Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1239 Soon

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Chapter 1239 Soon

Dyon couldn't help but subconsciously float into the air to get a better look, but who would have known that he would be scolded within his own corner?

"Hey! Get down here!" A good willed individual yelled at Dyon from below. "Flying is prohibited in Celestial Deer Corner! If you go too high, the Demon Generals will spot and punish you!"

The good willed young man s.h.i.+vered at the thought of the Demon Generals. They really were far too cruel and powerful.

Hearing these words, Dyon chuckled. But, he obediently came back down in the end.

"Thanks!" Dyon grinned toward his 'savior' and flashed forward. In an instant, it was as though he was never there.

The young man couldn't help but rub his eyes and blink. A saint shouldn't have the power to do what Dyon just did. Was he seeing things? That must be it…

He muttered to himself as he walked away.


"This is your empire?" Amphorae asked pensively, looking around with a glint in her eye. It seemed she found it quite beautiful. Meiying had put no less effort into Soul Rend Quadrant in comparison to the Corner.

Dyon smiled lightly. "It doesn't deserve to be called an Empire quite yet, but it's a decent start."

Although he tried to remain calm, the former Cathedral City, now known as Soul City, blew his expectations out of the water once again.

Before, he had been skeptical about just how much Meiying could accomplish in just 3 years, but by the looks of it, it was he who underestimated her. He was still thinking of construction times in terms of his mortal world… For example, Sacharro Dome would have taken mortals at least a decade to construct!

However, it should have been obvious to him that cultivators could build things far quicker…

"Let's go and take a tour before heading to Soul Rending Peak. I'm quite interested in how things are going." Dyon said after another moment's pause.

"Mm." Amphorae didn't have any objections. Technically, she knew that Dyon could layer the entire planet with his divine sense to find out what he wanted to know. But, her heart warmed knowing that he was taking it slow for her. After all, she had been stuck in a pod for more than twenty million years.

Just like that, stories of an ethereal red-headed beauty began to spread all throughout the former Planet Cathedral, now known as Planet Soul…


Dyon was supremely satisfied with what he saw. The academies had already produced quite a few B and A rank students, with two of the three having already produced one S rank each. In addition, Elder Nova was still being forced to diligently teach, so the foundations of these youngsters were incomparably firm. After all, who wouldn't dream of having a dao formation expert for a teacher?

Unsurprisingly, the two S ranked youths immediately decided that they wanted to join the Demon Generals. In just another half a decade or so, they'd be old enough to do just that!

Because of Dyon's implemented plans, every half a year or so, the Demon Generals would do a few demonstrations for the academy youths. So, many of the youngsters had begun to dream of one day donning the legendary Demon General Armor.

In the beginning, it had only been a dream for the young boys, but after the female Vice Commanders like Maales.h.i.+ra made her presence known, the young girls began to dream as well.

This aside, there was more good news as well. Because Dyon had exited his trials and awakened his soul, he had once more gained the ability to provide cultivation resources to the Demon Generals. As a result, those who had been in the essence gatherer tier had stormed into the saint tier once more, while more than half of the Demon Generals had become first grade celestials!

Unfortunately, with the good news, often came the bad. During his trip around Planet Soul with Amphorae, he finally learned why he wasn't able to mobilize faith.

"Conquering a universe isn't so arbitrary. In fact, it has very strict rules and requirements to be met, with each universe having its own set. Becoming the ruler of a Royal G.o.d Clan is easy enough, but the moment on steps into the King G.o.d Clan realm, the difficulty sky-rockets." Amphorae explained patiently.

"Everything in existence has a will. It's by controlling this will that one earns the right to mobilize the faith of a planet, or universe, or quadrant.

"In order to officially make Soul Rending Peak a Royal G.o.d Clan of Planet Soul, you need to take back the will the Cathedral had. This requires a battle on a spiritual plane of existence.

"The first step is to enter the most sacred land of Soul Rending Peak. The second step is to enter a meditative state. And the third step is to win. Since no one is audacious enough to fight you, taking the entire will of Planet Soul should be easy because it seems like its citizens like you.

"However… To become a King G.o.d Clan, a ruler of an entire universe, you need to earn the respect of the universe itself, something that has varying degrees of difficulty. For a universe like this one, with such dense energy, it will be very difficult. I believe you should wait to acc.u.mulate more momentum. However, because it's a soul-based universe, it should be too difficult for you." Amphorae concluded seriously.

"I see…" Dyon sighed. No one ever tells him anything because they a.s.sume he knows, but he's still a newbie with all of this martial world stuff.

Suddenly, conquering universes didn't seem so simple anymore. It was something he definitely didn't have time to do right now, after all, Madeleine was waiting for him.

Soon, the two of them had made it to the grand front gates of Soul Rending Peak which stood several dozen meters taller than it once had before.

Not wanting to disturb anything, Dyon flashed forward with Amphorae, making it to the core sect without anyone realizing a thing. After being disappointed to find that Clara wasn't there and admiring the beautifully built Master's Palace, he got to work anchoring the Demon Sage's Mystical World right next to the Celestial Beast's.


"Big brother, can we come out now?" The celestial beast babies pouted. They had spent the past quarter century doing nothing but training and had broken into the celestial realm as well. But, whenever they entered their human forms, they insisted on remaining as toddlers. Apparently, this was yet another heaven defying ability their bloodlines gave them.

Actually, it was one they had lost when their bloodlines degraded. However, with Dyon's help, the four of them had once more unlocked it. They could thus control their sizes at will now to a certain extent.

Three adorable four to five-year-old little girls ran toward down, their small frilly gowns blowing behind them.

As for the only male among them, he snorted at their antics with disdain. Since Sen's true form was over twenty meters tall now, he insisted on staying in it to show off his manliness.

Dyon smiled and couldn't help but scoop them up in his arms. They had experienced almost a hundred years of life by now, but insisted on acting like babies.

"OO! Who's this beautiful big sister!" Shere's large black eyes blinked as she scurried around Dyon's body as though he was nothing more than a tree, standing on his shoulders to look at Amphorae with interest.

Despite having been in the same tower for hours, the celestial beast babies had been in their respective training rooms and hadn't met her yet.

Dyon grinned proudly. "She's my wife!"

"Big brother, you're so bad! What about big sister Ri and Clara?!" Shere took this chance to tease Dyon, causing Amphorae to smile sweetly, taking the little girl in her arms.

Shere pouted. "Big sister, you have to be careful. He's a big, bad man who bullies little girls. He's not good enough for you."

Linlin and Biibi giggled, but Sen was frozen in place. While standing in the Palace hall, his ma.s.sive head actually touched the ceiling. In fact, Amphorae was nothing but a small doll from his perspective. Yet, he was a budding young man who had yet to have his first woman yet. With Linlin, Biibi and Shere always running around like toddlers, when had he ever seen such a voluptuous beauty? He was immediately infatuated!

Dyon laughed looking at their antics. "Don't worry Sen, I'll find you a wife soon."

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