The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 50

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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20 And I fly for protection unto my LORD, and your LORD, that ye stone me not.

If ye do not believe me, at least depart from me.

And when they accused him of imposture, he called upon his LORD, saying, These are a wicked people.

And G.o.d said unto him, March forth with my servants by night; for ye will be pursued: and leave the sea divided, that the Egyptians may enter the same; for they are a host doomed to be drowned.

How many gardens, and fountains, and fields of corn, and fair dwellings, and advantages which they enjoyed, did they leave behind them!

Thus we dispossessed them thereof; and we gave the same for an inheritance unto another people.

Neither heaven nor earth wept for them; neither were they respited any longer.

30 And we delivered the children of Israel from a shameful affliction; from Pharaoh; for he was haughty, and a transgressor: and we chose them, knowingly, above all people; and we showed them several signs, wherein was an evident trial.

Verily these Meccans say, a.s.suredly our final end will be no other than our first natural death; neither shall we be raised again: bring now our forefathers back to life, if ye speak truth.

Are they better, or the people of Tobba, and those who were before them? we destroyed them, because they wrought wickedness.

We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, by way of sport: we have created them no otherwise than in truth; but the greater part of them do not understand.

40 Verily the day of separation shall be the appointed term of them all: a day, whereon the master and the servant shall be of no advantage to one another, neither shall they be helped; excepting those on whom G.o.d shall have mercy; for he is the mighty, the merciful.

Verily, the fruit of the tree of al Zakk.u.m shall be the food of the impious: as the dregs of oil shall it boil in the bellies of the d.a.m.ned, like the boiling of the hottest water.

And it shall be said to the tormentors, Take him, and drag him into the midst of h.e.l.l: and pour on his head the torture of boiling water, saying, Taste this; for thou art that mighty and honourable person.

50 Verily this is the punishment of which ye doubted.

But the pious shall be lodged in a place of security, among gardens and fountains: they shall be clothed in fine silk, and in satin; and they shall sit facing one another.

Thus shall it be: and we will espouse them to fair damsels, having large black eyes.

In that place shall they call for all kinds of fruits, in full security: they shall not taste death therein, after the first death; and G.o.d shall deliver from the pains of h.e.l.l: through the gracious bounty of thy LORD. This will be great felicity.

Moreover we have rendered the Koran easy for thee, by revealing it in thine own tongue; to the end that they may be admonished: wherefore do thou wait the event; for they wait to see some misfortune befall thee.





THE revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise G.o.d.

Verily both in heaven and earth are signs of the divine power unto the true believers: and in the creation of yourselves, and of the beasts which are scattered over the face of the earth, are signs unto people of sound judgment; and also in the vicissitude of night and day, and the rain which G.o.d sendeth down from heaven, whereby he quickeneth the earth after it hath been dead: in the change of the winds also are signs unto people of understanding.

These are the signs of G.o.d; we rehea.r.s.e them unto thee with truth. In what revelation therefore will they believe, after they have rejected G.o.d and his signs?

Woe unto every lying and impious person; who heareth the signs of G.o.d, which are read unto him, and afterwards proudly persisteth in infidelity, as though he heard them not: (denounce unto him a painful punishment:) and who, when he cometh to the knowledge of any of our signs, receiveth the same with scorn. For these is prepared a shameful punishment: 10 before them lieth h.e.l.l; and whatever they shall have gained shall not avail them at all, neither shall the idols which they have taken for their patrons, besides G.o.d; and they shall suffer a grievous punishment.

This is a true direction: and for those who disbelieve the signs of their LORD, is prepared the punishment of a painful torment.

It is G.o.d who hath subjected the sea unto you, that the s.h.i.+ps may sail therein, at his command; and that ye may seek advantage unto yourselves by commerce; of his bounty; and that ye may give thanks: and he obligeth whatever is in heaven and on earth to serve you; the whole being from him. Verily herein are signs unto people who consider.

Speak unto the true believers, that they forgive those who hope not for the days of G.o.d, that he may reward people according to what they shall have wrought.

Whoso doeth that which is right doth it to the advantage of his own soul; and whoso doeth evil doth it against the same: hereafter shall ye return unto your LORD.

We gave unto the children of Israel the book of the law, and wisdom, and prophecy; and we fed them with good things, and preferred them above all nations: and we gave them plain ordinances concerning the business of religion; neither do they fall to variance, except after that knowledge had come unto them, through envy among themselves: but thy LORD will decide the controversy between them, on the day of resurrection, concerning that wherein they disagree.

