Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1370 All Of It!

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Chapter 1370 All Of It!

Just this amount of energy should have been enough for any normal cultivator to reach the 3rd celestial realm, however, Dyon only managed to 5 meridians, leaving him still a ways away from the peak of the 1st celestial realm. However, the power that brimmed within his body uncontrollably made even first grade peak celestials tremble.

The unspeakable changes continued, each more devastating than the last.

Dyon's meridians that had climbed to the first grade after awakening his birth const.i.tution suddenly trembled under the might of his dense energy. It seemed that they would collapse at any time, unable to handle the difference in weight between saint and celestial qi.

However, it was at that moment that the Sovereign Flame's changes to Dyon's body continued. A surge of golden flames entered his meridians. In a process that was somehow gentle and violent, it smashed against the walls of the st.u.r.dy bronze-silk, pus.h.i.+ng it outward again and again.

Before anyone could even realize what happened, Dyon's meridians doubled in size. His once 5 filled meridians dropping to less than 3 in the blink of an eye.

A golden sheen covered them, a look that should have been reserved for the gold-silk realm.

It was at this moment that Dyon finally felt his slumbering soul stir. The soul seals had finally taken action, charging into his mind's eye with a steady flow of qi.

Unable to withstand the pressure, the barriers around Dyon's mind's eye shattered, and the once half-step planet qi became true planet qi!

A beautiful illusory image floated in the air around Dyon's unconscious body. The sights of numerous planets filled the skies. Some were as red as rubies, while others s.h.i.+mmered like sapphires. Lush greens and ocean blues were the most prevalent, making the odd colors stand out all the more so.

The resounding sound of yet another barrier shattering streaked across the mystical world.

200 000km… 300 000km … 400 000km … 500 000km …

Not only had the mystical world's restrictions suddenly become useless against Dyon, but his divine sense's range more than doubled! His soul had officially breached the dao realm!

A feeling of majesty and control filled the s.p.a.ce around him. The presence of his divine sense had become so dense that it weighed down the s.p.a.ce it sat in. Everyone within it felt as though an absolute expert was watching their every move.

As things stood now, Dyon, who before could only use his wills effectively within a few hundreds meters of himself could now repeat the same feat within several dozen miles without breaking a sweat.

It was as though Dyon's improvement was taunting the Heavens themselves. Just when it seemed that things would finally settle down, something else would occur. Even the simple pulsing gold light on his body made the Heavens feel inferior.

In the end, things finally calmed down as Dyon's inner world gently extended itself to 10km across.

Dyon lay on the burnt ground, everything within several hundred miles of him burnt to ashes. Yet, he was the one spot of absolute perfection.

His skin was elastic and st.u.r.dy, radiating a vibrant rose-bronze sheen with just the slightest hint of gold. His brownish-red hair was now a dirty gold-red, s.h.i.+fting in the wind ever so slightly.

When his eyes opened and he finally looked at the world for the first time in several days, they were no longer their usually hazel-green, but were now a striking gold with flecks of bright emerald hidden within. If you looked closely, you could see the embers of an ever-burning flame hidden deep inside his pupils.

As Dyon slowly stood, the barren earth trembled beneath his feet. This wasn't just because his weight had reached 200 000 000 jin. Rather, it was something more shocking than Dyon could ever imagine.

His Presence hadn't disappeared… It had fused into every fiber of his being. His qi… His bones… His muscles… His soul… His wills… All of it!

Dyon was so enraptured by the changes in his body that he completely forgot about everything around him.

His fist shot forward. It was an absolute normal fist without any celestial qi or even his full strength, yet what happened afterward was inconceivable.

s.p.a.ce shattered like gla.s.s, flying around like the remnants of a destroyed window. Flecks of grey and black flew, unable to withstand his strength.

Dyon paused, looking at his fist like it wasn't even his own. That punch was only about 50% of his strength. In fact, more accurately, it was only 50% of his purely physical strength without the support of blood manipulation or qi, yet it shattered s.p.a.ce.

One had to know that back in Dyon's home universe, he was capable of shattering s.p.a.ce with his all-out attacks. However, this was being qi in general was incredibly scarce in his home, thus following that spatial qi was limited. As a result, s.p.a.ce was very unstable.

However, this matter was completely different in other quadrants, especially for the top ranked quadrants. In those cases, even a dao formation expert might not be able to shatter s.p.a.ce with an attack.

Of course, it had to be considered that this was a mystical world. In addition, it was on the verge of collapsing entirely due to Orcus' death. It would still last a few more weeks, but it was already a sh.e.l.l of its former self. The only reason it was still here was because Dyon had yet to claim Orcus' legacy.

Still, even with this being true, Dyon was certain that even without using his spatial will, as long as he attacked with everything he had, even the s.p.a.ce of the 4th ranked quadrant would shatter.

This may sound like a useless ability, but this wasn't the case at all. The ability to ignore s.p.a.ce was incredibly important for becoming a dao expert. Many of the abilities of a dao formation expert existed outside the bounds of physics, only by being able to shatter s.p.a.ce would one be able to use them. This was also just one of the reasons why divine grade techniques and above weren't able to be mastered by those below a certain level aside from not having enough qi to sustain it.

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