I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 823: Demigod Treasure (2)

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Chapter 823: DemiG.o.d Treasure (2)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Although they had always been enemies with Xiao s.h.i.+ before this, they would definitely be defeated by the Martial Emperor one by one if they did not join forces in the current situation.

Currently, the Martial Emperor was not in a hurry to break through to the ninth realm of the Martial Dao without gathering the five rules of heaven and earth.

As long as they joined forces, they could temporarily resist the Martial


“What do you have in mind?” DemiG.o.d Xingkui looked at Xiao s.h.i.+.

“Although we already know that the mastermind is the Martial Emperor, it’s difficult to find the true body of the Martial Emperor after his rebirth.

Therefore, instead of spending effort to find him, it’s better to wait for the

Martial Emperor to come to us.

” Since he wants to advance to the ninth realm of the Martial Dao with the rules of heaven and earth in our hands, he will definitely attack us.”

Xiao s.h.i.+ told the two of them his thoughts. The demiG.o.ds nodded in agreement.

Waiting for the Martial Emperor to take action was indeed better than searching for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, even if they found the Martial Emperor, they could not resist and kill him. This way, even if he found the other party, it would be meaningless.

“I’ve already reached an agreement with the Palace Master of the Heavenly Mystery Palace. The Heavenly Mystery Palace will fully support us and allow us to communicate with each other through the Heavenly Mystery Mask. Once one of us is attacked by the Martial Emperor, we’ll immediately send a message through the Heavenly Mystery Mask.

“Even if the Martial Emperor uses a higher-level seal, he won’t be able to block the transmission of the Heavenly Mystery Mask.” Xiao s.h.i.+ said as he looked at the Palace Master in the darkness above.

The Palace Master nodded and said, “The Heavenly Mystery Palace has always been enemies with the Martial Emperor. I’ll do my best to help you.”

With the guarantee of the Palace Master, DemiG.o.ds Xingkui and Mu Wen felt much more relieved.

They had successfully reached an agreement. They would fight the Martial

Emperor together.

“Next, we have to wait for the Martial Emperor to take action.” Xiao s.h.i.+ took a deep breath. Although he had these two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings as allies, his heart was still heavy. As long as he did not reach the ninth realm of the Martial Dao, he could only protect himself.

Moreover, this self-protection was established when the Martial Emperor did not advance to the ninth realm. Once the Martial Emperor gave up on using the five rules of heaven and earth to advance to the ninth realm, what awaited them would definitely be death.

However, Xiao s.h.i.+ had no idea how to break through to the ninth realm.

Even though he had already opened the pa.s.sageway to the Beginner Martial Era and could borrow a portion of the Martial Progenitor’s strength, the bit of strength he could borrow was not enough for him to resist the Martial Emperor.

Once the Martial Emperor advanced to the ninth realm, even if the Martial Progenitor personally came to the Tianwu Continent, he might not be a match for the Martial Emperor.

The Martial Progenitor had already expressed it before. The Martial Emperor had already surpa.s.sed him in many aspects.

“Perhaps, if I use a normal method now, it’s destined to be difficult for me to advance to the ninth realm of the Martial Dao in a short time. If 1 want to advance to the ninth realm of the Martial Dao as quickly as possible, I can only rely on items to drop.”

Xiao s.h.i.+ suddenly had a thought. He recalled that he had dropped an item after killing the Martial Emperor’s demiG.o.d clone. As he was in a hurry to open the pa.s.sageway to the Beginner Martial Era, he did not immediately check this item.

According to the demiG.o.d cultivation of the Martial Emperor’s clone, this item was definitely at the demiG.o.d level.

Xiao s.h.i.+’s heart thump. He felt that perhaps this item would be an item that could allow him to break through. In fact, a large part of the reason why he could improve so quickly in the three realms of martial arts was because he could kill and drop items that could break through quickly.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, such an item no longer existed in the current Tianwu Continent. However, Xiao s.h.i.+ could drop it through killing. Moreover, as the grade of the item increased, the higher the probability of dropping such items that brought about a rapid breakthrough.

