The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 40

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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Do men imagine that it shall be sufficient for them to say, We believe; will they not be proved?

We heretofore proved those who were before them; for G.o.d will surely know them who are sincere, and he will surely know the liars.

Do they who work evil think that they shall prevent us from taking vengeance on them? An ill judgment do they make.

Whoso hopeth to meet G.o.d, verily G.o.d'S appointed time will certainly come; and he both heareth and knoweth.

Whoever striveth to promote the true religion, striveth for the advantage of his own soul; for G.o.d needeth not any of his creatures: and as to those who believe and work righteousness, we will expiate their evil deeds from them; and we will give them a reward according to the utmost merit of their actions.

We have commanded man to show kindness towards his parents: but if they endeavour to prevail with thee to a.s.sociate with me that concerning which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not. Unto me shall ye return; and I will declare unto you what ye have done.

Those who shall believe, and shall work righteousness, we will surely introduce into paradise, among the upright.

10 There are some men who say, We believe in G.o.d: but when such a one is afflicted for G.o.d'S sake, he esteemeth the persecution of men to be as grievous as the punishment of G.o.d. Yet if success cometh from thy LORD, they say, Verily we are with you. Doth not G.o.d well know that which is in the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of his creatures?

Verily G.o.d well knoweth the true believers, and he well knoweth the hypocrites.

The unbelievers say unto those who believe, Follow our way, and we will bear your sins. Howbeit they shall not bear any part of their sins; for they are liars: but they shall surely bear their own burdens, and other burdens besides their own burdens; and they shall be examined, on the day of resurrection, concerning that which they have falsely devised.

We heretofore sent Noah unto his people; and he tarried among them one thousand years, save fifty years: and the deluge took them away, while they were acting unjustly; but we delivered him and those who were in the ark, and we made the same a sign unto all creatures.

We also sent Abraham; when he said unto his people, Serve G.o.d, and fear him; this will be better for you; if ye understand.

Ye only wors.h.i.+p idols besides G.o.d, and forge a lie. Verily those which ye wors.h.i.+p, besides G.o.d, are not able to make any provision for you: seek therefore your provision from G.o.d; and serve him, and give thanks unto him; unto him shall ye return.

If he charge me with imposture, verily sundry nations before you likewise charged their prophets with imposture: but public preaching only is inc.u.mbent on an apostle.

Do they not see how G.o.d produceth creatures, and afterwards restoreth them? Verily this is easy with G.o.d.

20 Say, go through the earth, and see how he originally produceth creatures: afterwards will G.o.d reproduce another production; for G.o.d is almighty.

He will punish whom he pleaseth, and he will have mercy on whom he pleaseth. Before him shall ye be brought at the day of judgment: and ye shall not escape his reach, either in earth, or in heaven: neither shall ye have any patron or defender besides G.o.d.

As for those who believe not in the signs of G.o.d, or that they shall meet him at the resurrection, they shall despair of my mercy, and for them is a painful punishment prepared.

And the answer of his people was no other than that they said, Slay him, or burn him. But G.o.d saved him from the fire. Verily herein were signs unto people who believed.

And Abraham said, Ye have taken idols, besides G.o.d, to cement affection between you in this life: but on the day of resurrection, the one of you shall deny the other, and the one of you shall curse the other; and your abode shall be h.e.l.l fire, and there shall be none to deliver you.

And Lot believed on him. And Abraham said, Verily I fly from my people, unto the place which my LORD hath commanded me; or he is the mighty, the wise.

And we gave him Isaac and Jacob; and we placed among his descendants the gift of prophecy and the scriptures: and we gave him his reward in this world; and in the next he shall be one of the righteous.

We also sent Lot; when he said unto his people, Do ye commit filthiness which no creature hath committed before you?

Do ye approach l.u.s.tfully unto men, and lay wait in the highways, and commit wickedness in your a.s.sembly? And the answer of his people was no other than that they said, Bring down the vengeance of G.o.d upon us, if thou speakest truth.

30 Lot said, O LORD, defend me against the corrupt people.

And when our messengers came unto Abraham with good tidings, they said, We will surely destroy the inhabitants of this city: for the inhabitants thereof are unjust doers.

Abraham answered, Verily Lot dwelleth there. They replied, We well know who dwelleth therein: we will surely deliver him and his family, except his wife; she shall be one of those who remain behind.

And when our messengers came unto Lot, he was troubled for them, and his arm was straitened concerning them. But they said, Fear not, neither be grieved; for we will deliver thee and thy family, except thy wife; for she shall be one of those who remain behind.

We will surely bring down upon the inhabitants of this city vengeance from heaven, for that they have been wicked doers; and we have left thereof a manifest sign unto people who understand.

