Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1116 Meant

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Chapter 1116 Meant

"First true empath…" Dyon mumbled.

The ent.i.ty continued in its soothing voice. "You're a smart boy, you understand that True Empathy isn't as simple as sympathy.

"A sympathetic person uses projection. They believe they understand what a person is feeling by believing that they've understood their circ.u.mstances.

"An Empath is completely different. I don't think I feel, I do feel. The emotions I sense come to me as though they stem from my own life experiences. As though it's my hatred, my love, my happiness, my anger.

"Not only do I know what you're feeling, I likely understand it far better than you do. How could someone with such an ability be cold and remorseless?"

"How can someone who understands the destruction they can bring about be a proponent of the Chaos Path?"

The ent.i.ty chuckled. "You believe that you understand chaos because of your flames? I have to admit, the character of your black flames is among the three… no two, most powerful I've ever seen… It seems like multiple characters on the surface, when in reality, it's only a single one. Even I'm a bit jealous.

"However, my precious Junior Brother, you must understand that you are only leering at the doorway to true understanding. Wills? Intents? Even daos… They're pitiful in comparison to the understanding transcendents have.

"Maybe in the past I would have said this so as to temper your expectations, but now I say so to guide you. Your dao array has yet to even fully form, how could you claim to fully understand things as they are?"

The ent.i.ty had, once more, not lied. Not only was Dyon lacking when it came to even the mortal plane considering he had yet to master a dao, he was severely lacking when compared to experts of the immortal plane.

If one decided to take the immortal plane into account, Dyon was far behind. This was because, as the Dragon King had let him know previously, above the dao, there was the Law. And even beyond the Law, there was the Origin Source, something that even most transcendents wouldn't comprehend in their whole long lives.

Knowing this, it was no wonder the ent.i.ty was treating Dyon like a child throwing a tantrum in front of his father. To it, Dyon was only just beginning to learn the ways of the world… He was nothing more than a toddler.

However, was Dyon stupid? No matter how devastated he was, would he forget something so simple? A logic so blatantly obvious? Of course, he wouldn't.

Dyon's fire will was pus.h.i.+ng the barrier of one hundred meters! It contained a size and a level of profundity impossible for an entry level dao to match. Dyon didn't believe that any dao beneath the 7th level could contain the level of comprehension his did.

This wasn't all either, because this only took into account his black flames.

Although Dyon's black and white flames formed only a single dao array, they stacked within one another.

What exactly did this mean? It meant that Dyon's dao array was somehow able to balance two completely opposing comprehensions for the way of the universe. The only way this would be possible was if both understandings were deep beyond belief.

Imagine it this way. What would it take for an array of ice and fire to fuse into one?

It would require a fire so hot that it could never be frozen by cold. However, it would also require an ice so cold that it could never be melted by heat.

Now imagine that this fire had the characteristic of inextinguishable heat, while the ice had the characteristic of absolute cold.

How could it be possible for both to be true?

The ma.s.sive paradoxical relations.h.i.+p between Dyon's flames was exactly why, even with his intelligence, he completely disregarded the words of the ent.i.ty. The level of his comprehension was already more profound than the mortal plane could handle!

This was yet another paradoxical problem Dyon had rushed himself into. He felt like the ent.i.ty might have the answers he was looking for… But he was completely unwilling to reveal his white flames to it. He had no doubt in his mind that if the ent.i.ty saw his white flames, its att.i.tude wouldn't be so casual.

Senior brother or not, Dyon would never trust this transcendent.

There was another reason Dyon didn't take the transcendent's words seriously though…

The reason Origin Sources were so rare and difficult to form was because they weren't tailored in reality. Origin Sources were quite literally that, the origin of a comprehension that stood outside the realm of the universe entirely.

Simply put, the understanding the ent.i.ty had – because Dyon was completely certain that he had comprehended his own origin source – was definitely something that stemmed outside the bounds of reality. Knowing that… How could the understanding of the ent.i.ty exactly line up with the truths of the universe?

An inner voice spoke to Dyon when he first comprehended the black flames… An inner voice that got louder when he subsequently comprehended his white flames.

Something told him that breaking away from the universe… That forming an origin source all of your own understanding was the wrong path to take…

The two words had been reverberating in his mind for the past three days, harmonizing and becoming clearer. Every step he took from the moment he pulled the knife from his chest was in chasing the meaning of these two words down..

'Soul Quintessence…'

Dyon had no idea what these words meant. What he did know was that something reverberating deep within his Soul felt that these two words lorded over all things. In fact, the truth was that he didn't even make out exactly what those two words were until Giralda protected her son from being killed by him… It felt like that moment opened a slight bit of understanding within Dyon…

It was like he was stumbling toward a door at the end of a long, dim corridor. Whether or not he would make it to that door entirely depended on if he could find it within himself to care enough to continue down the path…

This said, something was stopping him from understanding. His dao heart had collapsed in on itself, he felt that everything was meaningless and would come to an inevitable end… While feeling this way, how could he have time to care about two strange words?

"Tell me…" Dyon said softly. "Tell me about your Origin Source…"

The ent.i.ty laughed so brightly that it reminded Dyon of a sweet spring's breeze. It wasn't arrogant or prideful, but rather filled with a relief… It was almost as though his laughter was in response to a weight being lifted off from his chest.

When the ent.i.ty thought about his origin source, he felt free and unfettered.

"To hear a lesson from me… It is your own good karma. It's normally no good to listen to too much of another's understanding, however, considering the state of your dao heart, it couldn't get much worse, now could it? Good. Senior Brother will dote on you a bit today."

In a moment, Dyon felt like he was taken into another world.

The air was suffocating, so much so that he involuntarily grasped at his throat and nearly fell to his knees. It was until he felt a warm hand on his shoulder that this feeling disappeared, replacing the looming scythe of death with a gentle atmosphere.

Dyon looked over, but all he could see was a shadowy figure that he somehow felt was smiling gently at him.

"Look around." The ent.i.ty spoke softly.

Dyon's eyes widened. What he had to take in with a single glance was so much more complex than he was used to that his mental energy drained away in an instant.

In that moment, Dyon's heart trembled. He was absolutely certain that he was still in his selfless state, or else he wouldn't be able to control his anger when facing the ent.i.ty, especially not with his Demon Sage blood essence.

What did this mean? It meant that what he saw didn't just drain his own mental energy, but the energy of the universe that was supporting him!

One had to remember that in Dyon's current selfless state, he was being blessed by the heavens, allowing him to connect with a const.i.tution he had no right to access. Within this selfless state, Dyon was able to a.n.a.lyze the billions of const.i.tutions he had within himself, and he was certain that the War G.o.d Ancient Const.i.tution wasn't among them. In fact, none of the Ancient Const.i.tutions were.

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