Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1430 Thoughts?

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Chapter 1430 Thoughts?

Of his wives, only Ri and Clara followed him, each taking either one of his sides. As for Madeleine, she had no interest in such matters. Although it would be important for her to be here once Dyon officially established his Empire, for this sort of meeting, her appearance was unnecessary.

Ri was dressed in a gorgeous white gown. It clung tightly to her torso before falling light gentle rainfall from her hips, her slender shoulders covered by a shawl of elegantly crafted wool. One could almost see a tangible queenly aura around her that could make one's heart palpitate.

As for Clara, she dressed formally in her Comet Lord robes. The silver fabric failed to hide the perfection of her curves, s.h.i.+mmering with streaking lights of illusory asteroids. Her gaze was cold and piercing, radiating with an attention to detail that those in attendance didn't dare meet.

Many knew that Dyon had many wives, but they knew next to nothing about the kind of women they had become. Some pa.s.sively waved them off as tools Dyon used to vent his l.u.s.t and completely decided to ignored them. In all likelihood, or so they believed, when Dyon matured, he would find a woman worthy to be an Empress to be by his side… But who would have known that Dyon's women had such Presence?

Those who had underlying intentions, had already felt apprehensive after entering this hall, but seeing this sort of display, their hearts trembled all the more so.

Aside from his wives and Zabia, Dyon was followed by his ten Vice Commanders. Along with Zabia, they all wore imposing black armor that seemed to waft with a dark aura that suffocated the atmosphere.

Together, they walked forward without a word. Dyon led them to the sectioned off portion of the hall, taking his place on its central throne with Ri and Clara seated to either side of him.

Dyon took his time scanning the room. Amid the silence, there seemed to be a deadly pressure poised at the necks of all in attendance. Yet, Dyon didn't seem to mind, meeting the gaze of each and every one until they were forced to look away. It wasn't until he reached his father and mother-in-law that he smiled slightly and released the tension in the hall.

"I've kept you all waiting, I apologize for that." He said with an air of authority. It didn't seem like he was apologizing at all. "Since this meeting has been called for the betterment of Soul Rend Universe, how about we begin with your thoughts?"

The various Clan and Sect leaders looked toward each other uncomfortably. Of all the ways they expected Dyon to begin, this was the one way that caught them off guard. They had half expected Dyon to storm in, list off a bunch of unquestionable, maybe even unreasonable commands, then stroll out.

Dyon waited patiently. He did absolutely nothing to alleviate the awkward atmosphere, he only sat silently. Seconds became minutes, and soon as much as half an hour pa.s.sed without anyone saying a word. What a joke. Didn't they all have eyes? Just the one dao expert to Dyon's back could kill them all, and that didn't even mention Elder Nova – who wasn't here – or Dyon's own fighting prowess.

Still, Dyon continued to say nothing. His expression made his point clear, 'I know you have complaints, so we won't move on until you spill them. I don't mind sitting here for all of eternity as long as you all remain silent'.

Finally, one of those present couldn't handle it anymore. He was actually a member of a former G.o.d Clan of Earth, the Cavositas Clan. After Loki turned their Patriarch into a puppet, they fell to the wayside. But, Dyon did find their affinity with destruction will quite interesting. Much like celestial will and celestial supreme law, destruction will shared this same relations.h.i.+p with chaos will. In fact, the Chaos Arenas where Ulu nearly crippled Ri were run by the Cavositas family. This was no coincidence.

If Dyon remember correctly, the heir of the Cavositas Clan's younger brother was actually among the 11 geniuses he fought at the entrance of the Demon Sage's Legacy World. Still, Dyon didn't show any particular reaction when their representation cleared his throat. After all, he hardly cared about such matters anymore.

"Leader Sacharro, if I might ask, why is it that you continuously pushed the meeting back?"

The Cavositas Clan member decided to pluck some low hanging fruit. His tone wasn't too reproachful, and he also picked a topic that everyone was clearly aware of. In this way, he could minimize the risk to himself while also moving this meeting along.

Since he wasn't sure what he should call Dyon, he settled upon Leader Sacharro. For now, that should be good enough since Dyon hadn't officially established an Empire or Kingdom.

"Oh, that?" Dyon smiled lightly. "I was taking a vacation and I was reluctant to stop enjoying myself."

Dyon's words caused the leaders to not know whether to laugh or cry. Wasn't this too blatant? They had all expected some flowery excuse connected to the betterment of their alliance, but who would have expected this?

The Cavositas representative coughed awkwardly again. "I see. You have been working quite hard, it's good that you've taken a break."

Although Ri and Clara maintained their dignified expression, they were inwardly dying of laughter. Dyon was so mischievous. Still, his words had the desired effect as the atmosphere seemed to lighten.

Seeing this change occur, many began to speak, one after another. Dyon's memory was good enough to remember every concern, but Clara still recorded everything. This was below her standing as Dyon's wife, but for now, everything was quite informal. Implementing strict protocol without a good foundation first was just as good as not doing anything at all.

The complaints were quite wide ranging. Some spoke about the need for additional academies. As things stood now, only three academies per planet was a bit lacking. Even the mortal world had countless schools. So, having only three academies each really was too little.

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