Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1032 Check

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Chapter 1032 Check

1032 Check

The most shocking part was that Gin was a beast, not a human. On top of that, he was a beast who resonated well with time will. One could only imagine the price a human would have to pay to accomplish the same feat. It would definitely be more than just a bit of talent.

Truth be told, Dyon didn’t have to imagine. He had seen it happen already in his fight with Zabia. It took Zabia burning his soul to accomplish the task, if it wasn’t for Dyon, he’d be dead.

This was all to say that time will was not a joke, other than using it on a small scale and on inanimate objects, you were seeking death in delving into its mysteries. Yet, the Celestial Hamsters before him were actually promising a future where he could use it freely, without concern, as long as he had them by his side. How amazing was that?!

“Don’t get too excited,” Little Yang interjected again, “If you can’t find a method to comprehend time will properly, its all for naught. It’s already impressive enough that you learned it to the 3rd will level, going any further is next to impossible, let alone breaking into the intent level.”

Dyon smiled, but didn’t think too much of it. What was the amount of time he took to learn it to the 3rd will level? A week at most.

He learned time will after Madeleine’s elder brother “killed” him. In the two month span he spent “dead”, not only did he learn time will, he learned wind, fire, sword and celestial will. In addition, he spent a month of that time learning how to fuse const.i.tution awakening pills for the sake of Madeleine.

Of course, this was with the help of the Celestial Deer Sect training rooms, but it wasn’t as though those training rooms had disappeared. They were still there.

In this life, the one thing Dyon would never have to fret over is comprehension. If he decided to divert his time to learning time will, he would do so with ease.

Dyon didn’t bother to explain though, right now, he didn’t have the time to brag about himself. “Alright, how do we form this contract?”


The only beasts Dyon had a connection with were Ri and Zaire. But, Zaire had connected to him as a member of his kin, not a beast to master relations.h.i.+p. As for Ri, it was as husband and wife. Both connections were based on the soul. Plus, the Celestial Hamsters had their own special rituals, after all, they only contracted with those humans they’d help become the rulers of the world.

The eyes of Little Yang and Little Yin began to glow, a bit of strain appearing on their small faces as a drop of golden blood was extracted from each of their foreheads.

Without needing an explanation, Dyon closed his eyes, forcing his own blood essence to appear.

The moment the three drops of blood fused, their connection would be inseparable.

The process wasn’t particularly painful. In fact, Dyon felt a keen sense of calm overtake him, as though the universe had opened up to him.

At that moment, he suddenly understood that this drop of blood that the Celestial Hamster twins gave him wasn’t regular blood essence.

Unlike the norm, each Celestial Hamster only had one drop of this blood.

What Dyon came to understand was that the abilities of the Celestial Hamster weren’t just a blessing, they were also a curse. The power to stand above the normal ties that bound humans and beast alike in time also made it very difficult for the Celestial Hamster race to put their mark down on history.

If things continued like this for the Celestial Hamster, their lineage would eventually be wiped from existence. To exist outside the bounds of time would also make certain that no one would remember them.

As a result, the Celestial Hamster ancestors decided to anchor themselves to worthy humans. In this way, the legends of the Celestial Hamster race leading candidates to stand atop the world was born.

On one hand, this ensured that the Celestial Hamster race would never be forgotten, and on the other, it ensured that the race could continue doing what they loved to do: learn about history. At the same time, they could also make history themselves, fulfilling their purpose for existing.

The blood that the Celestial Hamsters gave to Dyon was this very anchor. Using Dyon’s placement in history, the twins would bind themselves to Dyon’s timeline, allowing them to become tethered to reality.

In conjunction with this, Dyon gained an ethereal experience that helped him gain enlightenment into what it meant to exist outside the bounds of time. There was no doubt that in the future, his affinity for time will would skyrocket.

Hours later, Dyon finally opened his eyes, releasing a breath of satisfaction. When he looked down on the adorable brother-sister pair, he felt that they didn’t feel as out of reach as they had before.

The twins also sighed a breath of relief, although they hadn’t made it obvious before, it took a lot of energy out of them to have their bodies appear. But, now, it wasn’t so difficult anymore. Although only Dyon could see them right now, if they wanted others to see them, it would be easier.

From now on, the heights that Dyon reached would decide how great their impact on history was.

However, when they were thinking this, they suddenly gasped when they looked at Dyon. The twins looked at each, unable to hide the happiness in their eyes. They were absolutely certain now that they had chosen correctly. Forget them, even if their ancestor was here personally, he would be falling over himself in happiness.

Dyon didn’t notice this interaction between the two siblings because he had already begun formulating a new plan.

“Little Yang, Little Yin, you can leave this cage, right?” Dyon suddenly asked, after pondering a bit.

“Of course,” Little Yin giggled, “The only thing completely unrestricted by s.p.a.ce is time. They are not equals. There’s a reason Void will is ranked above s.p.a.ce will.”

Dyon nodded, that conformed with the definition of time his mortal realm had. Units of time weren’t bound by s.p.a.ce and dimension, it existed separately. A user of time will would run circles around an expert of s.p.a.ce will.

That said, Dyon still found s.p.a.ce will to be the sharpest will in existence. It brought his weapon’s wills to another level, so he didn’t ignore it like he did time will before.

Dyon took a deep breath. “We only have a week. But, if I give you guys the Demon Sage Tower to go and save everyone, we’ll be discovered before too long.”

It was obvious. If prisoners who had no chance of escaping suddenly started doing so, the Cathedral might decide to shut things down prematurely.

Of course, Dyon had planned for this, but that was before he was aware that Soul Market was actually spread across 20 or so asteroids instead of being held in a single place. The difficulty of it all scaled upwards considerably now…

Dyon suddenly regretted giving Eli the life ring now. He didn’t plan on having the twins by his side, but now he couldn’t take advantage of the fact there were two of them. There was only one tower, but two of them.

There was the possibility of handing the twins array plates that contained teleportation arrays, but there were two glaring problems with this approach. For one, Dyon’s master was in a deep sleep. If Dyon had to draw the arrays himself, he wouldn’t be able to draw the millions, if not billions, needed before time was up. Secondly, even if his master was awake, he definitely didn’t have that number of array plates on him now.

This didn’t even mention the fact they were floating in s.p.a.ce on one of the 20 or so asteroids. The quality of array plate that would be needed to send even one person from here to Planet Cathedral was a price Dyon couldn’t even imagine, let alone that price multiplied by who knows how many soul slaves there were.

“How about you two start by scouting out all of the asteroids? I should be able to see everything from your eyes now that we’re connected.”

The twins nodded before disappearing in a flash.

“Oh yea, Big Brother, Big Sister Evangeline said to check your inner world thoroughly.” Little Yin’s voice called out from afar.

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