Incurable Pain IP Chapter 66

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IP Chapter 66

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 66

The three of them were stunned when they heard Yu Luoyin’s words.

Lu Ye, Li Yuan, and Zhou Xinsui were witnesses to that crazy period of youthful madness, so naturally, they knew what had happened between Yu Luoyin and Bai Xunyin.

From their perspective, even though they congratulated and celebrated Yu Luoyin for finally achieving his long-cherished wish, they couldn’t help but feel that Bai Xunyin was a bit heartless.

Even though Yu Luoyin had pursued Bai Xunyin back then because of their “bet,” their feelings were genuine.

Moreover, he had already suffered the punishment he deserved, and even helped Bai Xunyin regain her voice. But in the end, the girl “pretended” to reconcile with Yu Luoyin and then brutally rejected him again. 

What was going on?

Yu Luoyin had always been the proud son of heaven who hadn’t experienced much setbacks. That fall was a big one for him, and the three of them had seen how he struggled to overcome those shadows.

Not only Li Yuan, but even Lu Ye and Zhou Xinsui felt that Bai Xunyin was ruthless and not a good match for Yu Luoyin.

Unfortunately, Yu Luoyin was deeply in love, so much so that it made people feel “hate iron for not becoming steel.”

None of them had expected that a girl as “ruthless” as Bai Xunyin would still keep Yu Luoyin’s old school uniform – this fact almost exceeded their inherent understanding.

They and Yu Luoyin himself thought the same thing, that even if they were together again, Bai Xunyin didn’t really like Yu Luoyin that much.

But this school uniform…

“Perhaps we misunderstood her.” 

Zhou Xinsui pushed up the on his nose, his voice low, looking at Yu Luoyin with a sense of ‘finally’ settling in. 

“Then you didn’t wait in vain all these years.”

After all, “what is remembered lives on,” right?

“Yes, originally I thought that girl Bai Xunyin was quite heartless, and with so much education, she didn’t seem easy to deal with…” 

Li Yuan recalled the experience of being scolded by Bai Xunyin at the cla.s.s reunion last time and couldn’t help but s.h.i.+ver involuntarily. 

“Actually, I think it’s better to find a girlfriend who is sweet and affectionate, gentle and soft. But unfortunately, Brother Yu just likes her. But Brother Yu, looking at it this way, Bai Xunyin also seems to like you a lot, keeping your school uniform for so many years.”

Yu Luoyin frowned slightly, regretting calling the three of them over.

Li Yuan, Lu Ye, and Zhou Xinsui were concerned about different things and completely missed his point.

As his friends, they were happy to know that Bai Xunyin kept his school uniform, thinking that it meant she had him in her heart, and they felt relieved.

But that wasn’t what Yu Luoyin wanted to convey.

Although Yu Luoyin was very glad that Bai Xunyin had him in her heart, and even kept him in her heart all these years, the overwhelming feeling of guilt that now pressed down on him was unmistakable.

Unfortunately, the three of them were not the “culprits” like himself, so they wouldn’t understand.

Their thoughts were still stuck on the time when the bet in his senior year was exposed – they didn’t think it was appropriate.

Yu Luoyin smiled helplessly and didn’t say anything more.

He remembered his relations.h.i.+p with Bai Xunyin during his senior year, the time when they were most on edge with each other. He used to think it was just the little girl throwing a tantrum, and he stubbornly tried to get closer to her. It was really annoying at the time.

And Bai Xunyin telling him that one movie was all it took for her to realize she didn’t actually like him that much.

Among all of Bai Xunyin’s cold words, that was the most memorable sentence for Yu Luoyin.

At that time, the girl covered in thorns had said everything harshly in order to keep him away from her, directly denying all the previous fake emotions between them.

She told herself that she didn’t like him, not as much as he thought she did.

Although Yu Luoyin had maintained a confident appearance at the time, deep down, he was not indifferent.

Not to mention what happened later.

Even though Bai Xunyin had come back now and was with him again, Yu Luoyin still couldn’t relax.

Until now, seeing this school uniform, it had to be said that while feeling both guilty and bitter, Yu Luoyin also felt like he had taken a rea.s.suring pill.

Just as Li Yuan and the others said.

She actually likes you so much, don’t underestimate yourself, there’s no need to continue doubting.

A shameful sweetness slowly emerged in the midst of complex emotions.

After becoming an intern at the hospital, Yu Luoyin rarely had insomnia – busy like a dog every day, where would there be time for such melodramatic thoughts? 

Even if there was time for sleep, it wouldn’t be enough.

But tonight, he found it hard to close his eyes, lacking the conscientiousness of a corporate slave.

