Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1912 Goal

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Chapter 1912 Goal

'Well… There's no use just standing out here… I a.s.sume this is the first test, so let's pa.s.s it with flying colors.'

A violent surge of energy erupted around Dyon. His tanned skin, originally s.h.i.+ning a radiant gold after entering the Gold Silk Realm, became crystalline. The reflective rays of the bright and the stars in the distance reflected off of his skin, making him radiate like a polished gem.

In the next moment, his qi erupted as well. A s.h.i.+eld of dense bold type qi was form in an instant, forming a coc.o.o.n around Dyon's body.

After comprehending enigmatic qi, Dyon's Silver Mirror Const.i.tution had advanced by leaps and bounds. It was no longer just as simple as countering attacks…

Thanks to his Immortal Sense, Dyon began to understand that the mysteries of this Heaven Grade Const.i.tution weren't so simple at all. It contained deeply entrenched Laws of Gentle Force and Flow.

These supposed Laws were still to far beyond Dyon's means to fully understand. But it seemed the more powerful he grew, the more often he seemed to run into them…

Dyon couldn't even precisely understand why he immediately knew the names of these Laws initially, it was only after speaking with the Celestial Twins that he came to an understanding.

When faced with Laws as fundamental as these, their names were everything!

It wasn't that Dyon suddenly had a wealth of knowledge he hadn't known he had before, but rather that these Laws wouldn't allow him to know them by anything other than their true names.

Thinking of the importance of t.i.tles and Faith, Dyon had a faint understanding why… Names held power.

Dyon tossed these matters to the back of his mind. With a single step, he crossed the oppressive and violent barrier, travelling toward the Nebula's core with blinding speeds.

Fine dust particles bombarded him even as a skin singeing heat sought to burn him to a crisp.

However, even as his bold type qi barrier seemed to weaken and wane, Dyon seemed to have an endless supply to replace it. His Inner World wasn't just for show, nor had his years venturing the Ancient Battlefield been wasted.

It was only now he understood what his master had meant. The tests left by the Celestial Deer Sect would first and foremost test his soul, but the body and qi couldn't be ignored either.

In a place like this, even if his body and qi were top notch, he would run out of stamina long before he found the Legacy Lands he needed to if his soul was too weak. If one took a single wrong turn in this place… It meant death!

However, this wasn't a problem for Dyon. Not only had he long since pinpointed his destination, he had entered from a point which provided the absolute shortest route. Maybe even the Ancestors of the Celestial Deer Sect hadn't imagined their successor would do so, so easily.

Days began to tick by. Eventually, they became weeks. And soon, months.

The size of a Nebula was simply too large. In the void of s.p.a.ce, it was easy to travel incredibly quickly. Even a celestial could travel from one end of a universe to another in just a few hours. However, the energy here was even more dense than any planet in existence. Jumping through s.p.a.ce here was nothing but a foolish dream, and if you tried, the violent energy hidden in the void wouldn't be so nice as to tell you how you died.

But, Dyon's persistence won out in the end as he was greeted by the view of his goal.

A stable orb of energy floated before Dyon. In comparison with the size of the Nebula, it was akin to a speck of dust to a speck of dust's speck of dust. And, even that a.n.a.logy might not do it just.

Dyon couldn't help but shake his head. He almost felt that the Celestial Deer Sect didn't want anyone to find their Legacy, even their own Successor!

The orb was very much like a snow globe. Hidden within, there was a world of darkness, but it didn't seem like a Mystical World. After observing for a moment, Dyon suddenly came to an understanding.


A Realm was nothing like a Mystical World. Aside from the fact they both emulated a real plane of existence, the similarities ended there.

While a Mystical World was a reflection of the Mortal Plane and its laws, a Realm was a reflection of the Immortal Plane and its various complex rules and regulations.

Dyon felt a headache coming along. Since when did so many things from the Immortal Plane decide to fall down to their small lands?

From Dyon's understanding, every Treasure of the 33 Heavens was born similarly to how Amphorae's Golden Dragon Lyre was born.

Some unprecedented moment triggered its birth, allowing a world-renowned treasure to be formed. Actually, though there was the number 33 in their t.i.tle, there had actually been more than 33 in the past. It was just that the Heavens only allowed 33 to exist at once.

Essentially, if a new Treasure came along that superseded one of the existing ones, it would rip the weakest of its category down from the list and replace it. If this happened, though the former Treasure of the 33 Heavens would retain its active ability, it would lose its Legendary pa.s.sive ability.

The point of all of this was that a Treasure of the 33 Heavens usually followed its first owner until said owner's true death. Obviously, Amphorae's death hadn't been considered a true one, or else the Golden Dragon Lyre wouldn't have followed her into reincarnation. Well… it was either that or some work Luna put in.

Which one it was irrelevant. But, what was relevant was the fact that owners of these weapons almost always transcended in the end. And even if they didn't, the next owner definitely would.

What did this mean? It meant that all such Weapons should have already been on the Immortal Plane!

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