The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 22

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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Say, Who provideth you food from heaven and earth? or who hath the absolute power over the hearing and the sight? and who bringeth forth the living from the dead, and bringeth forth the dead from the living? and who governeth all things? They will surely answer, G.o.d. Say, Will ye not therefore fear him?

This is therefore G.o.d your true LORD: and what remaineth there after truth, except error? How therefore are ye turned aside from the truth?

Thus is the word of thy LORD verified upon them who do wickedly; that they believe not.

Say, Is there any of your companions who produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself? Say, G.o.d produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself. How therefore are ye turned aside from his wors.h.i.+p?

Say, Is there any of your companions who directeth unto the truth. Say, G.o.d directeth unto the truth. Whether is he, therefore, who directeth unto the truth, more worthy to be followed; or he who directeth not, unless he be directed? What aileth you therefore, that ye judge as ye do?

And the greater part of them follow an uncertain opinion only; but a mere opinion attaineth not unto any truth. Verily G.o.d knoweth that which they do.

This Koran could not have been composed by any except G.o.d; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from the LORD of all creatures.

Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it; and call whom you may to your a.s.sistance, besides G.o.d, if ye speak truth.

But they have charged that with falsehood, the knowledge whereof they do not comprehend, neither hath the interpretation thereof come unto them. In the same manner did those who were before them accuse their prophets of imposture; but behold, what was the end of the unjust!

40 There are some of them who believe therein; and there are some of them who believe not therein: and thy LORD well knoweth the corrupt doers.

If they accuse thee of imposture, say, I have my work, and ye have your work; ye shall be clear of that which I do, and I will be clear of that which ye do.

There are some of them who hearken unto thee; but wilt thou make the deaf to hear, although they do not understand?

And there are some of them who look at thee; but wilt thou direct the blind, although they see not?

Verily G.o.d will not deal unjustly with men in any respect: but men deal unjustly with their own souls.

On a certain day he will gather them together, as though they had not tarried above an hour of a day: they shall know one another. Then shall they perish who have denied the meeting of G.o.d; and were not rightly directed.

Whether we cause thee to see a part of the punishment wherewith we have threatened them, or whether we cause thee to die before thou see it; unto us shall they return: then shall G.o.d be witness of that which they do.

Unto every nation hath an apostle been sent; and when their apostle came, the matter was decided between them with equity; and they were not treated unjustly.

The unbelievers say, When will this threatening be made good, if ye speak truth?

Answer, I am able neither to procure advantage unto myself, nor to avert mischief from me, but as G.o.d pleaseth. Unto every nation is a fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be antic.i.p.ated.

50 Say, Tell me, if the punishment of G.o.d overtake you by night, or by day, what part thereof will the unG.o.dly wish to be hastened?

When it falleth on you, do ye then believe it? Now do ye believe, and wish it far from you, when as ye formerly desired it should be hastened?

Then shall it be said unto the wicked, Taste the punishment of eternity; would ye receive other than the reward of that which ye have wrought?

They will desire to know of thee, whether this be true. Answer, Yea, by my LORD, it is certainly true; neither shall ye weaken G.o.d's power so as to escape it.

Verily, if every soul which hath acted wickedly had whatever is on the earth, it would willingly redeem itself therewith at the last day. Yet they will conceal their repentance, after they shall have seen the punishment; and the matter shall be decided between them with equity, and they shall not be unjustly treated.

Doth not whatsoever is in heaven and on earth belong unto G.o.d? Is not the promise of G.o.d true? But the greater part of them know it not.

He giveth life, and he causeth to die: and unto him shall ye all return.

O men, now hath an admonition come unto you from your LORD, and a remedy for the doubts which are in your b.r.e.a.s.t.s; and a direction, and mercy unto the true believers.

Say, Through the grace of G.o.d, and his mercy; therein therefore let them rejoice; this will be better than what they heap together of worldly riches.

Say, Tell me; of that which G.o.d hath sent down unto you for food, have ye declared part to be lawful, and other part to be unlawful? Say, Hath G.o.d permitted you to make this distinction? or do ye devise a lie concerning G.o.d?

60 But what will be the opinion of those who devise a lie concerning G.o.d, on the day of the resurrection? Verily G.o.d is endued with beneficence towards mankind; but the greater part of them do not give thanks.

Thou shalt be engaged in no business, neither shalt thou be employed in meditating on any pa.s.sage of the Koran; nor shall ye do any action, but we will be witnesses over you, when ye are employed therein. Nor is so much as the weight of an ant hidden from thy LORD, in earth or in heaven: neither is there anything lesser than that, or greater, but it is written in the perspicuous book.

Are not the friends of G.o.d the persons on whom no fear shall come, and who shall not be grieved?

