Transmigrated as the Ex-Wife of a Heroic Man Chapter 952: Don't be Funny

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Chapter 952: Don’t be Funny


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Wen swiftly penned down the words while her a.s.sistant pa.s.sed it over.

“Thank you,” Jiang Yu expressed his grat.i.tude, admiring the graceful handwriting on the t.i.tle page. As he exited, he encountered his friends still waiting in line. His good friend, Liu Qiang, pulled him aside.

“You got her autography, Jiang Yu?” Liu Qiang inquired.

“Yes,” Jiang Yu replied, waving the book. Suddenly, he recalled attending the signing event because his mother had learned about their plans from someone else and had specifically called to inform him. However, he couldn’t possibly hand this book to his mother.

Jiang Yu invested two more banknotes, asking those in line to purchase them on his behalf. In return, he obtained another signed copy.

Upon leaving, he quickly skimmed through the book’s contents and comprehended why Su Wen had regarded him with such an odd gaze earlier. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What’s amusing, Jiang Yu?” Liu Qiang, who had been conversing with him, also emerged from the event.

“Nothing much,” Jiang Yu replied with a wider smile, closing the book. “By the way, have you read this book before?”

“Yes. I adore it,” Liu Qiang proudly declared, clutching the book as if it were a precious treasure. “Jiang Yu, you don’t understand. This book has become my guiding light. I must read it before retiring for the night.”

He embraced the book as if guarding it from potential theft, expressing his regret, “It’s a shame only one book can be acquired at the signing event. Each person can only sign one. How come you have two? Did you ask someone to purchase it for you?”

“Yes,” Jiang Yu confirmed.

“Forget it, one is enough for me,” Liu Qiang remarked.

Observing Liu Qiang’s animated demeanour, Jiang Yu regarded him with a complex expression. “Have you delved into its contents?”

“Absolutely,” Liu Qiang affirmed nonchalantly. “I refer to it every time I confess my feelings.”

Jiang Yu recalled Su Wen’s query during the contract signing and felt he had acted foolishly.

“Are you attempting to master the art of being a sc*mbag?” Jiang Yu retorted.

“Indeed! However, don’t mention it. As long as you understand, it is more than sufficient. Hehehe… Jiang Yu, aren’t you? Since acquiring this book, I’ve ceased fearing rejection,” Liu Qiang confessed.

Jiang Yu remained speechless. “I’m not.”

“Fair enough, you needn’t be,” Liu Qiang teased, feigning jealousy. “It’s not our fault we’re not aesthetically pleasing. How can we find love without enhancing ourselves? Thankfully, with this manual, I no longer fear.”

“Enough of your jests,” Jiang Yu interjected.

Liu Qiang sighed dramatically. “Though I’ve gained knowledge, I’ve lost my heart today. I fear I might not be happy anymore.” With a theatrical flourish, he displayed the book, revealing his signature sprawled across the cover.

A line of elegant script read, “A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache!”

Jiang Yu stared in astonishment.

“My G.o.ddess is truly gifted. During the signing, I brazenly requested this sentiment from her, oblivious to those waiting behind me,” Liu Qiang lamented. “I simply shared my feelings with her, and she inscribed it without hesitation. However she didn’t sign it, I’m on the verge of tears. Why didn’t she?”

He chuckled. The words he requested were even more sentimental. Su Wen hesitated to pen such sappiness, hence this compromise. Nevertheless, it encapsulates his sentiment perfectly.

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