Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1029 True Pain

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Chapter 1029 True Pain

It wasn't until hours later, when Dyon body seemed like nothing more than a beaten and bloodied corpse on the ground that Violet and Arthurian finally gathered enough courage to step forward themselves.

In the air, Donari was struggling against his father's grasp. He had tried to put an end to all of this before it even began, but he wasn't Dyon. His power was truly capped at the level of an essence gatherer, so how could he struggle against the grasp of a celestial?

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Let me go!" Donari roared.

A strong palm slapped across Donari's face. "I've accepted your rebellions for too long. Now you even have the audacity to try and defend the man that killed your half-brother?!"

Donari only sneered at the stinging pain on his cheek. "That b.i.t.c.h is no half brother of mine. You want to know why his pathetic life was ended? It's because he dared to insult my and his mother as!"

The Caedes Family Head's eyes twitched with a complex emotion. Although Olaf's mother was his first wife, it was just a political marriage. Donari's mother was his true love. Even he wouldn't be able to guarantee that he wouldn't kill his own son for insulting her in such a way.

Seeing that he would lose this verbal battle, he didn't bother with it anymore. He struck the back of Donari's neck, knocking him out cold.

On another side of the sky, Sokzac sneered as he watched Violet and Arthurian approach Dyon. "This is the man you lost to, Asyna? What a joke. And here I thought I'd have to intervene personally. It turns out that he's not even worthy of having my eyes land on him."

Asyna, who had been there the entire time, said nothing. She knew better than anyone that Dyon could fight back. Although it would mean nothing in the end because he had no chance of defeating Sokzac considering he struggled so much with her, it was obvious his power wasn't just this.

RolRol grasped Asyna's hand. She knew how big of a blow it was for Asyna to lose to a no-name in the very first quadrant they appeared in. She was once a proud warrior of the Dark Elvin Clan, but now she was a sh.e.l.l of her former self. Watching her rival and target lose so miserably, it hit differently for her.

It wasn't just this either. Asyna had confided in RolRol about what Dyon said about her clan being traitorous. At first, she didn't believe it either, but according to her clan's elders, the rest of the elves were wiped from existence in a calamity. So, how come Dyon clearly had the primordial yin of an Elvin Princess? Both stories couldn't be true...

"I'm leaving." Surprisingly, it wasn't Asyna who spoke, but Lilith. Not waiting for anyone's answer, she disappeared from where she stood.

On the ground, Violet and Arthurian had stepped to Dyon's body.

Arthurian's foot swept forward, slamming fiercely into Dyon's torso and sending him slamming into the pillar of shame.

"Stay out of this!" Violet shrieked, sending a violent wave of water will to the unsuspecting Arthurian.

He was sent flying into the crowd, caught complete unawares.

"You!" Arthurian started to rage, but when he remembered the truth of the matter and saw his Uncle's glare in the sky, he didn't dare to say anything else.

After Arthurian's abrupt attack, Dyon was slumped against the pillar of shame, sitting up against his will.

His disciple robes were in tatters, there didn't seem to be a single portion of his body not covered in blood, even his eyes were closed, as though he'd fallen into a deep sleep.

Violet strolled up to him with rage in her eyes. She knew what would happen to Dyon after today, so she also knew that this was her last chance to pay him back for the humiliation he dealt her.

When she looked at his bloodied and swollen face, an indescribable anger boiled up within her. How dare he reject her?! How dare such a pitiful man incapable of even defending himself say no to her?! To say he had women better than her?! To say she wasn't even worth raping?! How dare he, How dare he, how dare he?!

Her palm streaked forward involuntarily as though it was the only way for her to vent her anger, slapping across Dyon's face in a fit of rage.

Dyon body flew to the side, slamming against the ranking pillar.

Violet didn't feel any better after doing this. Her mind flipped through scenarios, trying to figure out the best way to humiliate him.

Suddenly, she thought of something and looked toward the crowd. "Give me a knife!"

It wasn't long before someone had scurried forward, hoping to curry a favor. In fact, it happened to be one of the three disciple who testified against Dyon.

Violet grasped the knife with a thank you, strutting to Dyon and grabbing his bloodied chin. "Today is the day you cease to be a man!"

The crowd turned away, realizing what would happen next, many were unable to watch.

Violet's hand swung forward, again and again, causing blood to fly everywhere, even covering her face.

Dyon's crotch began to seep outward with blood, forming an ever-growing pool of crimson.

It wasn't until Violet had run out of breath that she finally stopped, her face marred by a sinister expression covered with blood that wasn't her own.

A smile of satisfaction spread across her lips as she admired her handy work.

Finally, the proceedings of that day came to an end as the priests of The Cathedral took Dyon away.

Of course, some of the more intelligent people began to question why it was them and not the core elders who did, however, they weren't as brave as Dyon was. There was no question that the events of today would become both a topic of discussion and ridicule for a long time to come.


It wouldn't be another three days before Dyon awoke on his on.

There was only one other time in his life that he had faced that level of humiliation. More that 16 years ago, during his days in Focus Academy. At that time, it was because he was both too weak and far too overconfident. As his father had said during his True Empath trial, had he activated his battle armor completely first, a mere Darius Storm wouldn't have been able to push him to that extent.

But, this time, he didn't suffer humiliation because he was too weak. No, this time Dyon allowed himself to be humiliated for the sake of the millions of lives stored away in Soul Market waiting to be sold off like livestock.

Dyon was absolutely certain that a place like Soul Market had numerous fail safes. It had to be noted that their backers were the Devil Cultivators. In addition, any clan involved would become the scorn of the martial world should they be found out. Dyon wouldn't even be aware of the Soul Market's existence if he hadn't had the Dragon King by his side.

For a place so well protected, there was no doubt that there were not only many signed contracts binding those who knew about it, but also a quick destruction plan in case those fail safes failed.

Meaning, if Dyon simply started to interrogate or expose the truth, the entirety of Soul Market could have been destroyed simply to bury the secrets it held along with millions, if not billions, of lives.

The only safe way for Dyon to enter Soul Market was to go personally. However, if he showed that he was too powerful to handle, everything might be for naught. So, he decided very early on to not resist.

In fact, because he knew he had an inability to control his temper, he purposely allowed himself to fall unconscious. If it wasn't for this, his Demon Sage blood would have violently spurred him on, causing him to forget his purpose and start a ma.s.sacre.

However, when Dyon awoke to find himself him a cold, dark and cramped cell, the first thing he did was watch the events that occurred with a gaze filled with such killing intent that it seemed to solidify in the air.

Of course, Dyon stored his treasures in his inner world before he stabbed his broad sword into the ground. It was impossible for anyone to access it other than him. Even if he died, the world would collapse and destroy everything within. So, he still had the Tower, or else this would all be for naught. Dyon's inner world wasn't large enough to house millions of people yet.

"I'll teach you what true pain is." Dyon suddenly spoke as he watched Violet stab him repeatedly.

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