Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 763 Focus

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Chapter 763 Focus

Dawn was being to a.s.sert its dominance over the darkness of night even as a beauty with blazing red and gold hair slept soundly against the chest of the man she loved. They both sat upright, letting the flickering lights of the fire place warm them as they wrapped around each other.

Although Dyon had a relaxed expression on his face, he was actually quite surprised. His body had shot upward in blood essence integration, shattering the 28% barrier and approaching 29%. At this point, Dyon met a strong bottle neck that let him know he was closing in on the level of a celestial body. He had only just recently turned 23, yet he could already boast having a celestial soul and a peak saint body.

This shocked Dyon. But, he dismissed it as a reward for the trial. Maybe his grand teacher had methods he didn't consider before. What he didn't notice was that the primordial yins within him had increased by one, becoming six.

He now had Kukan's, Amethyst's, Madeleine's, Ri's, Clara's and Amphorae's. Clara's two should have technically made it seven, however they had fused due to their overwhelming compatibility. This confirmed the theories that faith seeds should be separate from one's foundation.

Despite Kukan and Ri, and Madeleine and Amethyst, shared a body, their primordial yins didn't fuse, while Clara's did. It was no wonder why those who relied too much on their faith seeds failed to reach the final steps of cultivation. After all, you'd be following a dao that wasn't truly yours.

But, Dyon wasn't worried about Madeleine and Ri. His wives were all highly intelligent and didn't need him looking over their shoulder all the time. This was obvious considering the improvement in their cultivation while he was in a coma.

Although Ri and Madeleine had lost to the Uidah during the first two tries, Dyon had no doubt that had he not awoken, they would have broken through the third time. After all, they were both very young, the progress they made in two years would have blown the Uidah out of the water.

Within his inner world, Dyon's Primordial yang hovered in the center of those six b.a.l.l.s of light, each a differing color.

Kukan's was a dense black, wafting a thick fog. Amethyst's was a blazing ball of fire, radiating piercing cold and fiery heat all at once while s.h.i.+ning a beautiful violet. Ri's was a bright gold, forcing the world to want to bow in allegiance, perfectly matching her Elvin Queen's Reign const.i.tution. Madeleine's was a gentle white light, almost like a pearl, befitting of her G.o.ddess' Disposition. Clara's was a beautiful opal color, swirling with all sort of purples, reds, blues and even golds, matching Dyon's to perfection while only being a lighter shade.

As for Amphorae's, it radiated an aura almost identical to Ri's, but had less arrogance and innocence, and a more elegant and mature air. Flames of gold, red and white danced around its perfect white center like the wings of a divine bird.

All six rotated in harmony, not showing any signs of dissatisfaction.

One had to know that there was a reason only powerful men had many wives. It was simply impossible for a man with a weak primordial yang to support so many powerful primordial yins. If one were to try, it would only result in disaster.

Should a weak primordial yang take on multiple powerful primordial yins, it would shatter. Although the man would live, he would be forever impotent. In fact, often times, if the primordial yin was strong enough, it wouldn't even allow itself to leave the body of the woman.

Luckily for Dyon, although primordial yins and yangs were technically energy cultivation based, that was only because of where they resided: the meridians or dantian. In reality, they touched on all three paths. If they didn't, how could taking a virginity of a powerful woman cause a boost in Dyon's body and soul cultivation?

Because of this truth, Dyon's overwhelming soul talent was able to sustain the four primordial yins given to him by Ri and Madeleine. If not, one could only lament Dyon's talent for wooing women, because they would have destroyed him.

'It seems like need some body cultivation materials to break into the celestial tier.' Dyon looked down at himself, inadvertently smiling when he saw Amphorae lightly and adorably snoring.

The truth was that he wouldn't have much of a bottle neck body cultivating at all. Not only did he have his blood essence, his understanding of his body had increased by millions of times because of this increase in his body talent.

Unlike the soul kernel, the effect of the body kernel was much more indirect. It essentially gave Dyon the ability of multiple body const.i.tutions, and their abilities as well. However, there wasn't a powerful enough const.i.tution awakening pill in the entire world that would be enough to awaken them all. Therefore, Dyon had to be exceptionally selective with which abilities he chose to awaken, and which he chose to ignore. It was unfortunate, but such was the way of the martial world.

Because of the complexity of that situation, Dyon didn't choose just yet. In fact, since Clara was in the same situation as him, he told her to be extremely selective as well. Unless Dyon could find the body category weapon of 33 Heavens, Spirit Body, he would be limited in the amount of const.i.tutions he could awaken.

