Second World Chapter 603 - 603. Sonata Of The Night

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Outside Saints Seat, John's body was still dispersing. His summon had vanished when he died. John's G.o.d-eye monocle was on the ground. Jack picked it up. Jack's ten wolves now stood behind him, awaiting his order.


Jack heard a feminine voice at the same time he detected two projectiles coming. He leaned away as a throwing knife flew by his face. He used his sword to smack the second knife away. He turned and saw a young girl named Diana who was a level 43 Hidden Weapon Specialist. Radiant Phoebe was blocking her as she tried to make another throw.

"Brother? Is John your brother?" Jack asked.

"You fiend! I will take revenge for my brother!" Diana hissed.

"Calm down, miss!" Radiant Phoebe said to Diana.

"Go ahead. I'm not done taking my revenge as well. As I said, you all shall bear my fury," Jack said.

"Heh! You and what army?" Silas uttered. "You have difficulty even fighting one-on-one with a magic cla.s.s player, do you think you can take us all on? Let's see how you fare against me first! No one lends a hand!"

Silas lunged as he finished talking. He was carrying a spear, the spear thrust at Jack. Jack dodged by sidestepping. The spear suddenly changed to a greatsword and Silas used Swing. Jack ducked away. The greatsword changed again to a hammer this time.

Jack could see this Silas was fully utilizing the perk of a Weapon Master, unlike his grandfather. Peniel had explained a Weapon Master received a damage bonus every time they attacked using a different weapon. Using one weapon would set an internal cooldown of the same type of weapon for the next three minutes. So a Weapon Master couldn't just abuse this perk by switching to only two different types of weapon continuously. There were nine types of melee weapons, a weapon master could switch a maximum of nine times before they had to wait three minutes to exploit this perk again.

Silas also activated a.s.saulting Frenzy, a level 45 Weapon Master skill. This skill was an enhanced version of adrenaline rush as it increased attack speed and damage, at the same time this skill also doubled the damage bonus from weapon-switching.

Jack's speed and damage were already a cla.s.s above Silas, so he didn't feel overwhelmed by Silas' increased attack speed and damage. His two swords clashed with Silas' different types of weapons.

While defending, Jack said, "I don't feel like explaining, but please understand if you see me having difficulty fighting John, it was because I never expected the fellow to be that good. I tried to humiliate him by using only one cla.s.s, and then I tried two before I finally finished him with all my I admit it was my blunder for underestimating that fellow, but that was not the extent of my ability. I will show you now what happens if I go all out."

Jack used Flame Strike and smashed Silas away, making some s.p.a.ce. All this time, his ten wolves simply stood behind him, not moving a muscle.

Jack then poured some mana cores into his amulet. A large rock golem appeared. He was not done, a bear-like creature with large antlers appeared on his other side. The Therras Beast huffed with clear disdain on all the ones before it.

Finally, Jack took out a small token.

"A companion token?" William of Wellington identified the thing on Jack's hand. "You are not the only one having such a tool," he said and took out a similar token. A large man in armor carrying a halberd materialized next to him. This armored man was a level 46 elite.

"Me as well!" Diana uttered. She used a companion token as well and a level 44 elite female knight appeared.

"Hm… Impressive," Jack said. He muttered as he activated his companion token, "I wondered if Arlcard truly upgrade to Mythical?"

Winds of darkness streamed out from the token and blew the dust all over before they coalesced into a lean young man with long hair in an aristocratic coat.

'Hey, isn't that Aubelard's coat?' Jack thought after seeing Arlcard's attire. But come to think of it, that coat had been heavily damaged during their fight with Aubelard. Either this was a similar-looking coat or Arlcard repaired Aubelard's damaged coat.

Jack used inspect on his companion and was disappointed to find the vampire was still in the rare elite grade. His level had increased by four levels to 49, though. Arlcard had gained outworlders leveling-speed advantage after becoming a companion, and it seemed like this vampire was not idle all this time.