They who believe and fear G.o.d shall receive good tidings in this life, and in that which is to come.

There is no change in the words of G.o.d. This shall be great felicity.

Let not their discourse grieve thee; for all might belongeth unto G.o.d: he both heareth and knoweth.

Is not whoever dwelleth in heaven and on earth subject unto G.o.d? What therefore do they follow, who invoke idols, besides G.o.d? They follow nothing but a vain opinion; and they only utter lies.

It is he who hath ordained the night for you, that ye may take your rest therein, and the clear day for labor: verily herein are signs unto people who hearken.

They say, G.o.d hath begotten children; G.o.d forbid! He is self-sufficient.

Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: ye have no demonstrative proof of this. Do ye speak of G.o.d that which ye know not?

Say, Verily they who imagine a lie concerning G.o.d shall not prosper.

70 They may enjoy a provision in this world; but afterwards unto us shall they return, and we will then cause them to taste a grievous punishment, for that they were unbelievers.

Rehea.r.s.e unto them the history of Noah: when he said unto his people, O my people, if my standing forth among you, and my warning you of the signs of G.o.d, be grievous unto you; in G.o.d do I put my trust. Therefore lay your design against me, and a.s.semble your false G.o.ds; but let not your design be carried on by you in the dark: then come forth against me, and delay not.

And if ye turn aside from my admonitions, I ask not any reward of you for the same; I expect my reward from G.o.d alone, and I am commanded to be one of those who are resigned unto him.

But they accused him of imposture, wherefore we delivered him, and those who were with him in the ark, and we caused them to survive the flood, but we drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood. Behold therefore, what was the end of those who were warned by Noah.

Then did we send, after him, apostles unto their respective people, and they came unto them with evident demonstrations: yet they were not disposed to believe in that which they had before rejected as false. Thus do we seal up the hearts of the transgressors.

Then did we send, after them, Moses and Aaron unto Pharaoh and his princes with our signs: but they behaved proudly, and were a wicked people.

And when the truth from us had come unto them, they said, Verily this is manifest sorcery.

Moses said unto them, Do ye speak this of the truth, after it hath come unto you? Is this sorcery? but sorcerers shall not prosper.

They said, Art thou come unto us to turn us aside from that religion, which we found our fathers practise; and that ye two may have the command in the land? But we do not believe you.

And Pharaoh said, Bring unto me every expert magician.

80 And when the magicians were come, Moses said unto them, Cast down that which ye are about to cast down.

And when they had cast down their rods and cords, Moses said unto them, The enchantment which ye have performed shall G.o.d surely render vain; for G.o.d prospereth not the work of the wicked doers, and G.o.d will verify the truth of his words, although the wicked be adverse thereto.

And there believed not any on Moses, except a generation of his people, for fear of Pharaoh and of his princes, lest he should afflict them. And Pharaoh was lifted up with pride in the earth, and was surely one of the transgressors.

And Moses said, O my people, if ye believe in G.o.d, put your trust in him, if ye be resigned to his will.

They answered, We put our trust in G.o.d: O LORD, suffer us not to be afflicted by unjust people; but deliver us, through thy mercy, from the unbelieving people.

And we spake by inspiration unto Moses and his brother, saying, Provide habitations for your people in Egypt, and make your houses a place of wors.h.i.+p, and be constant at prayer: and bear good news unto the true believers.

And Moses said, O LORD, verily thou hast given unto Pharaoh and his people pompous ornaments, and riches in this present life, O LORD, that they may be seduced from thy way: O LORD, bring their riches to nought, and harden their hearts; that they may not believe, until they see their grievous punishment.

G.o.d said, Your pet.i.tion is hear; be ye upright therefore, and follow not the way of those who are ignorant.

90 And we caused the children of Israel to pa.s.s through the sea; and Pharaoh and his army followed them in a violent and hostile manner; until, when he was drowning, he said, I believe that there is no G.o.d but he, on whom the children of Israel believe; and I am one of the resigned.

Now dost thou believe; when thou hast been hitherto rebellious, and one of the wicked doers?

This day will we raise thy body from the bottom of the sea, that thou mayest be a sign unto those who shall be after thee; and verily a great number of men are negligent of our signs.

And we prepared for the children of Israel an established dwelling in the land of Canaan, and we provided good things for their sustenance; and they differed not in point of religion, until knowledge had come unto them; verily thy LORD will judge between them on the day of resurrection, concerning that wherein they disagreed.

If thou art in a doubt concerning any part of that which we have sent down unto thee, ask them who have read the book of the law before thee. Now hath the truth come unto thee from thy LORD; be not therefore one of those who doubt; neither be thou one of those who charge the signs of G.o.d with falsehood, lest thou become one of those who perish.

