Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2128 Body

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Chapter 2128 Body

?He realized that his t.i.tan Diamond Body was powerful, but it lacked versatility. Aside from crude power, it didn't provide much else. However, Dyon remembered that before he reclaimed his energy cultivation talent, his t.i.tan Diamond Body had been able to improve the robustness of his meridians. It was only after Luna helped him take back his talent that this effect disappeared. What if he combined his energy cultivation talent with the great defense of his t.i.tan Diamond Body?

Dyon quickly broke down the fundamental runes, taking hold of his meridians and reconstructing them cell by cell to the point they s.h.i.+mmered like diamonds.

In these moments, Dyon inadvertently broke into the Fate Silk Realm. But, he was so focused on his task that he didn't notice this subtle s.h.i.+ft, nor the fact that when his body was once again fully constructed, that he would regain his normal appearance…

Dyon had no idea that the smoothness of this process was precisely related to the Fate stealing abilities of his t.i.tan Diamond Body. His const.i.tution was far from just the crude muscle brain he thought it was.

In his defense, Dyon had no idea that such a watershed moment could possibly cause such a small change. In addition, he had already s.h.i.+fted all of his focus to his Silver Mirror Const.i.tution.

Not only did this const.i.tution thicken his qi, but it also thickened the walls of his meridians.

This function may have seemed useless since Dyon already fused his t.i.tan Diamond Body with his meridians, but this was far from the truth.

The Silver Mirror const.i.tution required the movement of large amounts of qi in a short amount of time. By extension, thickening the walls of the meridians was only one part of what it did. Its true function was to widen the meridians.

Dyon homed in on his t.i.tan Diamond Body to strengthen his meridians. But, in order to widen them to the extreme, only his Silver Mirror Const.i.tution could do this.

Though Dyon's inner world could store qi, not to mention the fact it was much smaller now than it had been in the past, his meridians ultimately acted as a bottleneck. He could swap qi from his inner world into his meridians, but it was ultimately his meridians that sustained his attack strength.

As such, the thicker his meridians, the stronger his attacks would be. If his meridians were on the thinner side, it didn't matter how much qi he had in his inner world, there would be a limit to his strength.

However, there was an even deeper reason for all of this. Dyon didn't just want to widen his meridians, but he also wanted to widen his blood vessels!

Unlike qi, there was no such thing as atmospheric vital qi. All of Dyon's bodily strength came from within his body. His t.i.tan Diamond Body helped in part, but it was called t.i.tan Diamond Body for a reason. It was ultimately a defense const.i.tution first and foremost.

Though this was also the case for his Silver Mirror Const.i.tution, its widening of meridians had greater applicability as an auxiliary talent!

Like this, Dyon became to break down the fundamental runes of his Silver Mirror Const.i.tution and apply the laws that should have only fused with his meridians to his blood vessels. He was determined to create a body that could one day surpa.s.s even those lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who were born directly into the Immortal Law Realm.

Dyon's meridians and blood vessels soon became thick, raging rivers. In the past, his blood vessels and meridian pathways were almost like thin capillaries running through his body, barely a tenth of a centimeter in width, the largest were only about two centimeters wide. Only his 117 meridians were slightly larger, having about an inch to two of diameter to them.

One can see how shocking such a thing was. Dyon was able to display so much despite their exaggeratedly small size. Just how much power would he have if they were only a small percentage point larger? What if they doubled in size?

The reason one had to improve the quality of the qi from Essence to Saint to Celestial and finally to Enigmatic was precisely because of this small size. There was a little to how much power they could produce. As such, one had no choice but to raise the grade of their energy.

Unfortunately, vital qi both couldn't be pulled from the atmosphere, and only had one level of quality to it. One can easily see, then, how body cultivation was even more limited in this regard, meaning that the widening of blood vessels would have an even more p.r.o.nounced effect!

Theoretically, if one's meridians were thick enough, you could produce just as much power as a Dao expert even while within the Essence Gathering Realm!

It was here that Dyon ran into a problem. He obviously couldn't expand in meridians and blood vessels infinitely. After all, his body had limited s.p.a.ce within it.

Even if he suffered a loss and built himself larger, he'd run into the same problems Giants did. The larger his body, the more qi and vital qi he needed to produce the same force. It was a simple principle even mortals knew about, known as the square cube law.

For every proportional size increase, volume would increase by a cube, but surface area would only advance by the square. This meant that ma.s.s increased exponentially even in relation to the surface area of a body, which meant large bodies lacked the strength to move themselves.

Giants circ.u.mvented these laws with their own special methods, but in the end, it only gave them a marginally higher average strength in comparison to normal sized humans.

Dyon's mind continued to spin, calculating madly.

Saru and Lilith, seemingly knowing that he would stay in this state for maybe even longer than the past half year, made their way to the entrance of Dyon's den. They couldn't allow anything to disturb him during this time.

Dyon's thoughts blinked away almost as soon as they appeared. He sifted through and threw out dozens of ideas in split seconds, focusing his entire mind on his task.

In a moment, he suddenly thought of his Mind's Eye.

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