valde convexis.

Sh.e.l.l minute, obliquely conical, thin, pellucid, variegated with spiral opaque white intercepted striae and several transverse scarlet bands formed of oblique lines; axis, imperforated, one-sixth, diameter one-eighth, of an inch.

This sh.e.l.l is somewhat like P. pullus, Turbo pullus of Montague, but the whorls are more convex, and it is rather differently marked.

39. Scalaria australis, Lam. Hist. 6 pt. 2. 228.

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40. Scalaria tenuis (n.s.)

Testa conica umbillcata tenuis pellucida albida unifasciata, costis albis tenuibus ereberrimis parum elevatis laevibus, anfractibus contiguis.

Sh.e.l.l conical, thin, pellucid, whitish-brown, with a narrow central spiral brown band; whorls contiguous, convex, smooth, with numerous close oblique slightly raised, thin, simple-edged cross ribs; axis umbilicated; umbilicus narrow; mouth small, ovate, orbicular; axis three-eighths, diameter one-fourth of an inch.

This sh.e.l.l is most like Scalaria princ.i.p.alis, n.o.b. Turbo princ.i.p.alis of Pallas, Chemn. 11 t. 195, f. 1876, 1877. The sh.e.l.l before me is most probably a young specimen.

41. Delphinula laciniata, Lam. Hist. 6 pt. 2. 230.

Turbo Delphinus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3599.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 608. f. 45.

This sh.e.l.l was found at low water upon the Coral Reefs, in the entrance of Prince Regent's River, on the North-west Coast.

42. Nerita atrata, Lam. Hist. 6 pt. 2. 191.

Icon. Chemn. Conch. 5 t. 190. f. 1954, 1955.

43. Nerita textilis, Gmelin. Syst. Nat. 3683.

Icon. Chemn. 5 190, f. 1944, 1945.

44. Natica mamilla, Lam. Hist. 6 pt. 2. 197.

Nerita mamilla, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3672.

Icon. Lister Conch. t. 571. f. 22. Enc. Meth. plate 453. f. 5. a. b.

45. Natica alba, n.

Icon. Chemn. 5 t. 189. f. 1922. 1923.

46. Natica conica, Lam. Hist. 6 pt. 2. 198.

Icon. Chemn. 5 t. 189. f. 1930. 1931.

47. Littorina australis (n.s.)

Testa ovata, conica fulva rudis spiraliter striata sulcata, spira acuta, fauce livida.

Sh.e.l.l ovate, conical, fulvous-brown, rough, with numerous impressed spiral lines; the spire acute, the whorls rather convex, last slightly angular, the columella lip purplish-brown; axis solid, with a lunate concavity behind the usual situation of the umbilicus.

48. Littorina unifasciata (n.s.)

Testa ovato-conica imperforata purpureo-albida laevigata, anfractibus convexis ultimo subangulato, apertura purpurea unifasciata.

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Sh.e.l.l ovate conical, nearly smooth, with only a few concentric ridges, and distant, scarcely impressed, very narrow, grooves; white or purplish-white outside; the whorls rather convex, last one slightly angular in front; mouth ovate; throat purple or purplish-black with a distinct broad white spiral band just below the slight external keel; inner lip purple with a deep concavity behind it; spire acute half the length of the sh.e.l.l; axis 8/12, diameter 6/12, of an inch.

This sh.e.l.l has somewhat the shape of Littorina zigzag, the Trochus zigzag of Montague, but is all of one colour externally and has a much shorter spire.

49. Cerithium pal.u.s.tre, Brug. Dict. n. 19. Lam. Hist. 7 66.

Strombus pal.u.s.tris, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3521. Number 38.

Icon. Lister. Conch. t. 836. f. 62. t. 837. f. 63. Seba, 3 t. 50. f. 13.

14. 17-19. Martini Conch. 4 t. 156. f. 1472.

50. Cerithium ebeninum, Brug. Dict. n. 26. Lam. Hist. 7 67.

Icon. Chem. Conch. 10 t. 162. f. 1548, 1549. Ency. Meth. t. 442. f. 1. a, b.

51. Cerithium morus, Lam. Hist. 7 75. not Brug.

Icon. Lister. t. 1024. f. 90 ?

52. Cerithium lima ? Lam. Hist. 7 77. Brug. Number 33.

A broken sh.e.l.l apparently of this species was brought home, but when a more perfect specimen is round, it may prove to be distinct from it.

53. Cerithium perversum ? Lam. Hist. 7 77.

54. fasciata, n.

Buccinum fasciatum, Lam. Hist. 7 271.

55. suturalis, n.

Buccinum suturale, Lam. Hist. 7 269 ?

56. mutabilis, n.

Buccinum mutabile, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3481. Lam. Hist. 7 269.

Icon. List. t. 975. f. 30. Born. t. 9. f. 13. Chemn. Conch. 11 t. 188. f.

1810, 1811.

57. livida (n.s.) Testa ovato-conica superne transverse plicata basi spiraliter striata purpureo-livida obscure castaneo bifasciata, anfractibus convexiusculis, sutura linea alba notata, labro extus marginato intus sulcato.

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