The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 25

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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Thou shalt not demand of them any reward for thy publis.h.i.+ng the Koran; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures.

And how many signs soever there be of the being, unity, and providence of G.o.d, in the heavens and the earth; they will pa.s.s by them, and will retire afar off from them.

And the greater part of them believe not in G.o.d, without being also guilty of idolatry.

Do they not believe that some overwhelming affliction shall fall on them, as a punishment from G.o.d; or that the hour of judgment shall overtake them suddenly, when they consider not its approach?

Say unto those of Mecca, This is my way: I invite you unto G.o.d, by an evident demonstration; both I and he who followeth me; and, praise be unto G.o.d! I am not an idolater.

We sent not any apostles before thee, except men, unto whom we revealed our will, and whom we chose out of those who dwelt in cities. Will they not go through the earth, and see what hath been the end of those who have preceded them? But the dwelling of the next life shall surely be better for those who fear G.o.d. Will they not therefore understand?

110 Their predecessors were borne with for a time, until, when our apostles despaired of their conversion, and they thought that they were liars, our help came unto them, and we delivered whom we pleased; but our vengeance was not turned away from the wicked people.

Verily in the histories of the prophets and their people, there is an instructive example unto those who are endued with understanding. The Koran is not a new invented fiction: but a confirmation of those scriptures which have been revealed before it, and a distinct explication of everything necessary in respect either to faith or practice, and a direction and mercy unto people who believe.




A.L.M.R. These are the signs of the book of the Koran: and that which hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD is the truth; but the greater part of men will not believe.

It is G.o.d who hath raised the heavens without visible pillars; and then ascended his throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to perform their services; every of the heavenly bodies runneth an appointed course. He ordereth all things. He showeth his signs distinctly, that ye may be a.s.sured ye must meet your LORD at the last day.

It is he who hath stretched forth the earth, and placed therein steadfast mountains, and rivers; and hath ordained therein of every fruit two different kinds. He causeth the night to cover the day. Herein are certain signs unto people who consider.

And in the earth are tracts of land of different natures, though bordering on each other; and also vineyards, and seeds, and palm-trees springing several from the same root, and singly from distinct roots. They are watered with the same water, yet we render some of them more excellent than others to eat. Herein are surely signs unto people who understand.

If thou dost wonder at the infidels denying the resurrection, surely wonderful is their saying, After we shall have been reduced to dust, shall we be restored in a new creature? These are they who believe not in their LORD: these shall have collars on their necks, and these shall be the inhabitants of h.e.l.l fire: therein shall they abide for ever.

They will ask of thee to hasten evil rather than good: although there have already been examples of the divine vengeance before them. Thy LORD is surely endued with indulgence towards men, notwithstanding their iniquity; but thy LORD is also severe in punis.h.i.+ng.

The infidels say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe. Thou art commissioned to be a preacher only, and not a worker of miracles: and unto every people hath a director been appointed.

G.o.d knoweth what every female beareth in her womb; and what the wombs want or exceed of their due time, or number of young. With him is everything regulated according to a determined measure.

He knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is revealed. He is the great, the most high.

10 He among you who concealeth his words, and he who proclaimeth them in public; he also who seeketh to hide himself in the night, and he who goeth forth openly in the day, is equal in respect to the knowledge of G.o.d.

Each of them hath angels mutually succeeding each other, before him, and behind him; they watch him by the command of G.o.d. Verily G.o.d will not change his grace which is in men, until they change the disposition in their souls by sin. When G.o.d willeth evil on a people there shall be none to avert it; neither shall they have any protector beside him.

It is he who causeth the lightning to appear unto you, to strike fear, and to raise hope, and who formeth the pregnant clouds.

The thunder celebrateth his praise, and the angels also, for fear of him. He sendeth his thunderbolts, and striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, while they dispute concerning G.o.d; for he is mighty in power.

It is he who ought of right to be invoked; and the idols, which they invoke besides him, shall not hear them at all; otherwise than as he is heard, who stretcheth forth his hands to the water that it may ascend to his mouth, when it cannot ascend thither: the supplication of the unbelievers is utterly erroneous.