Afterwards we appointed thee, O Mohammed, to promulgate a law concerning the business of religion: wherefore follow the same, and follow not the desires of those who are ignorant.

Verily they shall not avail thee against G.o.d at all; the unjust are the patrons of one another; but G.o.d is the patron of the pious.

20 This Koran delivereth evident precepts unto mankind; and is a direction, and a mercy, unto people who judge aright.

Do the workers of iniquity imagine that we will deal with them as with those who believe and do good works; so that their life and their death shall be equal? An ill judgment do they make.

G.o.d hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; that he may recompense every soul according to that which it shall have wrought: and they shall not be treated unjustly.

What thinkest thou? He who taketh his own l.u.s.t for his G.o.d, and whom G.o.d causeth knowingly to err, and whose ears and whose heart he hath sealed up, and over whose eyes he hath cast a veil; who shall direct him, after G.o.d shall have forsaken him? Will ye therefore not be admonished?

They say, There is no other life, except our present life: we die, and we live; and nothing but time destroyeth us. But they have no knowledge in this matter; they only follow a vain opinion.

And when our evident signs are rehea.r.s.ed unto them, their argument which they offer against the same is no other than that they say, Bring to life our fathers who have been dead; if ye speak truth.

Say, G.o.d giveth you life; and afterwards causeth you to die: hereafter will he a.s.semble you together on the day of resurrection; there is no doubt thereof; but the greater part of men do not understand.

Unto G.o.d appertaineth the kingdom of heaven and earth; and the day whereon the hour shall be fixed, on that day shall those who charge the Koran with vanity perish.

And thou shalt see every nation kneeling: every nation shall be called unto its book of account; and it shall be said unto them, This day shall ye be rewarded according to that which ye have wrought.

This our book will speak concerning you with truth; therein have we written down whatever ye have done.

30 As to those who shall have believed and done good works, their LORD shall lead them into his mercy: this shall be manifest felicity.

But as to the infidels, it shall be said unto them, Were not my signs rehea.r.s.ed unto you? but ye proudly rejected them, and became a wicked people!

And when it was said unto you, Verily the promise of G.o.d is true: and as to the hour of judgment, there is no doubt thereof: ye answered, We know not what the hour of judgment is: we hold an uncertain opinion only; and we are not well a.s.sured of this matter.

But on that day the evils of that which they have wrought shall appear unto them; and that which they mocked at shall encompa.s.s them: and it shall be said unto them, This day will we forget you, as ye did forget the meeting of this your day: and your abode shall be h.e.l.l fire; and ye shall have none to deliver you.

This shall ye suffer, because ye turned the signs of G.o.d to ridicule; and the life of the world deceived you. On this day, therefore, they shall not be taken forth from thence, neither shall they be asked any more to render themselves well-pleasing unto G.o.d.

Wherefore praise be unto G.o.d, the LORD of the heavens, and the LORD of the earth; the LORD of all creatures: and unto him be glory in heaven and earth; for he is the mighty, the wise G.o.d.





THE revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise G.o.d.

We have not created the heavens, and the earth, and whatever is between them, otherwise than in truth, and for a determined period: but the unbelievers turn away from the warning which is given them.

Say, What think ye? Show me what part of the earth the idols which ye invoke, besides G.o.d, have created? Or, had they any share in the creation of the heavens? Bring me a book of scripture revealed before this, or some footstep of ancient knowledge, to countenance your idolatrous practices; if ye are men of veracity.

Who is in a wider error than he who invoketh, besides G.o.d, that which cannot return him an answer, to the day of resurrection; and idols which regard not their calling on them: and which, when men shall be gathered together to judgment, will become their enemies, and will ungratefully deny their wors.h.i.+p?

When our evident signs are rehea.r.s.ed unto them, the unbelievers say of the truth, when it cometh unto them, This is a manifest piece of sorcery.

Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Answer, If I have forged it, verily ye shall not obtain for me any favor from G.o.d: he well knoweth the injurious language which ye utter concerning it: he is a sufficient witness between me and you; and he is gracious and merciful.

Say, I am not singular among the apostles; neither do I know what will be done with me or with you hereafter: I follow no other than what is revealed unto me; neither am I any more than a public warner.