Spirit Body was actually quite a misleading name for the weapon. While it sounded holy and righteous, it was the very opposite.

The pa.s.sive ability was innocent enough. With as long as the user sensed the const.i.tution within them, it could communicate with the heavens to awaken it. This required little to no effort on the part of its wielder and was the legendary aspect of the weapon.

However, the active ability was truly sinister. If the wielder was more powerful than the victim, they could directly steal the opponent's const.i.tution and take it for their own.

There was no shortage of stories of wielders of this weapon seeking out talented children to steal from…

After having their const.i.tutions stolen, not only would the victim have their cultivation based irreparably harmed, causing a drastic fall in whatever cultivation existed, their talent would be forever stripped from them…

It was not difficult to understand why these people targeted children. No matter how talented a child was, that's all they were: a child. How could they resist an expert capable of subduing a weapon of that caliber?

Much of the taboo around sharing bloodlines stemmed from this exact weapon and the b.l.o.o.d.y history behind it.

Firstly, one had to understand that there was a difference between bloodlines and const.i.tutions.

A const.i.tution can be born to anyone depending on their Heaven's Blessing. It was a matter of luck, but also had, in part, to do with one's talent. The more talented a person was, the more likely they were to have a const.i.tution.

A faith seed worked the same way, however it was tied to a very specific bloodline. It could be considered to be a bridge between const.i.tutions and bloodlines, sharing characteristics of both.

A bloodline, however, was pa.s.sed down through a gene pool. Much like const.i.tutions, it could be awakened further and stimulated to higher forms. For example, Little Black was birthed by two parents who were both transcendent beasts. However, both the demon qilin and celestial deer bloodlines had the potential to evolve. This was because the celestial deer was once a race of supreme beasts, while the demon qilin had faint traces of overwhelming dragon blood.

When they came together, they catalyzed Little Black's blood to an all new level, awakening both bloodlines. This, of course, was due to more luck than science. It wasn't a sure thing for such a thing to happen.

While beast bloodlines followed the following rankings system: Common, Earth, Heaven, Transcendent and Supreme, other bloodlines followed the very same ranking system.

As for const.i.tutions, they too followed a similar ranking system: Common, Earth, Heaven, G.o.d and True Deity. True Deities were also known as faith seed wielders. However, that is only because of the changes in modern times.

Although it is true that a faith seed is the equivalent of a True Deity const.i.tution, it can only be considered to be a fake approximation.

Faith seeds are about as powerful as weaker True Deity bloodlines and Supreme beast potential. This is because although the affinities given by them are no weaker than even their peak True Deity and Supreme counter parts, unlike the latter two, it is impossible to rely on them to the end.

In truth, both Ri and Madeleine's faith seeds provide support comparable to peak level True Deity and supreme bloodlines. This was especially so for Ri since her faith seed was in resonance with her beast bloodline which was comparable to a lower tier Supreme bloodline due to the branch family of kitsune she originated from.

However, they would both face problems, lowering the value of their seeds.

While Madeleine was highly compatible with the Life portion of Amethyst's faith seed, the reincarnation portion was exceedingly difficult for her. In the same vein, she was highly compatible with the Ice Blue Flame portions, but struggled with the Fire Red Flame portions. Unfortunately, they were inseparable. This meant that while Madeleine could use some portions of Amethyst's legacy, if she used too much, she would join a path that she couldn't complete.

As for Ri, although she was a kitsune, her particular faith seed was highly incompatible with her. Like her mother, Ri came from a snow-white Kitsune branch family known as the Snow family. It was a lowly branch because its bloodline was far weaker than others. However, Ri had somehow awakened a faith seed that originated from a family of black-gold Kitsune, the Void family.

Luckily for Ri, her father's side gave her the compatibility she needed, in part. While Ri wasn't compatible at all with the s.p.a.ce portions of Kukan's legacy, she was highly compatible with the darkness and chaos portions. This was, of course, because of the Acacia family's Tree of Life and Death legacy, which contained major legacies that could be considered to follow the wicked path of cultivation. After all, any technique capable of stealing the energy and life force of an opponent could be said to follow a dark path.

Following these lines of logic, one could see the problem with faith seeds. But, Madeleine and Ri were intelligent enough to understand this for themselves. Although this didn't mean they wouldn't use their incompatible side – for example, Madeleine could still use her red flames and Ri would still use her flames – they understood that they couldn't take it too far, or, at the very least, they needed to focus on what they were good at.

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