As the sky was just beginning to brighten, Yu Luoyin, like a lunatic, went to Bai Xunyin’s house early in the morning and nestled into his car, which was covered with a thin layer of morning dew.

The air was heavy with moisture, and the morning mist was always hazy, while the daytime was always scorching hot, but the early morning was a bit damp and cold.

Yu Luoyin’s slender and fair bones were slightly reddened from the cold, and he looked out through the car window at the “beautiful scenery” outside. He impulsively took out his phone and sent a message to Bai Xunyin –

[Have you ever seen the beauty of Linlan at four in the morning?]

[I saw it downstairs at your house, very beautiful.]

At four in the morning, Bai Xunyin was naturally still asleep, there was no reply. After all, not everyone was as crazy and restless as he was.

Yes, Yu Luoyin was indeed restless at the moment, like a flower eager to bloom, restless and unable to stand still.

Knowing that it was just after six o’clock, he waited for Bai Xunyin’s reply.

Perhaps the girl had just woken up, and her voice in the two-second voice message she sent was a bit hoa.r.s.e, cold, and stirring. 

[Why are you so early at my house downstairs?]

[Can’t sleep.]

Yu Luoyin replied instantly. 

[Just want to invite you for breakfast.]

Fifteen minutes later, he saw Bai Xunyin’s slender figure running out of the building, looking towards his car.

Yu Luoyin leaned out of the car window and smiled at her. 

“Come over.”

The girl was wearing a gray silk s.h.i.+rt and white pants, always with an extremely simple style, but today the collar of the s.h.i.+rt was a bit loose, revealing her fair collarbones and neck.

When Bai Xunyin got into the car, a fresh fragrance lingered around her, and Yu Luoyin could see a glimpse of spring through her slightly drooping eyelids, feeling a bit strange.

Muttering casually, he murmured, “The collar seems a bit loose.”


Bai Xunyin was fastening her seatbelt and didn’t hear clearly. 

She turned her head and asked, “What did you say?”

She didn’t ask why Yu Luoyin came so early, or what he wanted to eat, just obediently satisfied his request when he made it.

Yu Luoyin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. He smiled and said it was nothing, then leaned over. In the moment when Bai Xunyin was stunned, he helped her adjust the collar slightly.

It was a simple gesture, but he did it affectionately and ambiguously, his slightly cool fingertips brus.h.i.+ng over her collarbone, causing a small to rise on her warm skin.

Bai Xunyin belatedly realized that he was being petty.

“We wear white coats at work just like you do…” 

Bai Xunyin smiled with a hint of helplessness at the corner of her lips and glanced at Yu Luoyin. 

“It doesn’t matter what we wear, it all looks the same.”

Moreover, her outfit wasn’t too much.

Since it was still early for work, Yu Luoyin wanted to spend more time alone with her. He aimlessly drove to a random breakfast shop and bought some food, bringing it back to the car to eat.

Although Bai Xunyin felt that this was a bit unnecessary, she went along with him.

Halfway through the meal, Yu Luoyin looked up at the long eyelashes casting shadows under Bai Xunyin’s fair eyelids, her clear skin, and pondered for a while before saying thoughtfully, “Let me visit your house tonight.”

Bai Xunyin’s hand holding the spoon paused, and she looked up at him, her expression unchanged. 

“Didn’t you already come last night?”

“Let’s not talk about that.” 

Yu Luoyin waved his hand, unable to look directly at her with evident frustration between his brows. 

“It was awkward to meet Auntie in that way last night…”

“I want to formally visit her.”

Bai Xunyin was taken aback, her lips slightly pursed.

The atmosphere in the car, which had been relatively soft, began to “freeze” gradually due to her silence. 

After a while, she gently asked, “Is that why you couldn’t sleep last night?”

Yu Luoyin’s heart, which had been hanging high, suddenly dropped, as if it had made a m.u.f.fled sound in his chest. In the moment of silence just now, he had truly been afraid that Bai Xunyin would refuse.

Unable to help but laugh, he nodded happily. “Yes.”

She didn’t understand what was so happy about not being able to sleep.

Helpless, Bai Xunyin nodded after finis.h.i.+ng the last two spoonfuls of porridge. 

“Then come over tonight.”

Actually, in her plan, meeting Yu Luoyin’s parents was still a bit too early, and she didn’t really have a sense of the future. 

But… just now, Yu Luoyin’s eyes seemed to say that if she refused, he would cry.

Forget it, Ji Huiying has already met him, seeing him again won’t make much difference.

As the man got out of the car to throw away the trash, Bai Xunyin stared at his back for a few seconds, smiling silently.

Before leaving work, Bai Xunyin received a call from an unfamiliar number, persistent in its ringing. 

She walked to the corridor to answer it, and on the other end, she heard Mu Anping’s anxious voice, “Yinyin, I heard you have a boyfriend?”

