Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2089 Kilograms

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Chapter 2089 Kilograms

?"Was that Aritzia really so important?" Ri's lip curled unwittingly with unhidden disdain. It wasn't very surprising that she had the strongest feelings of disgust toward Aritzia. After all, she was there when Dyon put it all on the line to defeat the Numbered Warriors.

"I feel that it's weird too." Luna said with a frown. "Though she was extremely intelligent, her value would only be of pinnacle importance for an up and coming family. Though an established family would still see her as important, it definitely would be so exaggerated.

"But the Sapientia seemed to treat Aritzia like a G.o.ddess, even completely disregarding the fact she was essentially the catalyst that led to the complete collapse of their branch networks in the Tower Quadrants.

"In any other context, a promising youth making such a terrible mistake with such a devastating ending shouldn't still be looked so highly upon. Especially since her strength of cultivation wasn't elite either."

Madeleine's countenance remained calm. She seemed to be thinking of something.

"So Aritzia had a secret, or maybe even a secret backer we don't know about. But why didn't that backer act to protect her? Or at least retaliate in revenge?"

"There are too many unknowns." Luna responded. "The only worthwhile conclusion is that the Sapientia have a plot waiting for the Ancient Battlefield."

Their gazes drifted toward Dyon, but he seemed completely carefree, as though these matters had nothing to do with him.

When one has a goal reaching far beyond even imagination, would they continue to care about trifling enemies? The answer was evidently not.

"Never mind, since he wants to be mysterious let him be mysterious." Clara clicked her tongue. "Let's talk about something more interesting… Like what does the bottleneck to the four facet realm feel like?"

Clara was very much interested in this. It wasn't because she was a cultivation fanatic.?In fact, if it was up to her, maybe she wouldn't cultivate at all. Instead, what caught her interest was the fact that the underwater city and his cheek-scaled people had reached both the pinnacle of science in culmination with cultivation, yet they hadn't produced a single four facet Overlord either.

Seeing that there was something science seemed unable to do, her curiosity was piqued. She wanted to know just why this barrier existed.

Ri, who had become a three facet Overlord in body, qi and comprehension was a prime test subject.

After thinking for a bit, Ri suddenly found that it was difficult to put her response into words.

"I'm not sure… It just feels that it's both very close and far at the same time. But, I also get the feeling that if it wasn't for Dyon, this feeling of closeness wouldn't exist at all. I think our best chance at reaching that realm is holding off breaking through in the soul for last…"

Ri's words both opened up a lot of questions, but also shed some important light. To them, it was technically the easiest to break into the soul facet thanks to Dyon. But if they left the easiest for last… Wouldn't that give them the best chance?

"I also feel that Ancestor Mist isn't so powerful because she's gotten very close to the fourth facet. Instead, I believe she's so much more powerful than even I am right now because she's progressed in her three facets… Beyond their lowest levels, I mean.

"It's just like Madeleine. She's only of the two facet Overlord Realm, yet because she's comprehended both Life and Rebirth Laws, she's no weaker than a three facet Overlord.

"So maybe reaching the fourth facet is inherently impossible…"

Dyon continued to swing his scythe, but his movements had slowed to a crawl. He seemed to only s.h.i.+ft over a single centimeter a minute, his tanned muscles soaking through with sweat with each pa.s.sing second.

He had his own thoughts on the matter as well, but they could all be boiled down to a single thought…

If the heavens granted you your power, and the heavens didn't want you to reach the fourth facet… Then how could you possibly succeed?

Dyon wasn't absolutely certain that this was the case. But it was food for thought nonetheless.

At the same time, though, he had another thought as well. What if the Heavens swapping your mortal body for an immortal body after transcending wasn't just what it seemed on the surface? What if it was a necessity to circ.u.mvent the impossible?

What if the Heavens already provided a solution to this problem? Wasn't it true that Dyon had known long ago that the only way to not lose your mortal body after transcending was to perfect it by use of a const.i.tution? Didn't that mean the key to touching upon perfection, that ever elusive fourth facet, were the very const.i.tutions within his body?

But this answer left Dyon feeling empty.

Weren't Const.i.tutions granted by the Heavens too?


The current scene was quite heartwarming, albeit bizarre. The sight of a young girl and her father eating together was definitely enough to cause the former feeling. However, the latter was caused by the sheer volume of food.

"What's the score?" Clara asked Saru who sat with a smile on her face.

"Dyon at 131 kilograms of food. Alauna is at 130."

Dyon and Alauna ate furiously side by side. Sometimes, their elbows would collide, causing a booming force that could destroy moons to spread outward.

Seemingly used to such a scene, the women would take turns dispelling the force, leaving the palace dining room surroundings intact. One could imagine the kind of material that forged the table they sat on considering it had managed to survive to now.

The father-daughter duo tore through stacks of meat and gulped down gallons of soup. Those watching on had no idea how they managed to keep their lips and clothes clean.

Suddenly, there was only a single piece of sea food left. It was the ma.s.sive, sh.e.l.led body of a Red Mercury King Lobster, a delicacy that cost thousands of dao stones per gram.

Dyon's neck sharply turned toward his daughter, their gazes sending sparks over the air as they dove forward simultaneously.

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