10 Say, What is your opinion? If this book be from G.o.d, and ye believe not therein; and a witness of the children of Israel bear witness to its consonancy with the law, and believeth therein; and ye proudly reject the same: are ye not unjust doers? Verily G.o.d directeth not unjust people.

But those who believe not say of the true believers, If the doctrine of the Koran had been good, they had not embraced the same before us. And when they are not guided thereby, they say, This is an antiquated lie.

Whereas the book of Moses was revealed before the Koran, to be a guide and a mercy: and this is a book confirming the same, delivered in the Arabic tongue; to denounce threats unto those who act unjustly, and to bear good tidings unto the righteous doers.

As to those who say, Our LORD is G.o.d; and who behave uprightly: on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved.

These shall be the inhabitants of paradise, they shall remain therein forever: in recompense for that which they have wrought.

We have commanded man to show kindness to his parents: his mother beareth him in her womb with pain, and bringeth him forth with pain: and the s.p.a.ce of his being carried in her womb, and of his weaning, is thirty months; until, when he attaineth his age of strength, and attaineth the age of forty years, he saith, O LORD, excite me, by the inspiration, that I may be grateful for their favors, wherewith thou hast favored me and my parents; and that I may work righteousness, which may please thee: and be gracious unto me in my issue; for I am turned unto thee, and am a Moslem.

These are they from whom we accept the good work which they have wrought, and whose evil works we pa.s.s by; and they shall be among the inhabitants of paradise: this is a true promise, which they are promised in this world.

He who saith unto his parents, Fie on you! Do ye promise me that I shall be taken forth from the grave, and restored to life; when many generations have pa.s.sed away before me, and none of them have returned back? And his parents implore G.o.d'S a.s.sistance, and say to their son, Alas for thee!

Believe: for the promise of G.o.d is true. But he answereth, This is no other than silly fables of the ancients.

These are they whom the sentence pa.s.sed on the nations which have been before them, of genii and of men, justly fitteth: they shall surely perish.

For every one is prepared a certain degree of happiness or misery, according to that which they shall have wrought: that G.o.d may recompense them for their works: and they shall not be treated unjustly.

20 On a certain day, the unbelievers shall be exposed before the fire of h.e.l.l; and it shall be said unto them, Ye received your good things in your lifetime, while ye were in the world; and ye enjoyed yourselves therein: wherefore this day ye shall be rewarded with the punishment of ignominy; for that ye behaved insolently in the earth, without justice, and for that ye transgressed.

Remember the brother of Ad, when he preached unto his people in Al Ahkaf (and there were preachers before him, and after him), saying, Wors.h.i.+p none but G.o.d: verily I fear for you the punishment of a great day.

They answered, Art thou come unto us that thou mayest turn us aside from the wors.h.i.+p of our G.o.ds? Bring on us now the punishment with which thou threatenest us, if thou art a man of veracity.

He said, Verily the knowledge of the time when your punishment will be inflicted is with G.o.d; and I only declare unto you that which I am sent to preach; but I see ye are an ignorant people.

And when they saw the preparation made for their punishment, namely, a cloud traversing the sky, and tending towards their valleys, they said, This is a traversing cloud, which bringeth us rain. Hud answered, Nay; it is what ye demanded to be hastened: a wind, wherein is a severe vengeance: it will destroy everything, at the command of its LORD. And in the morning nothing was to be seen, besides their empty dwellings. Thus do we reward wicked people.

We had established them in the like flouris.h.i.+ng condition wherein we have established you, O men of Mecca; and we had given them ears, and eyes, and hearts: yet neither their ears, nor their eyes, nor their hearts profited them at all, when they rejected the signs of G.o.d; but the vengeance which they mocked at fell upon them.

We heretofore destroyed the cities which were round about you; and we variously proposed our signs unto them, that they might repent.

Did those protect them, whom they took for G.o.ds, besides G.o.d, and imagined to be honoured with his familiarity? Nay; they withdrew from them: yet this was their false opinion which seduced them, and the blasphemy which they had devised.

Remember when we caused certain of the genii to turn aside unto thee, that they might hear the Koran: and when they were present at the reading of the same, they said to one another, Give ear: and when it was ended, they returned back unto their people, preaching what they had heard.

30 They said, Our people, verily we have heard a book read unto us, which hath been revealed since Moses, confirming the scripture which was delivered before it; and directing unto the truth, and the right way.

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