How did Mu Anping know her phone number? 

Bai Xunyin was somewhat surprised, furrowing her brows in thought for a moment before understanding.

Their colleague Sister Yan could have told Mu Anping if he couldn’t reach her himself. And as for the news about her having a boyfriend, it should also have been Sister Yan who told him.

There was nothing to hide about this matter, so Bai Xunyin admitted it openly, leaning against the corridor wall with one shoulder, idly fiddling with her lab coat pocket, and said, “Yes.”

“How… how do you have a boyfriend?” 

Mu Anping seemed to be greatly shocked, his voice on the other end somewhat incredulous. 

“We met just last week, and you didn’t have one then! Yinyin, who is he?”

Mu Anping’s interrogative tone made her uncomfortable, and Bai Xunyin couldn’t help but furrow her brows.

“I think we both tacitly agreed during our blind date that we were just going along with the well-meaning introductions from our surroundings, and not taking it seriously, right?” 

Bai Xunyin’s voice was polite, but her words were sharp. 

“You don’t need to be so concerned about my affairs, really.”

“How can I not be concerned!” 

Mu Anping’s voice suddenly became agitated, startling Bai Xunyin on this end of the call. 

“Last time I clearly said we could try, I wanted to pursue you…”

“Yinyin, we’ve known each other for twenty years. Which man has spent more time with you than I have? At least you didn’t have a boyfriend when you came on the blind date last time, right? Why did you agree to him so quickly but won’t give me a chance? Yinyin, are you intentionally deceiving me?”

Are all men this confident?

Bai Xunyin listened in astonishment, unable to suppress her laughter at the end.

“Intentionally deceive you? I have no reason to do that.” 

Bai Xunyin said mercilessly, “Mu Anping, you’re not important enough for me to do such childish and brainless things. If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.”

Seeing that it was time to leave work, and she still had work to finish.

After the rather cold response, without waiting for a reply, Bai Xunyin simply hung up the phone.

Yu Luoyin had sent a WeChat message earlier saying he would come to pick her up to visit Ji Huiying at home, so she hadn’t planned to work overtime today.

But Bai Xunyin didn’t expect Mu Anping to come to her doorstep.

After leaving the gate of the research inst.i.tute after work, Bai Xunyin caught sight of Mu Anping’s tall and thin figure at the entrance. He seemed very anxious, pacing back and forth, occasionally looking up – when he saw Bai Xunyin, he hurriedly walked over to her.

Bai Xunyin instinctively frowned. 

“Why are you here?”

“Yinyin, let’s talk.” 

Mu Anping hadn’t given up on his intentions towards Bai Xunyin. In his opinion, her sudden acquisition of a ‘boyfriend’ was suspicious.

But in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel anxious. After making that call, Mu Anping realized he might have angered Bai Xunyin, so he became even more eager. Thus, he ended up making the ‘childish’ move of directly coming to her doorstep.

Like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

Colleagues from the research inst.i.tute were coming and going, and many of them looked at this side with some surprise, their eyes gleaming with gossip.

Even the serious and dedicated staff of the research inst.i.tute liked to gossip during their leisure time – and the juiciest gossip lately was about Bai Xunyin having a boyfriend.

As mentioned before, the gender ratio at the research inst.i.tute was basically 7:1, so many of the men who had previously been eager to try their luck were now disappointed, but they were curious about what Bai Xunyin’s boyfriend was like.

Such as Mr. Li, who had previously pursued her unsuccessfully.

Bai Xunyin naturally knew, and she really didn’t want to entangle with Mu Anping at the entrance of the inst.i.tute, so she simply bypa.s.sed him and walked towards the roadside, saying bluntly as she walked –

“There’s nothing for us to talk about. Whether you believe it or not, I do have a boyfriend now.”

Mu Anping, in his urgency, hurried to catch up with her, “Wait.”

In his haste, he couldn’t help but reach out and grab the slender arm of the woman.

Bai Xunyin paused, her lovely face suddenly turning cold. 

“Please restrain yourself.”

Mu Anping was taken aback, subconsciously letting go of her arm, his face showing a bit of embarra.s.sment. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

Before he could finish his sentence, his train of thought was interrupted by a figure that suddenly appeared.

“Sorry to interrupt.” 

Yu Luoyin had appeared at some point, with a lazy smile on his refined and gentle exterior, but his eyes were deep and cold.

He wrapped his arm around Bai Xunyin’s shoulder possessively, standing side by side with her, and glanced at Mu Anping, recognizing the man in front of him.

Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but want to laugh a little – he thought it was some ignorant person trying to pester their little girl, but he didn’t expect it to be an ‘old acquaintance’.

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