Also, Arlcard's vampire rank, which was still at Mature rank the last time, was now at Elder. Aubelard's blood might have failed to push Arlcard to Mythical grade, but it still boosted his age counts.

Arlcard looked to the sky above, completely ignoring the crowd before him.

"This is Sangrod?" He asked.

"Yes. This is where Aubelard came from," Jack answered.

"Didn't expect to visit this place so soon. I am not strong enough yet," Arlcard mumbled. He then asked Jack, "Where is the enemy?"

"All of them," Jack answered.

"Good, save me the ha.s.sle from worrying about hitting allies," Arlcard said as he started casting a spell.

William, who was amongst those that had the highest inspect skill in Saint Edge, had successfully inspected Jack's companion. "Le–level 49 rare elite?!" He blurted out.

The others were shocked hearing it. How did Jack gain such a powerful companion? All of them wondered.

Arlcard's spell formation continued to form. When the fourth rune was formed and it was still ongoing, William finally snapped out of his daze and gave the order, "Attacckkk…!!!"

Whatever the spell was, it won't bode well for them.

But it was as if Arlcard was toying with them. When the order was issued, the rune forming picked up in speed. The spell formation was completed with six runes in total. Arlcard uttered as his spell took form, "Sonata of the Night."

A Stream of fog spread out with Arlcard at the center. This fog was so thick that no one could see anything within the fog, and it covered a very large area.

Jack, on the other hand, could see clearly through the fog. Maybe it was because he was the spellcaster's companion so his vision was magically unhindered? He saw several new figures appearing inside this fog. He recognized these figures, they were the ghouls that had a.s.saulted him in Thesylvania's cemetery.

Saint Edge's people, on the other hand, were completely blind by the fog. They shouted for their friends. Used their hands to touch and make sure that their comrades were still beside them. When they saw a shadow in front of them, they a.s.sumed it was their friends. Only to have it approached and revealed a grotesque face that scared the s.h.i.+t out of them.

A lot of screams were heard as the ghouls took Saint Edge troops by surprise. As time went by, several ghoul hands burst out from the ground, immobilizing Saint Edge people while the ghouls pounced on them.

Jack was stunned by Arlcard's spell. This was a very good spell to use when going against a large group, but less so if against a powerful individual. Maybe that's why Arlcard didn't bother using this spell when they fought against Aubelard.

Jack didn't dally. This was a good opportunity to go for a strike. He gave his commands to all his minions. The wolves, rock golem, and Therras Beast spread out and started dis.h.i.+ng out their attacks. This fog also didn't affect his minions' visions.

Jack's Therras Beast was still a lowly level 35, but its rare elite grade gave him more than enough stats to fight against these higher-level crowds. Not to mention it was originally a top-notch beast even amongst rare elites, and its skills were all very powerful. Its Tyrannical Charge punched through the opponent's front-line defense and arrived directly at where the range players were at. It then used its Overbearing Stomp to incapacitate everyone around while dealing damage, before finis.h.i.+ng them off with violent stomps and horn strikes.

The wolves coordinated with the Rock Golem as the golem used its solid defense and strength to break the enemy's formation. The wolves went around picking on players who were off guard.

Jack used his Hundred Synchronous Thoughts to give detailed commands to each of his minions, directing them to prioritize attacking players who had less HP compared to the native soldiers.

Arlcard himself only stood there after casting his spell. Jack came to him and asked, "Do you need to stay still to maintain your spell?"

"No," He answered.

'Uh, then why are you just standing here for?' Jack said in his mind. But he never considered this companion to be below him, he suspected Arlcard thought the same way, so Jack didn't give him any commands. He simply said, "I will attack as well. The sooner we wrap this up, the better."

Jack rushed out.

Arlcard stood a while longer before he opened the side of his coat, revealing a long rapier on his side. He took out the rapier.. Its long blade gleamed with crimson color.


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