Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1335 Ferocious

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Chapter 1335 Ferocious

G.o.d Goldeens' face turned ferocious. At first, he had been able to use his abilities as a celestial cultivator to forcibly suppress Dyon's silver mirror const.i.tution, but after he entered this form, his attempts became useless. To think he was actually pushed back by a saint!

However, when he saw that the Flame Sprite was awakening, a sinister glare appeared in his red eyes. It was impossible to control a newly born Sprite, even for them. However, the first instinct of a birthed sprite was to seek out strength and power. This was why, even in its embryonic stage, this sprite had begun swallowing all of the celestial flames around it.

The birth of this sprite wasn't coincidence. His ancestor had triggered this formation, causing a breakthrough in the embryo by utilizing means Christian III guessed could only be related to the Sovereign Flame. After the sprite was born, it would immediately try to strengthen itself by swallowing the strong Fire Dao of those around it. However, they would be safe under the protection of their Ancestor who could hide their auras from the sprite. This meant that it would only target Dyon and Madeleine!

'Since you reject my kindness, I'll allow this Flame Sprite to ingest your violet flames. Then, I'll rely on Ancestor to transfer those flames to myself!'

If G.o.d Goldeen knew this, how could Dyon not? Not only were he and Madeleine in danger, Shere, who had absorbed the flames of the Demon Tigers was also in danger.

Still, Dyon didn't so much as frown. With a single thought, a third of his swords shot through the air, aiming directly for the flame sprite. In the next instant, he released Little Rain.

"Little Rain, this matter is up to you!"

The adorable toddler form of Dyon patted in small chest, surfing the large black-red broad sword across the skies under an escort of 108 blinding swords.

Although Little Rain couldn't be considered a match for a weaker pseudo-dao expert, one who had broken through from the third grade, he was lacking against this flame sprite – it had simply absorbed too many celestial flames. Its aura nearly matched that of a new dao expert.

However, Little Rain had two advantages. The first was that the metals he liked the most were the hardest. Luckily, these sorts of metals also had high resistance to flames. Secondly, Dyon didn't need him to win, he needed him to delay. This was what Little Rain was best at with his ever-extending chains. With the support of Dyon's swords, there should be no problems lasting until Dyon and Madeleine finished these matters.

For the first time, the Lord Creator who felt he had everything under control felt a s.h.i.+ft in emotion.

"Mineral Sprite!"

To think the trump card he had nurtured for several billion years would be countered by luck!

What the Lord Creator didn't know was that even with Little Rain, Dyon had confidence in dealing with the Flame Sprite. However, he wanted to make it seem like he had run out of options!

Dyon roared. His mind was split in four ways, three controlling the sword formations and one fighting G.o.d Goldeen. This was what he was looking for. This was the kind of pressure he wanted.

In that moment, the four Scions were being constantly hara.s.sed by Dyon's swords, the beast babies, and now Madeleine herself had joined in. Unfortunately for them, while the attacks of the swords only kept them in check, the latter two applied serious harm to them!

"That's enough!" G.o.d Goldeen roared, his body s.h.i.+ning like the center of a star. His appearance became no less radiant than Dyon's, looming down with an unending pressure. "True G.o.d or not, to push me this far as a mere saint is something to be proud of."

G.o.d Goldeen's arms rested limply to his sides. But, their beaten black and blue exteriors seemed to heal quickly under the blinding light of his body.

Dyon's eyes narrowed. 'Heaven grade const.i.tution, Golden Radiance body. The strength it provides isn't anywhere near comparable to the t.i.tan Diamond Body, but its recoverability is very good. I almost chose it over the silver mirror const.i.tution.'

Although Dyon said the strength it provided wasn't anywhere near the t.i.tan Diamond Body, that didn't mean it provided no strength at all. The Golden Radiance Body can be considered the absolute extreme of the Yang body that the Grand Templar King practiced. It was only now Dyon understood why Christian III took so many outstanding disciples from the Flaming Lily Sect… He used them to supplement his cultivation.

The Golden Radiance Body was able to directly turn flames into strength, whether that be to fight or to heal. Although it was ranked among the Heaven Grade, it was possible for it to become comparable to G.o.d Grade const.i.tutions if supplemented properly. It was just that finding such flames was difficult.

"Ha," Dyon's eyes turned cold despite the laugh that escaped his lips. This G.o.d Goldeen wanted his wife's flames to upgrade his own talent. Although Dyon knew this before, seeing such blatant evidence of it made a deep seeded rage boil within him.

This G.o.d Goldeen thought he had unleashed a trump card that would turn the tables, but all he did was succeed in p.i.s.sing Dyon off.

The radiance of G.o.d Goldeen's body shone so fiercely that his body turned a slight shade of red-gold. With his valiant and long blond hair, and the sharp light of his red eyes, he seemed like a deity descending from the skies.

But, that was when one half-step dao after another began to appear behind Dyon's back. Each and every one felt like another stomp upon G.o.d Goldeen's chest, shattering his confidence with their mere aura.

A simple halberd appeared in Dyon's hands, its light bobbing seemingly moving to the rhythm of G.o.d Goldeen's beating heart. It was nearly hypnotic in its movement, every sway exuding the aura of a level of skill most could never hope to match.

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