Whatsoever is in heaven and on earth wors.h.i.+ppeth G.o.d, voluntarily or of force; and their shadows also, morning and evening.

Say, Who is the LORD of heaven and earth? Answer, G.o.d. Say, Have ye, therefore, taken unto yourselves protectors beside him, who are unable either to help, or to defend themselves from hurt? Say, Shall the blind and the seeing be esteemed equal? or shall darkness and light be accounted the same?

or have they attributed companions unto G.o.d who have created as he hath created, so that their creation bear any resemblance unto his? Say, G.o.d is the creator of all things; he is the one, the victorious G.o.d.

He causeth water to descend from heaven, and the brooks flow according to their respective measure, and the floods bear the floating froth: and from the metals which they melt in the fire, seeking to cast ornaments or vessels for use, there ariseth a sc.u.m like unto it. Thus G.o.d setteth forth truth and vanity. But the sc.u.m is thrown off, and that which is useful to mankind remaineth on the earth. Thus doth G.o.d put forth parables.

Unto those who obey their LORD shall be given the most excellent reward: but those who obey him not, although they were possessed of whatever is in the whole earth and as much more, they would give it all for their ransom.

These will be brought to a terrible account: their abode shall be h.e.l.l; an unhappy couch shall it be!

Shall he, therefore, who knoweth that what hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD, is truth, be rewarded as he who is blind? The prudent only will consider; 20 who fulfil the covenant of G.o.d, and break not their contract; and who join that which G.o.d hath commanded to be joined, and who fear their LORD, and dread an ill account; and who persevere out of a sincere desire to please their LORD, and observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms out of what we have bestowed on them, in secret and openly, and who turn away evil with good: the reward of these shall be paradise, gardens of eternal abode, which they shall enter, and also whoever shall have acted uprightly, of their fathers, and their wives, and their posterity: and the angels shall go in unto them by every gate, saying, Peace be upon you, because ye have endured with patience; how excellent a reward is paradise!

But as for those who violate the covenant of G.o.d, after the establishment thereof, and who cut in sunder that which G.o.d hath commanded to be joined, and act corruptly in the earth, on them shall a curse fall, and they shall have a miserable dwelling in h.e.l.l.

G.o.d giveth provision in abundance unto whom he pleaseth, and is sparing unto whom he pleaseth. Those of Mecca rejoice in the present life; although the present life, in respect of the future, is but a precarious provision.

The infidels say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe. Answer, Verily, G.o.d will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and will direct unto himself him who repenteth, and those who believe, and whose hearts rest securely in the meditation of G.o.d; shall not men's hearts rest securely in the meditation of G.o.d? They who believe and do that which is right shall enjoy blessedness, and partake of a happy resurrection.

30 Thus have we sent thee to a nation which other nations have preceded unto whom prophets have likewise been sent, that thou mayest rehea.r.s.e unto them that which we have revealed unto thee, even while they believe not in the merciful G.o.d. Say unto them, He is my LORD; there is no G.o.d but he: in him do I trust, and unto him must I return.

Though a Koran were revealed by which mountains should be removed, or the earth cleaved in sunder, or the dead be caused to speak, it would be in vain. But the matter belongeth wholly unto G.o.d. Do not, therefore, the believers know, that if G.o.d pleased, he would certainly direct all men? Adversity shall not cease to afflict the unbelievers for that which they have committed, or to sit down near their habitations, until G.o.d'S promise come; for G.o.d is not contrary to the promise.

Apostles before thee have been laughed to scorn; and I permitted the infidels to enjoy a long and happy life: but afterwards I punished them; and how severe was the punishment which I inflicted on them!

Who is it, therefore, that standeth over every soul, to observe that which it committeth? They attribute companions unto G.o.d. Say, Name them: will ye declare unto him that which he knoweth not in the earth? or will ye name them in outward speech only? But the deceitful procedure of the infidels was prepared for them; and they are turned aside from the right path: for he whom G.o.d shall cause to err, shall have no director.

They shall suffer a punishment in this life; but the punishment of the next shall be more grievous: and there shall be none to protect them against G.o.d.

