The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts Part 29

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Pauline Ferdinand!

Ferdinand She has just uttered my name.

Vernon The vitality of a girl of twenty-two is very tenacious! Moreover, she will preserve consciousness, even to her last gasp. She might possibly rise from her bed and talk with us, although the sufferings caused by this terrible poison are inconceivable.


The same persons and the General.

The General (outside) Vernon!

Vernon (to Ferdinand) It is the General. (Ferdinand, overcome with grief, falls back on the armchair, where he is concealed by the curtains of the bed.) What do you want?

The General I want to see Pauline!

Vernon If you take my advice, you will wait awhile; she is very much worse.

The General (entering) For that reason I shall come in.

Vernon Do not come in, General. Listen to me!

The General No, no! Ah, how motionless, how cold she is, Vernon!

Vernon Listen! General! (Aside) We must get him away somehow. (Aloud) There is but a faint hope of saving her.

The General You told me--You must have been deceiving me!

Vernon My friend, we have to look this catastrophe in the face, as we had to look towards the batteries through a shower of bullets! On such occasions, when I hesitated, you always went forward. (Aside) That is a good idea! (Aloud) You had better bring to her the consolations of religion.

The General Vernon, I wish to see her, to give her my last kiss.

Vernon Be careful!

The General (kissing her) Oh! How icy cold she is!

Vernon That is a peculiarity of her sickness, General. Hurry to the priest's house, for in case my remedies fail, it is not right that your daughter, who has been reared as a Christian, should be forgotten by the Church.

The General Ah! yes. I will go.

(The General moves towards the bed.)

Vernon (pointing towards the door) This way!

The General I quite lose my head; I am distracted--O Vernon, work a miracle for us! You have saved so many people--and here you cannot save the life of my child!

Vernon Come, come, be off. (Aside) I must go with him, for if he meets the magistrates there will be more trouble still.

(Exit the General and Vernon.)


Pauline and Ferdinand.

Pauline Ferdinand!

Ferdinand Ah! My G.o.d! Can this be her last sigh? Pauline, you are my very life; if Vernon does not save you, I will follow you, and we shall still be united.

Pauline I shall expire, then, without a single regret.

Ferdinand (takes up the flask) That which would have saved you, if the doctor had arrived earlier, shall deliver me from life.

Pauline No, for you may still be happy.

Ferdinand Never, without you.

Pauline Your words revive me.


The same persons and Vernon.

Ferdinand She speaks; her eyes once more are open.

Vernon Poor child! There she falls asleep again. What shall the waking be?

(Ferdinand sits down again and takes the hand of Pauline.)


The same persons, Ramel, the Investigating Magistrate, a Doctor, a Corporal of Police and Marguerite.

Marguerite M. Vernon, the magistrates are here. M. Ferdinand, you must leave the room.

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