Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1704 Beautiful

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Chapter 1704 Beautiful

This reconstruction led to the improvement of his meridians to the first grade, and subsequently, to the True Deity grade.

However, Clara didn't receive this reconstruction, both because she didn't find her original const.i.tution, and because the const.i.tutions she chose didn't have such a profound overall effect.

The Wind Spirit Const.i.tution helped affinity for wind and made one's body lighter. The Energy Flow Const.i.tution helped increased sensitivity to energy and gave one eyes capable of seeing the flow of energy within an opponent's meridians, thus allowing them to dictate the flow of the battle easier. And lastly, Eternity's Balance, which helped the fusion of all things.

None of these const.i.tutions directly improved the body like t.i.tan Diamond Body did.

However, the energy kernel was different. It only had two jobs: to improve one's meridians and one's innate energy senses.

As expected for one born within the universe meant to birth humanity's foremost race, Clara was a dazzling talent. Coupled with her Energy Flow const.i.tution, it was akin to giving wings to tigress.

The Heavens sang praises from above, causing golden light to wash Soul Palace with purity. Little Alauna giggled happily, enjoying the pretty lights very much.

The Chaos Era was ruled by the t.i.tans, masters of the body. The Primordial Era was ruled by the Angels, masters of qi. The Golden Era was ruled by the elves, masters of soul.

To now, the Modern Era was thought to be ruled by the sprites. But this seemed odd. Technically, sprites weren't human, they were only half so. They didn't actually have human bred talents of their own, rather, they were relying on the strength provided by their sprite ancestors, giving them great affinities depending on the type of sprite lineage they were born from.

Simply put, if one stripped a sprite of their spirit-like characteristics, they would be no different from normal humans.

If this was true, and the legitimate heirs to the throne of this Era were Dyon and his people, then just what was their strength? What were they born to become?

Maybe the answer wouldn't be shown now… But soon, soon it would be.

Luna's eyes flashed. "Bear with me for a second, I will reveal your true const.i.tution as well, but you must choose. Which of your three will you give up?"

Luna could transfer the energy of the Const.i.tution Awakening Pill for Clara as well. If Clara awakened her true const.i.tution, she would take a ma.s.sive leap forward and become the expert she should be. Just like Dyon, she would step into the true abilities her race of people should have by unlocking all three facets of her talent.

Since Clara was born after Dyon, her soul had been with her from the beginning. Luna had just returned her energy talent. And now…

"I relinquish Energy Flow…!" Clara said through gritted teeth.

Maybe Dyon had spoken too soon. Just when he thought Clara's Energy Flow const.i.tution would gain a great boost now that her true energy cultivation talent had been revealed, Clara suddenly chose to relinquish it. At first, Dyon thought this might be a mistake, but in the next moment, he bit back his words.

Clara's true const.i.tution… Coupled with Eternity's Balance and Wind Spirit…

Well, maybe it would be best if he went back to not challenging Clara to battles.

Suddenly, the temperature skyrocketed. Even in pain, Dyon immediately covered Alauna in a blanket of his qi, keeping her nice and cool. The little girl was so astonished by the sights around her that she didn't even notice she would have died if not for the efforts of her father.

Clara's hair shot into the air, erupting in a blaze of fire. The change was so sudden that Dyon felt a familiar squirming within his inner world.

Little Rain who had been in a coma for years, ever since he swallowed the Fire Sprite, had suddenly stirred under Clara's presence.

Dyon happily smiled. 'Seems she spent too long in that furnace room of hers, she ended up turning into a flame herself.'

Who would have known that the cold-eyed Clara's original const.i.tution was the G.o.d Grade Fire Spirit Body?

Dyon's Sovereign Flame flickered wildly. It wasn't just it, but his Runic Flame and his Aurora Flames responded in kind. It was as though every flame in existence bent toward this wife of his.

Though Wind Spirit Body could only be designated as a Heaven Grade const.i.tution, Fire Spirit Body, along with being one of the few const.i.tutions both men and women could be given, was a level above. Fire and Lightning simply stood above all other elemental wills.

Now that Clara had awoken this const.i.tution, her true const.i.tution, her strength had taken a ma.s.sive leap forward. And… Her body was reconstructed.

A blaze of flames seemed to erase Clara from existence. It wasn't just red flames, but a rainbow of beautiful colors lit the large bedroom. If it wasn't for the actions of both Dyon and Luna, the whole of Soul Palace would have burnt down that day.

Soon, the flames began to swirl, reconstructing the figure of a beauty blessed by the Heavens.

Clara's nude form slowly appeared. Like Dyon's body which was spun by fine lines of silk, her body came into existence by wisps of flames, starting from her feet and winding upward.

Her caramel skin s.h.i.+mmered with a slight golden light, making her seem like a G.o.ddess descended from above. Her hair seemed to have darkened by several shades, s.h.i.+fting like a beautiful waterfall as it fell to the small of her back. But, the largest change were that of her eyes. What once were pearls of blue so pale that they appeared grey, had turned toward a blazing red, s.h.i.+mmering like rubies under the room's pale light.

Even while his meridians still fiercely expanded, Dyon couldn't help but grin. How could a man not be happy when his wife had suddenly become so much more beautiful? He couldn't have been happier.

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