Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2165 Lava

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Chapter 2165 Lava

"Why don't they come when there's no eruption?" Saru asked.

"From what I can tell, those empty tunnels only appear during an eruption. It's ironically both the safest and most dangerous time. During non-eruption periods, the lava is more evenly spread instead of some veins being under high pressure and others being at low. So, if one wanted to enter during them, you'd have to directly enter the lava itself."

"But what if we don't get lucky this time, then?"

Dyon grinned. "Luck? I don't need it. They don't dare enter the lava because they have no idea how hot it can get and how long they'll have to stay in it before they have to take another break. But… I don't have that problem."

Dyon's body flashed with a surge of energy. Without him even properly circulating the technique, [t.i.tan Diamond Body] activated. If Dyon so chose, he could completely rename the technique because it was entirely his own now.

Without hesitation, he dove into the lava head first.

It wasn't until three days later he exited at his destination, finding something that made him grin wildly.

The s.p.a.ce wasn't even remotely hot. In fact, it was could either. A gentle spring's breeze caressed Dyon's cheeks as though there wasn't an entire layered purgatory of lava above.


A world that seemed no different from a gentle spring hidden beneath an infernal h.e.l.l seemed completely ridiculous in any sort of proper perspective. But for Dyon, this was actually just about what he expected.

One might intuitively think that a place of clas.h.i.+ng extreme cold and heat would cause an outcome of amiable temperatures. But in practice, this wasn't the case. Think of water hitting hot oil, the billowing steam, the severe agitation, and only then would you be closer to the reality.

However, Dyon knew he wasn't in his mortal world anymore. He not only had to consider that sort of basal logic, but he also had to think about what it would take for any sort of technique to be stable. Whoever caused this bubble world of ice and snow to become one of the exact opposite obviously hadn't done it for the sake of the world to implode, there had been another purpose.

What that purpose was? Dyon wasn't quite sure just yet, nor did he care if he never figured it out. All he cared about was taking advantage of it.

Before him, there sat two objects in perfect matrimony. Well, there were far more than just two objects. There were also plains of lush, dense qi far beyond that of the surface, and also endless gardens of heavenly herbs that would make any cultivator beneath the Immortal Law Realm salivate, but those two objects hanging in the skies like a pair of stars was what truly caught Dyon's attention.

One was like a blazing blue star, it pulsed just like a ball of plasma and hydrogen. It had the same reflective beauty from a distance as well. Though, it was nothing but a death trap up close.

The other looked no different from a red star. In Dyon's mortal world, stars of that color were usually the coldest among their species and something even near the end of their lifespans, but this was most definitely not the case in this regard.

There was nothing lacking about this red star in the least. And, it emitted a heat restrained by the blue star that put suns of the mortal plane to shame. Let alone one star, even an entire universe of stars would be incapable of emitting as much energy as this singular star.

Still, what was maybe the most odd was that this blue 'star' wasn't like a star at all. Or rather, it didn't function as one due to the fact it didn't actually emit any heat at all. Rather, it pulsed with a biting cold that made Dyon s.h.i.+ver down to his bone.

Of course, this only happened when he focused his senses on the star. Much like the cold qi from Earth's oceans that almost froze him to death through his divine sense of back then, this star acted in much the same way. However, its feat was far more impressive.

Immortal Sense was far less susceptible to such things in comparison to divine sense. It was unlikely for one to be able to harm a person through their immortal sense. Yet, albeit to a very small extent, this blue star had succeeded.

Dyon sighed. At a time like this, he'd already be listening to Little Yin and Yang about just what the h.e.l.l these things were. But, ever since his battle with Emytheus, they hadn't been able to speak to him.

In the end, Dyon could only slowly a.n.a.lyze it himself, walking around the underground world, carefully observing the stars from all angles.

'The fundamental runes of this world are far more distinct, yet also better guarded in this place…'

After a while, Dyon reached a conclusion.

'This must be the Immortal Plane's equivalent to a universe or quadrant spirit. But, in this place, instead of being the arbiter of Faith, its importance is several levels higher. A universe can survive without its spirit – though those born in it will be much weaker – but… if I somehow destroyed that blue star… this bubble world would cease to be entirely…'

It took Dyon a month to reach this conclusion. Though it was simple, it had a profound impact on him.

Of course, he hadn't entirely wasted away this month. He also took his time to swallow up most of the heavenly herbs in this place. Even the worst of them were of the Lower Venerable Grade, and he even managed to gain a few dozen Lower Empyrean Grade herbs.

Usually, Dyon wouldn't strip a land bare like this. As an alchemist, he knew the importance of propriety. If he took in moderation, this land would recover quickly. But, since he took so much, it would take billions of years for it to once more reach such a state.

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