This is the description of paradise, which is promised to the pious. It is watered by rivers; its food is perpetual, and its shade also: this shall be the reward of those who fear G.o.d. But the reward of the infidels shall be h.e.l.l fire. Those to whom we have given the scriptures, rejoice at what hath been revealed unto thee. Yet there are some of the confederates who deny part thereof. Say unto them, Verily I am commanded to wors.h.i.+p G.o.d alone; and to give him no companion: upon him do I call, and unto him shall I return.

To this purpose have we sent down the Koran a rule of judgment, in the Arabic language. And verily, if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, there shall be none to defend or protect thee against G.o.d.

We have formerly sent apostles before thee, and bestowed on them wives and children; and no apostle had the power to come with a sign, unless by the permission of G.o.d. Every age hath its book of revelation: G.o.d shall abolish and shall confirm what he pleaseth. With him is the original of the book.

40 Moreover, whether we cause thee to see any part of that punishment wherewith we have threatened them, or whether we cause thee to die before it be inflicted on them, verily unto thee belongeth preaching only, but unto us inquisition.

Do they not see that we come into their land, and straighten the borders thereof, by the conquests of the true believers? When G.o.d judgeth, there is none to reverse his judgment: and he will be swift in taking an account.

Their predecessors formerly devised subtle plots against their prophets; but G.o.d is master of every subtle device. He knoweth that which every soul deserveth: and the infidels shall surely know, whose will be the reward of paradise.

The unbelievers will say, Thou art not sent of G.o.d. Answer, G.o.d is a sufficient witness between me and you, and he who understandeth the scriptures.




A.L.R. This book have we sent down unto thee, that thou mayest lead men forth from darkness into light, by the permission of their LORD, into the glorious and laudable way.

G.o.d is he unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: and woe be to the infidels, because a grievous punishment waiteth them; who love the present life above that which is to come, and turn men aside from the way of G.o.d, and seek to render it crooked: these are in an error far distant from the truth.

We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for G.o.d causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise.

We formerly sent Moses with our signs, and commanded him saying, Lead forth thy people from darkness into light, and remind them of the favors of G.o.d: verily therein are signs unto every patient and grateful person.

And call to mind when Moses said unto his people, Remember the favor of G.o.d towards you, when he delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: they grievously oppressed you; and they slew your male children, but let your females live: therein was a great trial from your LORD.

And when your LORD declared by the mouth of Moses, saying, If ye be thankful, I will surely increase my favors towards you; but if ye be ungrateful, verily my punishment shall be severe.

And Moses said, If ye be ungrateful, and all who are in the earth likewise; verily G.o.d needeth not your thanks, though he deserveth the highest praise.

Hath not the history of the nations your predecessors reached you; namely, of the people of Noah, and of Ad, and of Thamud, and of those who succeeded them; whose number none knoweth except G.o.d? Their apostles came unto them with evident miracles; but they clapped their hands to their mouths out of indignation, and said, We do not believe the message with which ye pretend to be sent; and we are in a doubt concerning the religion to which ye invite us, as justly to be suspected.

10 Their apostles answered, Is there any doubt concerning G.o.d, the creator of heaven and earth? He inviteth you to the true faith that he may forgive you part of your sins, and may respite your punishment, by granting you s.p.a.ce to repent, until an appointed time. They answered, Ye are but men, like unto us: ye seek to turn us aside from the G.o.ds which our fathers wors.h.i.+pped: wherefore bring us an evident demonstration by some miracle, that ye speak truth.

Their apostles replied unto them, We are no other than men like unto you; but G.o.d is bountiful unto such of his servants as he pleaseth: and it is not in our power to give you a miraculous demonstration of our mission, unless by the permission of G.o.d; in G.o.d therefore let the faithful trust.

And what excuse have we to allege, that we should not put our trust in G.o.d; since he hath directed us our paths? Wherefore we will certainly suffer with patience the persecution wherewith ye shall afflict us: in G.o.d therefore let those put their confidence who seek in whom to put their trust.

And those who believed not said unto their apostles, We will surely expel you out of our land; or ye shall return unto our religion. And their LORD spake unto them by revelation, saying, We will surely destroy the wicked doers; and we will cause you to dwell in the earth, after them. This shall be granted unto him who shall dread the appearance at my tribunal, and shall fear my threatening.

