Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2112 The Difference

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Chapter 2112 The Difference

?"This is the difference between you and I. You seem to think it matters the level of strength you have, when in reality, you'll die just the same.

"Don't say I didn't try to help you. Your Aritzia confessed her undying love to me just as she breathed her last breath. If I didn't kill her, wouldn't she come running to my arms instead of yours? At least this way, while you're both in the land of the dead, you're the only choice she has left."

Emytheus' eyes widened with rage, boiling over with a crimson tide.

The earth beneath them sunk. Dyon could feel it. It wasn't just a small section of land that shattered, but rather the whole of the Ancient Battlefield sunk by an entire inch.

Dyon frowned, his grip around his scythe tightening slightly.

"Since you still don't understand, I'll be sure to slowly show you what the true difference between you and I is. Maybe if you were born in another era, this would be your world. But since I am here, it will be mine. I've only let you keep the fame and fortune you have on hold for me.

"Even when I was a celestial, I could have already swept through the mortal plane. There wasn't a single person who was a match for me. The only reason I did not was because my goals and aspirations were much higher. This would not be my limit. Until I successfully crossed the dao realm, none of you were worthy of my attention.

"Today, I will show you... The true strength of I, Emytheus."

Twelve Wings spread from Emytheus' back, but they were absolutely ma.s.sive. They shone a platinum color, looking like they had been forged of very delicate silver paper as they blanketed the skies of hundreds of miles.

They stood detached from Emytheus' back, their every slight quiver flattening the earth as far as the eye could see.

The skies trembled, the crackling of fierce arcs of lightning coursing through the darkening clouds. They struck downward, fusing with Emytheus' enormous wings.

Emytheus stood at the center of it all, his expression without emotion, his gaze lofty.

He stretched his finger outward, an arc of platinum lightning following his intent to streak toward Dyon.

Dyon quickly dodged to the side, not having the mind to care for the collapsing earth behind him as he shot into the skies, his own 12 golden wings appearing to his back as he met Emytheus' palm with his blackened scythe.

"You dare use my own ancestor's abilities against me?"

"When will you understand that there's little I don't dare to do?"

Dyon unleashed a flurry of maddening strikes. He and Emytheus seemed like two guardian deities battling it out in the skies. With the size of the latter's wings, it was likely that maybe every inhabitant of this prison was aware of this battle. Though they might have not exactly understood just why it was happening, they could all innately feel its importance.

"Ignorance! Your silver mirror const.i.tution..."

One of the 12 swirling auras around Emytheus shone.

Dyon's sudden scythe strikes were reflected and amplified by Emytheus' next palm strike. It felt as though all of his strength had sudden doubled and come cras.h.i.+ng into his chest, intent on turning him into a cloud fog of blood.

"… Is nothing but a cheap imitation of my Ancester Demeter! This is the true Silver Mirror Const.i.tution. The G.o.ddess of Harvest. Capable of accepting all and giving back more! Your Eternity's Balance Const.i.tution…"

Another aura surged from within Emytheus, pursuing Dyon as the elements seemed to bend and fuse to his will.

Flames surged and blended with water. Earth moved and fused with wind. The skies and the ground became one. Reality became illusory, and dreams became corporeal.

Dyon felt like Emytheus' strike was coming from the bottom, his Immortal Sense latching onto it completely, but a sudden palm strike struck his head from above.

"… Is nothing but a knockoff of my Ancestor Hera! This is the true Eternity's Balance. Birthed from the G.o.ddess of Unions. Capable of balancing all things, to make yin accept yang, to make yang accept yin. A perfect matrimony of the elements, of existence itself!"

In the next instant, a bombardment of cold and heat a.s.saulted Dyon from the right even as something sharp and blunt bombarded him from the left.

Dyon reacted quickly, his scythe spinning in his hands and following the flow of momentum to extend outward hundred of meters, reaching toward Emytheus who stood behind his bold attacks.

Weapon's arrays spun to life around Dyon, curving a path around the building a.s.sault of torrential attacks to impact Emytheus directly.

"You still don't understand." Emytheus said with a clear disdain.

His hair became a blazing red, a ma.s.sive hammer appearing in his hands.

"Your comprehension of War is nothing but a cheap understanding of my Ancestor Ares' abilities. This is the true will of war!"

His hammer swung downward, arcs of lightning and fused flames shattering the black spears of Dyon's [Raze].

Dyon's brow raised. That hammer… It was stronger than even his Reaper. How was that possible? Reaper had become an Empyrean Grade weapon. Even on the Immortal Plane, such a weapon was highly sought after. Maybe only those of the Immortal Law Realm would frequently wield one.

"Were you very proud of your scythe? It's nothing but an inferior weapon from an inferior world. With the legacy of my Ancestor Hephaestus, there is nothing in the world that cannot be forged into a treasure.

"I can turn the soil beneath my feet into the crown jewel of an Empress of Nations. I can forge the feather of a common bird into an arrow that could pierce the sun. I can temper the heavens and the earth themselves, refining them to my liking.

"We are not the same! This is the difference between you and I!"

Emytheus roared into the skies, his 12 auras revolving around him madly as he tapped into one G.o.dly ability after the next.

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