Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1843 Bet

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Chapter 1843 Bet

Of the three, she arguably suffered the worst trauma. Back then, she had had her throat pierced and torn apart by Dyon. If it wasn't for her bloodline's innate vitality and that Dyon saved her, she would have crossed death's door.

She wasn't like Dyon who experienced death countless times during the Fifth Trial, her mind was far more fragile, so it affected her even now despite her vast power improvement.

"Kaori Void allied with the Beast Protection a.s.sociation but lost the key battle to me. Your grand elders died, so the pillars of strength that held up your Supreme Kitsune Clans are now gone. With Kaori fleeing and BPA no longer able to help, your universes are being swiftly conquered by the Shruti as we speak."

Waves of emotion crossed the eyes of the three kitsune. Hearing his father's name, Aki's fists couldn't help but clench. His existence was obviously far more impactful to him than the Grand Elder's were…

This was the world of cultivation, often times, even ten generations could exist at once, but the greatest relations.h.i.+ps would be maintained by more immediate family members. Those who were more powerful tended to distance themselves over time from the younger generation, it saved them the possibility of pain down the line.

Grand Elder Void was Kaori's grandfather, so that obviously made him Aki's great grandfather. Considering how many countless kin Grand Elder Void had, even though Aki was the most outstanding, their relations.h.i.+p wasn't very deep. So even after hearing his great grandfather died, his emotions only fluctuated slightly.

In fact, hearing that his father escaped, he sighed a breath of relief.

"There's always the possibility of summoning your Ancestors I guess, but if that happens I'll be sure to appear. And, even with this said, I don't think there's anyone left in your Clan with the lineage to awaken them." Dyon finished casually.

"Why are you using us… Why don't you just use Alexandria." Aki asked plainly.

"My wife is busy. In case you didn't know, she's the Queen of the Elves. And, for reasons you must know, she hates your Supreme Kitsune Clan with a burning pa.s.sion, not only for what they did to her, but also for what they did to her mother. I'm sure I don't need to explain any further."

Dyon's cold retort caused Aki to tremble. He didn't dare say or ask any more.

?οm "You three will be figure heads, but the true Matriarch will be my mother-in-law. She has awakened her Celestial Fox bloodline, and I trust her more than you three, so you will be under her command."

"What?!" The three kitsune geniuses felt that their world had collapsed.

The legend of the Celestial Fox wasn't just a casual mention in Kitsune Lore, it was practically their G.o.d, their Guardian Deity. Hearing Dyon mention it so casually made them feel like he didn't understand what his words truly meant.

Yes, that had to be it. He was simply speaking too casually. Right…?

Dyon didn't bother to answer and casually waved his hand, sending the three of them out toward Clara. She would allow them to pick an allocated land and begin to help them prepare for the ma.s.s migration that was about to occur. Luckily, with Planet Grade arrays, it would be much easier.

In addition, using that method, Dyon would be able to hide much of these matters from the Federation.

In the end, the only two left were the seething Lionel and Eve.

"I've told you two once before, but you're too powerful and too useful for me to not make use of. I could kill you, but it would be too much of a waste."

The two grit their teeth, but remained silent.

"For you, your situation is much better than your wife. Your mother and father are here, your little sister is here, and all grown up without an elder brother. I've obviously treated them.

"The matters of the past are your fault, I'm sure you understand this most clearly. And, after relying on your wife for so long, I'm also sure you're no longer as arrogant as you once were."

Dyon turned to Eve.

"Your adoptive mother coldly slaughter tens of billions of people with a casual swipe of her finger. To you, her life might be worth more than all of theirs, but to me, such thoughts are worse than disgusting. No matter how useful you are to me, no matter how much you do for me, I will never release her.

"However…" Dyon sneered. "… If you're feeling confident in yourself, I don't mind giving you power. You can grow as strong as you want as fast as you want. In fact, soon, I'll have a breakthrough in my comprehension of my Wings of Blessings, and I'll be able to fix the injury to your foundation."

Eve's pupils constricted.

All those years ago, in order to help Lionel achieve his tall ambitions, she gave her virginity to him even knowing that she cultivated a technique that would punish her heavily for giving up her Primordial Yin to another before the dao realm.

All these years later, that crack in her foundation was still there. As a result, she could only use 5% of what her true strength should be, maybe even less. This was how devastating her choice back then was.

[Author's Note: This should also ill.u.s.trate just how profound [Inner World: Sanctuary]'s ability to continuously refine/change/build your foundation is…]

"Our contract is simple, you will work for me to the utmost of your abilities. You can use my resources as you please to grow your strength. If there comes a day where you surpa.s.s me, I'll happily die at your hands."

Dyon's meaning was clear. Eve was restricted from scheming to kill him, but as long as she could do so in a clean duel between the two of them, he would allow it without complaint.

But the contempt in his eyes was clear to the point of lighting a fiercer fire within Eve. She could almost hear his thoughts speaking out to her.

'Who are you to ever think of defeating me…?'

No… That wasn't it… Those were just the surface thoughts…. In reality it was…

'There's no one in existence who I've already surpa.s.sed who can even dream of one day defeating me!'

Unbridled arrogance… unbridled to the point of casually betting his life on it!

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