Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2253 Feeling Out

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Chapter 2253 Feeling Out

?Dyon grinned, swinging Saru from his side. She hardly had time to be shocked before she could only wrap her legs and arms around him with all her might, her consciousness slipping under the tidal wave of emotions.

If the Immortals of the immortal plane were aware what Dyon was doing while they were diligently planning for his death, maybe they would pa.s.s out due to rage.

But this was simply Dyon's way of doing things. Dyon was still Dyon. His arrogance wasn't going anywhere.

The Elves? They could come. The dragons? They could come too. Pill Sword Mountain? They were more than welcome.

In the same way he beat them down in his first life to the point where they no longer dared to raise their heads before him, he would just do it again. And, this time might be their last.


In a certain place, on a certain rocking chair, Abraxus was laughing uproariously like a jovial old man. His laughter was so grand that the entire star segment trembled. It wasn't a violent trembling, but rather almost like a light vibration, the kind one might get from a comfortable ma.s.sage.

"He's back? He's back?"

First White Mother looked on with an excited look in her eye.

"He's been back for a long time." Abraxus said with a wide smile.

"You… Why didn't you tell me it was him?!"

The First White Mother was obviously enraged. In the past, she had been pessimistic toward Dyon's chances at defeating her second senior brother precisely because she wasn't her first senior brother. How could she not be embarra.s.sed after finding out it had been him the entire time? This old geezer actually kept something like this from him, it was simply unforgivable.

"I have to go!" She suddenly said.

"Don't be ridiculous, you'll only be sending yourself to die. Just stay here obediently."

The First White Mother was the last disciple the old man had taken in and the weakest simply due to the fact she was the youngest.

The truth was that the celestial beasts were the most ancient species of beast. So, their race was even older than Abraxus. If she really was the First White Mother, it would make more sense for her to be Abraxus' master rather than the other way around.

But this was one of the abilities of the Celestial Beasts who were favored by the Heavens. Unlike others, they had the ability to resurrect after being born onto the immortal plane. The First White Mother was exactly a reincarnation of her former self who had yet to reclaim her original strength.

So, Abraxus wasn't wrong, she really would only be going to get herself killed if she went now. Though she was powerful, she was still vulnerable in a battle of immortal G.o.ds.

"Are we really not going to do anything?" She asked with a frown.

"There is nothing we can do. If we interfere, we'll only be going off to our deaths. Things aren't so simple as a group of hegemons wanting to take him out. If it was only this, you could only say that those old fools had lost one too many brain cells.

"It isn't these hegemons that want this, but the Heavens themselves, do you understand? This is the grandest tribulation to ever be sent down. If we interfere, we'll not only not make it easier, but we'll make it countless times harder as well. The most we can do is stay out of it, this is the best help we can provide."

The First White Mother seemed to feel bitter after hearing these words, but she really couldn't find a way to refute them. They were correct.

It was the Heavens themselves that wanted Dyon gone. It had already picked a successor to the task he failed to complete.


While Dyon was unfeeling toward the immortal G.o.ds who were coming for him, he had also seemingly forgotten to care about the Yin Soldier Immortal G.o.d's Legacy World. But, the truth of the matter was that to the current Dyon, such a legacy world was nothing more than a joke.

What Dyon had always lacked in his life to this point was experience. He had all the intelligence he could ever need, but he lacked enough information and wisdom to make proper use of it. Most of the time, he could only make conjectures and educated guesses, which even sometimes ended with silly mistakes that could have been avoided.

However, the current Dyon didn't have such a problem. Simply put, Dyon might have not had the individual battle strength of an Immortal G.o.d currently. But… A Lower Immortal G.o.d like the Yin Soldier Immortal G.o.d was still nothing but an ant before him.

When Dyon reawakened his memories, his paused footsteps toward the city lord's mansion continued. Of course by that point City Lord Woo had stepped out with his entourage of guards. However, Dyon had already regained his calm.

The blood red pillar in the skies no longer fluctuated, the tears of blood on his face no longer fell, and he looked down toward the two heads in his head with a calm expression. His heart was no longer in disorder, he would give these two a proper burial after this was all over and never make such a mistake again.

The Heavens wanted him to be an unfeeling villain, but he had no interest in such a path. Madeleine deserved better. She wanted a hero for a husband so he would be a hero. It was as simple as that.

Of course, since the Heavens wanted him to be a villain so badly, he didn't mind indulging it for a bit. It's just that I wouldn't like the result very much at all.

What preceded was completely under Dyon's control to an almost scary degree.

According to Dyon's original plan, he would use the death of his 'wife' as a justifiable cause to rise up against the city lord. With his actions as Law, he had already garnered the respect of the people of Yin City. In this way, they would most likely have his back as well.

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