The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts Part 30

The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts -

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(Exit Ferdinand.)

Ramel Take care, corporal, that all the entrances of this house are guarded, and observe our orders! Doctor, can we remain here a few moments without danger to the sick lady?

Vernon She is asleep, sir; and it is her last slumber.

Marguerite Here is the cup into which the infusion was poured and which still has traces of a.r.s.enic; I perceived it there as soon as I took hold of it.

The Doctor (examining the cup and tasting the contents) It is evident that the liquid contains some poisonous substance.

The Magistrate Please to make an a.n.a.lysis of it. (He sees Marguerite picking up a small piece of paper from the ground.) What paper is that?

Marguerite Oh, it is nothing.

Ramel In such cases as these, nothing is insignificant in the eyes of magistrates! Yes, gentlemen, we shall have to examine this paper later. What can have delayed M. de Grandchamp?

Vernon He is at the priest's house, but he will not stay there long.

The Magistrate (to the doctor) Have you made your examination yet, sir?

(The two physicians converse together at the head of the bed.)

Ramel (to the magistrate) If the General returns, we must deal with him according to the circ.u.mstances.

(Marguerite is weeping, kneeling at the foot of the bed; the two physicians, the judge and Ramel are grouped in the front of the stage.)

Ramel (to the doctor) It is therefore of your opinion, sir, that the illness of Mlle. de Grandchamp, whom we saw two days ago full of health, and even of happiness, is the result of a crime?

The Doctor The symptoms of poisoning are undeniable.

Ramel And are the remains of the poison contained in this cup so discernible, and present in such a quant.i.ty, as to furnish legal proof?

The Doctor Yes, sir.

The Magistrate (to Vernon) This woman alleges, sir, that yesterday, at four o'clock, you prescribed for Mlle. de Grandchamp an infusion of orange leaves, as a soothing draught for the nervous excitement which followed upon an interview between the stepmother and her stepdaughter; she says, moreover, that Madame de Grandchamp, who had despatched you on an empty errand to a place four leagues away, had insisted upon preparing and giving everything to her daughter herself; is this true?

Vernon Yes, sir.

Marguerite When I persisted in my purpose of attending myself upon my young mistress, my poor master was incensed to the point of reproaching me.

Ramel (to Vernon) Where did Madame de Grandchamp send you?

Vernon Everything is ominous in this mysterious affair. Madame de Grandchamp was so anxious to get me out of the way that she sent me three leagues to visit a sick man, who, I found when I reached his home, was drinking in the inn. I blamed Champagne for deceiving Madame de Grandchamp, and Champagne positively told me that the workman had not appeared at the factory, but that he himself knows nothing about his alleged sickness.

Felix Gentlemen, the clergy are here.

Ramel We can continue our proceedings in the drawing-room.

Vernon This way, gentlemen, this way.

(Scene curtain.)


(The drawing-room.)

Ramel, the Magistrate, the Sheriff's Officer and Vernon.

Ramel Here, then, is the result so far of our inquiry, in accordance with the evidence of Felix and Marguerite. Madame de Grandchamp, in the first place, administered to her stepdaughter a dose of opium, and you, M. Vernon, who were present and saw the criminal attempt, managed to secure and lock up the cup.

Vernon It is true, gentlemen, but--

Ramel How is it, M. Vernon, that when you witnessed this criminal attempt, you did not check Madame de Grandchamp in the fatal course which she was then pursuing?

Vernon Believe me, gentlemen, I did everything which I thought could be done with prudence, and all that my long experience suggested was attempted by me.

The Magistrate Your conduct, sir, was peculiar, and you will be called upon to explain it. You did your duty yesterday in preserving the cup as evidence; but why did you not go further?

Ramel Pardon me, M. Cordier, this gentleman is advanced in years; he is an honest and trustworthy man. (He takes Vernon aside) You have found out, I suppose, the cause of this crime.

Vernon It springs from a rivalry between two women, who have been urged on to the most violent extremes by their reckless pa.s.sions. And I was obliged to keep silence on the subject.

Ramel I know the whole business.

Vernon You! sir?

Ramel Yes, and, like you, I have done everything to prevent this catastrophe; for Ferdinand was to leave this very night. I knew Mlle.

Gertrude de Meilhac in former years, having met her at the house of my friend.

Vernon Oh! sir, show clemency! Have pity on an old soldier, crippled with wounds, and enslaved by delusions. He is in danger of losing both his daughter and his wife. Heaven grant he may not lose his honor also!

Ramel We understand each other. So long as Gertrude does not make such admissions as force us to see the real situation, I shall endeavor to persuade the investigating magistrate--who is an extremely sagacious and honest man of ten years' experience--I shall try to make him believe that cupidity alone has influenced Madame de Grandchamp. You must a.s.sist me. (The magistrate approaches; Ramel nods to Vernon and puts on an expression of severity.) Why did Madame de Grandchamp wish to drug her stepdaughter? You, who are the friend of the household, ought to know this.

Vernon Pauline was about to confide her secrets to me. Her stepmother thought that I was learning certain things which her interest required should be concealed; and that, sir, is doubtless the reason why she sent me to treat a workman who was in good health, and not to prevent help from being brought to Pauline, for Louviers is not so far off.

The Magistrate What forethought she has! She won't be able to escape if we find the proofs of crime in her desk. She does not expect us here; she will be thunderstruck.


The same persons, Gertrude and Marguerite.

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