Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1815 Mechanisms

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Chapter 1815 Mechanisms

"Even those talented enough to reach the second or third stage often die to cultivation deviation. If one relies too much on their imitations, their own path with collapse. Once one begins to doubt their martial way, death isn't too far off."

Pjisel sucked in a cold breath in understanding. No wonder why such an amazing const.i.tution couldn't climb up beyond the Earth Grade and strengthen itself further.

"The third reason is my own personal theory and I believe it's the most important reason."

Pjisel focused his everything on Dyon's next words.

"Those with your const.i.tution rely too much on it without understanding the underlying mechanisms."

"… underlying mechanisms?" Pjisel's eyes lost focus. Now that he thought about it, did he ever deliberately think of how his const.i.tution worked? No, he never had… He simply saw something he wanted to imitate, then did it.

Even this much was due to his talent. All those with Earth Grade Const.i.tutions were born with 3rd Grade Meridians, like all Heaven Grade Const.i.tution wielders were born with 2nd Grade Meridians and so on, but Pjisel's true talent was in his comprehension. He managed to tap into the Outer Sh.e.l.l stage before his const.i.tution even fully awakened.

But his master was now warning him about this. If he relied too much on his talent… His fate would be no different from those of the past. If he understood the underlying mechanisms, then he could more easily separate what was his strength, and what was borrowed by others. Then, he would be more likely to survive in the future!

"Master, please teach me!" Pjisel said enthusiastically.

Dyon smiled. "Not only will this method help you keep your own martial path in the future, it might even allow you to freely fuse the thoughts of others into your own, allowing you to take what you need and discard what you don't.

"Do you know why I spent so many resources on you? Other than you being my first disciple, that is."

Seeing Pjisel waiting in antic.i.p.ation, Dyon didn't hold back his explanation.

"The last reason your const.i.tution is stuck at the Earth Grade is because of a vicious cycle effect. Because of the previous reasons listed, those of your const.i.tution are stuck at the Earth Grade, but at the same time, your const.i.tution has another ma.s.sive limitation:

"It is impossible for you to mimic anything beyond yourself. Meaning, if someone used comprehension higher than yours to master a technique, you have no chance of imitating it. If someone has First Grade Meridians, you have no way of forming their body perfectly. So on, and so forth.

"Do you see the problem now?"

"Yes…" Pjisel fell into deep thought. "To make our const.i.tution powerful, we need to imitate powerful things. But because of our innate weaknesses, we're limited in what we can copy, which in turn keeps us stuck at the Earth Grade, which further leaves us perpetually unable to imitate powerful things…"

Having reached this conclusion, Pjisel's body trembled once more, thinking back to Dyon's actions.

Dyon began to laugh uproariously. "I want to see who could possibly stop you from imitating them now that you have reached the True Deity Grade and have 117 Meridians. With your innate comprehension abilities, you'll be next to invincible within your cultivation realm!"

Pjisel gripped his fists tightly, etching Dyon's kindness into his heart. He would never forget this day.

"Alright, now let's begin with laying the foundation you'll need. Our first lesson? Elementary School Biology."

Dyon smiled a devious smile.

At first, Pjisel was excited beyond belief. But the more Dyon spoke, the more black lines appeared on his forehead.

What had he gotten himself into?


"Hey there buddy."

Dyon had a light smile on his face as he rubbed a seemingly endlessly tall void of blackness.

Finally having put on something to cover his decency, he looked like more a ruler now. It seemed that sky blue wasn't the only color that looked good on him, or else Madeleine and Ri wouldn't have been so speechless after he put on these dark violet robes.

Thinking of such beautiful outer wear, Dyon couldn't help but sigh. The first battle he truly used the Celestial Deer Sect's heirloom, it was destroyed in his hands. What a terrible heir he was.

As for the vast darkness he was currently petting? It was none other than the Battle Cauldron.

Years ago, Dyon had gained this magnificent behemoth of a cauldron from Orcus' inheritance. Back then, he had no choice but to allow this great battle treasure to sit here and pump out pills all day long. If it wasn't for it, the Mortal Alliance wouldn't have been able to sustain itself.

One of the heaven defying abilities of the cauldron was its ability to concoct pills its master had concocted before. Essentially, it was able to replay every action its master took to perfection and concoct pills without its owner having to lift a finger. This was an ability Dyon had relied on for more than a decade already.

But, Dyon had also made a promise to this cauldron all those years ago… When he was ready, he would allow it to see the battlefield once more, something it had been craving for so long.

Seeing Dyon come to it, the Battle Cauldron trembled with excitement. It spun into the air, shrinking in the blink of an eye to land on Dyon's palm.

Dyon was happy as well. There were two reasons he was able to do this now, both of which were the reasons for his good mood.

First, he was far more powerful. Though his comprehension had shot up, creating clones was still a burden for him precisely because of how much more strength he had gained. However, there was good news as well.

With his control over the Florence Clan technique increasing, the paths open to him were wider. Now, he could create specialized clones that focused on a single path. Essentially, by sacrificing their qi and body strength, Dyon could form thousands of Moon Lords and dozens of Planet Lord clones of himself.

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