And they asked a.s.sistance of G.o.d, and every rebellious perverse person failed of success.

h.e.l.l lieth unseen before him, and he shall have filthy water given him to drink: he shall sup it up by little and little, and he shall not easily let it pa.s.s his throat because of its nauseousness; death also shall come upon him from every quarter, yet he shall not die; and before him shall there stand prepared a grievous torment.

This is the likeness of those who believe not in their LORD. Their works are as ashes, which the wind violently scattereth in a stormy day: they shall not be able to obtain any solid advantage from that which they have wrought.

This is an error most distant from truth.

Dost thou not see that G.o.d hath created the heavens and the earth in wisdom? If he please, he can destroy you, and produce a new creature in your stead: 20 neither will this be difficult with G.o.d.

And they shall all come forth into the presence of G.o.d at the last day: and the weak among them shall say unto those who behaved themselves arrogantly, Verily we were your followers on earth; will ye not therefore avert from us some part of the divine vengeance? They shall answer, If G.o.d had directed us aright, we had certainly directed you. It is equal unto us whether we bear our torments impatiently, or whether we endure them with patience: for we have no way to escape.

And Satan shall say, after judgment shall have been given, Verily G.o.d promised you a promise of truth: and I also made you a promise; but I deceived you. Yet I had not any power over you to compel you; but I called you only, and ye answered me: wherefore accuse not me, but accuse yourselves. I cannot a.s.sist you; neither can ye a.s.sist me. Verily I do now renounce your having a.s.sociated me with G.o.d heretofore. A grievous punishment is prepared for the unjust.

But they who shall have believed and wrought righteousness shall be introduced into gardens, wherein rivers flow, they shall remain therein forever, by the permission of their LORD; and their salutation therein shall be, Peace!

Dost thou not see how G.o.d putteth forth a parable; representing a good word, as a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed in the earth, and whose branches reach unto heaven; which bringeth forth its fruit in all seasons, by the will of its LORD?

G.o.d propoundeth parables unto men, that they may be instructed.

And the likeness of an evil word is as an evil tree; which is torn up from the face of the earth, and hath no stability.

G.o.d shall confirm them who believe, by the steadfast word of faith, both in this life and in that which is to come: but G.o.d shall lead the wicked into error; for G.o.d doth that which he pleaseth.

Hast thou not considered those who have changed the grace of G.o.d to infidelity, and cause their people to descend into the house of perdition, namely, into h.e.l.l? They shall be thrown to burn therein; and an unhappy dwelling shall it be.

30 They also set up idols as co-partners with G.o.d, that they might cause men to stray from his path. Say, unto them, Enjoy the pleasures of this life for a time; but your departure hence shall be into h.e.l.l fire.

Speak unto my servants who have believed, that they be a.s.siduous at prayer, and give alms out of that which we have bestowed on them, both privately and in public; before the day cometh, wherein there shall be no buying nor selling, neither any friends.h.i.+p.

It is G.o.d who hath created the heavens and the earth; and causeth water to descend from heaven, and by means thereof produceth fruits for your sustenance: and by his command he obligeth the s.h.i.+ps to sail in the sea for your service; and he also forceth the rivers to supply your uses: he likewise compelleth the sun and the moon, which diligently perform their courses, to serve you; and hath subjected the day and the night to your service.

He giveth you of everything which ye ask him; and if ye attempt to reckon up the favors of G.o.d, ye shall not be able to compute the same. Surely man is unjust and ungrateful.

Remember when Abraham said, O LORD, make this land a place of security; and grant that I and my children may avoid the wors.h.i.+p of idols; for they, O LORD, have seduced a great number of men. Whoever therefore shall follow me, he shall be of me; and whosoever shall disobey me, verily thou wilt be gracious and merciful.

O LORD, I have caused some of my offspring to settle in an unfruitful valley, near the holy house, O LORD, that they may be constant at prayer.

Grant, therefore, that the hearts of some men may be affected with kindness toward them; and do thou bestow on them all sorts of fruits, that they may give thanks.

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