And unto the inhabitants of Madian we sent their brother Shoaib; and he said unto them, O my people, serve G.o.d, and expect the last day; and transgress not, acting corruptly in the earth.

But they accused him of imposture; wherefore a storm from heaven a.s.sailed them, and in the morning they were found in their dwellings dead and prostrate.

And we also destroyed the tribes of Ad, and Thamud; and this is well known unto you from what yet remains of their dwellings. And Satan prepared their works for them, and turned them aside from the way of truth, although they were sagacious people.

And we likewise destroyed Karun, and Pharaoh, and Haman. Moses came unto them with evident miracles, and they behaved themselves insolently in the earth: but they could not escape our vengeance.

40 Every of them did we destroy in his sin. Against some of them we sent a violent wind: some of them did a terrible noise from heaven destroy: some of them did we cause the earth to swallow up:k and some of them we drowned.

Neither was G.o.d disposed to treat them unjustly; but they dealt unjustly with their own souls.

The likeness of those who take other patrons besides G.o.d is as the likeness of the spider, which maketh herself a house: but the weakest of all houses surely is the house of the spider; if they knew this.

Moreover G.o.d knoweth what things they invoke, besides him; and he is the mighty, the wise.

These similitudes do we propound unto men: but none understand them, except the wise.

G.o.d hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; verily herein is a sign unto the true believers.

Rehea.r.s.e that which hath been revealed unto thee of the book of the Koran: and be constant at prayer; for prayer preserveth a man from filthy crimes, and from that which is blamable; and the remembering of G.o.d is surely a most important duty. G.o.d knoweth that which ye do.

Dispute not against those who have received the scriptures, unless in the mildest manner; except against such of them as behave injuriously towards you: and say, We believe in the revelation which hath been sent down unto us, and also in that which hath been sent down unto you; our G.o.d and your G.o.d is one, and unto him are we resigned.

Thus have we sent down the book of the Koran unto thee: and they unto whom we have given the former scriptures believe therein; and of these Arabians also there is who believeth therein: and none reject our signs, except the obstinate infidels.

Thou couldest not read any book before this; neither couldest thou write it with thy right hand: then had the gainsayers justly doubted of the divine original thereof.

But the same is evident signs in the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of those who have received understanding: for none reject our signs except the unjust.

50 They say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe. Answer, Signs are in the power of G.o.d alone; and I am no more than a public preacher.

Is it not sufficient for them that we have sent down unto thee the book of the Koran, to be read unto them? Verily herein is a mercy, and an admonition unto people who believe.

Say G.o.d is a sufficient witness between me and you: he knoweth whatever is in heaven and earth; and those who believe in vain idols, and deny G.o.d, they shall perish.

They will urge thee to hasten the punishment which they defy thee to bring down upon them: if there had not been a determined time for their respite, the punishment had come upon them before this; but it shall surely overtake them suddenly, and they shall not foresee it.

They urge thee to bring down vengeance swiftly upon them: but h.e.l.l shall surely encompa.s.s the unbelievers.

On a certain day their punishment shall suddenly a.s.sail them, both from above them, and from under their feet; and G.o.d shall say, Taste ye the reward of that which ye have wrought.

O my servants who have believed, verily my earth is s.p.a.cious: wherefore serve me.

Every soul shall taste death: afterwards shall ye return unto us; and as for those who shall have believed, and wrought righteousness, we will surely lodge them in the higher apartments of paradise; rivers shall flow beneath them, and they shall continue therein forever. How excellent will be the reward of the workers of righteousness; who persevere with patience, and put their trust in their LORD!

60 How many beasts are there, which provide not their food? It is G.o.d who provideth for them, and for you; and he both heareth and knoweth.

Verily, if thou ask the Meccans, who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath obliged the sun and the moon to serve in their courses? they will answer, G.o.d. How therefore do they lie, in acknowledging of other G.o.ds?

G.o.d maketh abundant provision for such of his servants as he pleaseth; and is sparing unto him, if he pleaseth: for G.o.d knoweth all things.

Verily if thou ask them, who sendeth rain from heaven, and thereby quickeneth the earth, after it hath been dead? they will answer, G.o.d. Say, G.o.d be praised! But the greater part of them do not understand.

This present life is no other than a toy, and a plaything; but the future mansion of paradise is life indeed: if they knew this they would not prefer the former to the latter.

When they sail in a s.h.i.+p, they call upon G.o.d, sincerely exhibiting unto him the true religion: but when he bringeth them safe to land, behold, they return to their idolatry; to show themselves ungrateful for that which we have bestowed on them, and that they may enjoy the delights of this life; but they shall hereafter know the issue.

Do they not see that we have made the territory of Mecca an inviolable and secure asylum, when men are spoiled in the countries round about them? Do they therefore believe in that which is vain, and acknowledge not the goodness of G.o.d?