Under Xiao s.h.i.+’s expectant gaze, information about this item appeared in his vision.

[Name: Tianwu’s Wish]

[Type: Wish]

[Grade: DemiG.o.d]

[Introduction: This is a wish formed by the will of heaven and earth when the Tianwu World was born. It can be used to make a wish to the Tianwu World. According to the wish you made, the Tianwu World will fulfill this wish for you.]

[Remark 1: Not every wish can be fulfilled.]

[Remark 2: The wish must be within the ability of Tianwu World.]

[Remark 3: Some wishes may have to be fulfilled at a price.]

Xiao s.h.i.+’s eyes suddenly lit up. This was not the first time he had dropped such a wish-type item. The Tianwu’s Wish that dropped this time was undoubtedly the top wish-type item among all the wish-type items.

Usually, there would be a certain limit to such items. The wish he made could not be too illusory. For example, if Xiao s.h.i.+ made a wish to immediately become a G.o.d, the Tianwu Continent would definitely not be able to achieve it.

However, Xiao s.h.i.+ felt that if he made a wish to turn his slaughter rules into the slaughter origin, perhaps there was a chance that it could be realized by the Tianwu Continent.

Thinking of this, Xiao s.h.i.+ immediately stopped hesitating. He tried to make a wish. The moment he held the Tianwu’s Wish, he could clearly feel the will of the entire Tianwu Continent descending. He hurriedly conveyed his wish to the will of the Tianwu Continent through it in his hand to turn his slaughter rules into the origin of slaughter.

After making this wish, Xiao s.h.i.+ began to wait nervously. He was also not sure if this wish of his could be fulfilled by the Tianwu Continent. However, he felt that there should be a high chance.

Soon, the will of the Tianwu Continent replied.

“I need to sacrifice two demiG.o.d-level treasures?” Xiao s.h.i.+ frowned slightly. It was also mentioned in the remarks. Some wishes can only be fulfilled at a price. The wish he had made now could only be fulfilled by sacrificing two demiG.o.d­level treasures.

To a certain extent, this price was actually quite a good condition. Although demiG.o.d-level treasures were rare, its value could be said to be worlds apart compared to the origin of the ninth realm of the Martial Dao.

Using two demiG.o.d-level treasures to exchange for an origin was a condition that any demiG.o.d would definitely exchange for without hesitation.

However, Xiao s.h.i.+ only had the Eye of the Emperor Judgment as a demiG.o.d­level treasure. Other than that, there was no second demiG.o.d-level treasure. And the most troublesome thing was that there were no demiG.o.ds to kill, he could not obtain more demiG.o.d-level items by killing them.

“Why don’t I borrow demiG.o.d treasures from DemiG.o.ds Xingkui and Mu Wen?” Xiao s.h.i.+ knew that the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings most likely had demiG.o.d- level treasures. But he thought about it carefully. Although he had formed an alliance with the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings, their relations.h.i.+p was actually not strong.

Once they lost their common enemy, the Martial Emperor, they would definitely return to their previous hostile stance. It was impossible for the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings to lend the demiG.o.d-level treasures in their hands to Xiao s.h.i.+.

In particular, demiG.o.d-level treasures were extremely important to them. He could only think of another way.

“Let’s see if the Martial Progenitor can send a demiG.o.d-level treasure over from the pa.s.sageway.”

Xiao s.h.i.+ contacted the Martial Progenitor. He knew that the Martial Progenitor had some demiG.o.d-level treasures. If the Martial Progenitor could send a demiG.o.d-level treasure to the Tianwu Continent, it could resolve his urgent problem. He believed that the Martial Progenitor would be willing to help him. When Xiao s.h.i.+ successfully contacted the Martial Progenitor, he said that this pa.s.sageway that connected to the Beginner Martial Era could only withstand a portion of his strength at most. The strength of a demiG.o.d-level treasure had far exceeded the limit of the pa.s.sageway.

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