He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2093: Chapter 2152-outstanding

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Chapter 2093: Chapter 2152-outstanding


Translator: 549690339

Yu Bin, Zhao hang, and Duan Ming all knew what to do and said, “Boss, um, we’ll come to see you again tonight.”

Sister-in-law was going back to school in the evening. There was still half a day left, so it was better to let them be alone.

Superintendent Shen’s eyes were filled with ‘yes, sensible’, and the three of them quickly ran out.

Shen Zhaozheng had a smirk on his face. When he recovered, it would be time for him to exercise his right to drive.

After all, it was already the second half of the year, and he was almost thirty years old. If he kept holding it in, there might really be a problem.

When the time came, he would have to get Red Riding Hood on his bed.

But now, things were different. Director Gu should understand.

Or should he propose to niannian first?

But she was only a second-year student?

Would director Gu, his wife, and Mr. Tang agree to her marriage at such a young age?

Let’s talk about the future in the future.

Shen Zhaozheng, who had been on the line between life and death, was indeed a little anxious now. He did not want to leave any regrets for himself.

When the fighter jet fell, his only regret was that he couldn’t marry the person he liked.

He didn’t know whether the future or the accident would come first, so he couldn’t let himself have any regrets.

After his injuries were healed, he immediately began to solve the most urgent matter.

Gu Nian stayed until five in the afternoon and could not wait to leave.

Did a certain Big Bad Wolf think that she couldn’t tell?

Hmph, leave him hanging for two days and let him restrain his actions.

Superintendent Shen would not restrain himself, and he would only become more and more aggressive.

Gu Nian said goodbye to him and Shen Zhaozheng sent her to the elevator. She met up with Yu Bin and Zhao hang.

The nanny of the Tang family also came over.

So many|| People|| Taking turns to take care of her, she had nothing to worry about.

The two bodyguards that Shen zhaoxi had a.s.signed to her, Tie Ying and ding man, drove her back to school.

As soon as they returned, Guan Ling said, ” you’re finally back. The magazine wants to choose two interns from this batch to be the a.s.sistants of the news anchor. The work of an a.s.sistant is not only to make copies of attachments and serve tea. There are really some practical things that need to be a.s.signed to us. I heard that we have to answer some calls from foreign emba.s.sies. In short, both of us have to perform well, okay? ”

“When do we start?” Gu Nian asked as she pulled a chair over and sat down. Is it an interview?”

yes, the interviews will start on Wednesday afternoon. There are a total of nine interns recruited this time. I wonder what our chances of winning are if we choose two from the nine.

“You two can do it,” Du Jun said optimistically.

“Among these nine people, they are all the best,” Gu Nian said, not so optimistic.

“Yeah,” Guan Ling nodded.

The more it was like this, the more they had to perform well.

It was precisely because of this thought that the two of them had overdone it.

On Wednesday, Gu Nian and Guan Ling went to the magazine agency. In a small meeting room, the interns who were preparing for the interview were all gathered.

There were two boys who looked particularly reliable, and the rest of the people looked very confident.

After all, she had only entered as an intern after a few rounds of interviews.

Naturally, they were all outstanding.

There were nine people in total and they were divided into two groups. Gu Nian and Guan Ling were a.s.signed to two meeting rooms.

First, Guan Ling entered the office for an interview.

The results of the interview were announced to her.

I’m sorry, but you should continue your interns.h.i.+p in the archives Department for a while. You’re still not qualified to be an a.s.sistant to a spokesperson.

Guan Ling’s face fell and he could not keep his expression straight.”I’m ran ran. Can I know why?”

continue to study and observe more at the magazine agency.

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