But who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against G.o.d, or denieth the truth, when it hath come unto him? Is there not in h.e.l.l an abode for the unbelievers?

Whoever do their utmost endeavour to promote our true religion, we will direct them into our ways; for G.o.d is with the righteous.

CHAPTER x.x.x.




THE Greeks have been overcome by the Persians, in the nearest part of the land; but after their defeat, they shall overcome the others in their turn, within a few years. Unto G.o.d belongeth the disposal of this matter, both for what is past, and for what is to come: and on that day shall the believers rejoice in the success granted by G.o.d; for he granteth success unto whom he pleaseth, and he is the mighty, the merciful.

This is the promise of G.o.d: G.o.d will not act contrary to his promise: but the greater part of men know not the veracity of G.o.d.

They know the outward appearance of this present life; but they are careless as to the life to come.

Do they not consider within themselves that G.o.d hath not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, otherwise than in truth, and hath set them a determined period? Verily a great number of men reject the belief of their future meeting their LORD at the resurrection.

Do they not pa.s.s through the earth, and see what hath been the end of those who were before them? They excelled the Meccans in strength, and broke up the earth, and inhabited it in greater affluence and prosperity than they inhabit the same: and their apostles came unto them with evident miracles; and G.o.d was not disposed to treat them unjustly, but they injured their own souls by their obstinate infidelity; 10 and the end of those who had done evil was evil, because they charged the signs of G.o.d with falsehood, and laughed the same to scorn.

G.o.d produceth creatures, and will hereafter restore them to life: then shall ye return unto him.

And on the day whereon the hour shall come, the wicked shall be struck dumb for despair; and they shall have no intercessors from among the idols which they a.s.sociated with G.o.d. And they shall deny the false G.o.ds which they a.s.sociated with him.

On the day whereon the hour shall come, on that day shall the true believers and the infidels be separated: and they who shall have believed, and wrought righteousness, shall take their pleasure in a delightful meadow; but as for those who shall have disbelieved, and rejected our signs, and the meeting of the next life, they shall be delivered up to punishment.

Wherefore glorify G.o.d, when the evening overtaketh you, and when ye rise in the morning: and unto him be praise in heaven and earth; and at sunset, and when ye rest at noon.

He bringeth forth the living out of the dead, and he bringeth forth the dead out of the living; and he quickeneth the earth after it hath been dead: and in like manner shall ye be brought forth from your graves.

20 Of his signs one is, that he hath created you of dust; and behold, ye are become men, spread over the face of the earth.

And of his signs another is, that he hath created you, out of yourselves, wives, that ye may cohabit with them; and hath put love and compa.s.sion between you: verily herein are signs unto people who consider.

And of his signs are also the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variety of your languages, and of your complexions: verily herein are signs unto men of understanding.

And of his signs are your sleeping by night and by day, and your seeking to provide for yourselves of his abundance: verily herein are signs unto people who hearken.

Of his signs others are, that he showeth you the lightning, to strike terror, and to give hope of rain, and that he sendeth down water from heaven, and quickeneth thereby the earth, after it hath been dead; verily herein are signs unto people who understand.

And of his signs this also is one, namely, that the heaven and the earth stand firm at command: hereafter, when he shall call you out of the earth at one summons, behold, ye shall come forth.

Unto him are subject whosoever are in the heavens and on earth: all are obedient unto him.

It is he who originally produceth a creature, and afterwards restoreth the same to life: and this is most easy with him. He justly challengeth the most exalted comparison, in heaven and earth; and he is the mighty, the wise.

He propoundeth unto a comparison taken from yourselves. Have ye, among the slaves whom your right hands possess, any partner in the substance which we have bestowed on you, so that ye become equal sharers therein with them, or that ye fear them as ye fear one another? Thus we distinctly explain our signs, unto people who understand.

But those who act unjustly, by attributing companions unto G.o.d, follow their own l.u.s.ts, without knowledge: and who shall direct him whom G.o.d shall cause to err? They shall have none to help them.

30 Wherefore be thou orthodox, and set thy face towards the true religion, the inst.i.tution of G.o.d, to which he hath created mankind disposed: there is no change in what G.o.d hath created. This is the right religion; but the greater part of men know it not.

And be ye turned unto him, and fear him, and be constant at prayer, and be not idolaters.

Of those who have made a schism in their religion, and are divided into various sects, every sect rejoice in their own opinion.

When adversity befalleth men, they call upon their LORD, turning unto him: afterwards, when he hath caused them to taste of his mercy, behold, a part of them a.s.sociate other deities with their LORD: to show themselves ungrateful for the favors which we have bestowed on them. Enjoy therefore the vain pleasures of this life; but hereafter shall ye know the consequence.

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