Verily those against whom the word of thy LORD is decreed, shall not believe, although there come unto them every kind of miracle, until they see the grievous punishment prepared for them.

And if it were not so, some city, among the many which have been destroyed, would have believed; and the faith of its inhabitants would have been of advantage unto them; but none of them believed, before the execution of their sentence, except the people of Jonas. When they believed, we delivered them from the punishment of shame in this world, and suffered them to enjoy their lives and possessions for a time.

But if thy LORD had pleased, verily all who are in the earth would have believed in general. Wilt thou therefore forcibly compel men to be true believers?

100 No soul can believe, but by the permission of G.o.d: and he shall pour out his indignation on those who will not understand.

Say, Consider whatever is in heaven and on earth: but signs are of no avail, neither preachers, unto people who will not believe.

Do they therefore expect any other than some terrible judgment, like unto the judgments which have fallen on those who have gone before them? Say, Wait ye the issue; and I also will wait with you; then will we deliver our apostles and those who believe. Thus is it a justice due from us, that we should deliver the true believers.

Say, O men of Mecca, if ye be in doubt concerning my religion, verily I wors.h.i.+p not the idols which ye wors.h.i.+p, besides G.o.d; but I wors.h.i.+p G.o.d, who will cause you to die: and I am commanded to be one of the true believers.

And it was said unto me, Set thy face towards the true religion, and be orthodox; and by no means be one of those who attribute companions unto G.o.d; neither invoke, besides G.o.d, that which can neither profit thee nor hurt thee: for if thou do, thou wilt then certainly become one of the unjust.

If G.o.d afflict thee with hurt, there is none who can relieve thee from it, except he; and if he willeth thee any good, there is none who can keep back his bounty: he will confer it on such of his servants as he pleaseth; and he is gracious and merciful.

Say, O men, now hath the truth come unto you from your LORD. He therefore who shall be directed, will be directed to the advantage of his own soul: but he who shall err, will err only against the same. I am no guardian over you.

Do thou, O prophet, follow that which is revealed unto thee: and persevere with patience, until G.o.d shall judge; for he is the best judge.




A.L.R. THIS book, the verses whereof are guarded against corruption, and are also distinctly explained, is a revelation from the wise, the knowing G.o.d: that ye serve not any other G.o.d: (verily I am a denouncer of threats, and a bearer of good tidings unto you from him;) and that ye ask pardon of your LORD, and then be turned unto him. He will cause you to enjoy a plentiful provision, until a prefixed time: and unto every one that hath merit by good works will he give his abundant reward.

But if ye turn back, verily I fear for you the punishment of the great day: unto G.o.d shall ye return; and he is almighty.

Do they not double the folds of their b.r.e.a.s.t.s, that they may conceal their designs from him? When they cover themselves with their garments, doth not he know that which they conceal, and that which they discover?

For he knoweth the innermost parts of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of men.

There is no creature which creepeth on the earth, but G.o.d provideth its food; and he knoweth the place of its retreat, and where it is laid up. The whole is written in the perspicuous book of his decrees.

It is he who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days, (but his throne was above the waters before the creation thereof), that he might prove you, and see which of you would excel in works. If thou say, Ye shall surely be raised again, after death; the unbelievers will say, This is nothing but manifest sorcery.

And verily if we defer their punishment unto a determined season, they will say, What hindereth it from falling on us? Will it not come upon them on a day, wherein there shall be none to avert it from them; and that which they scoffed at shall encompa.s.s them?

Verily, if we cause man to taste mercy from us, and afterwards take it away from him; he will surely become desperate, and ungrateful.

10 And if we cause him to taste favor, after an affliction hath befallen him, he will surely say, The evils which I suffered are pa.s.sed from me, and he will become joyful and insolent: except those who persevere with patience, and do that which is right; they shall receive pardon, and a great reward.

Peradventure thou wilt omit to publish part of that which hath been revealed unto thee, and thy breast will become straitened, lest they say, Unless a treasure be sent down unto him, or an angel come with him, to bear witness unto him, we will not believe. Verily thou art a preacher only; and G.o.d is the governor of all things.

Will they say, He hath forged the Koran? Answer, Bring therefore ten chapters like unto it, forged by yourselves: and call on whomsoever ye may to a.s.sist you, except G.o.d, if ye speak truth.

But if they whom ye call to your a.s.sistance hear you not; know that this book hath been revealed by the knowledge of G.o.d only, and that there is no G.o.d but he. Will ye therefore become Moslems?

Whoso chooseth the present life, and the pomp thereof, unto them will we give the recompense of their works therein, and the same shall not be diminished unto them.

These are they for whom no other reward is prepared in the next life, except the fire of h.e.l.l: that which they have done in this life shall perish; and that which they have wrought shall be vain.

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