Second World Chapter 1697 Cipher Flight's Navy

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Chapter 1697 Chapter 1697. Cipher Flight’s Navy

"Ready your guild army!" John sent a message to Water Lily.

"On standby!" Water Lily already had Cipher Flight's guild army summoning platform at the ready. She could summon the guild army at any time.

Considering there was no land to put the army on, summoning a guild army on the sea was different than when it was done on land. A guild needed to have built a navy force to summon a guild army on the sea. This was what Cipher Flight had done as was seen by Jack when he visited their headquarters. They were perhaps the only guild with a navy force.

"Target sighted!" Will called to John.

Not far ahead of them were six men-of-war. Five were Liguritudum's and one at the center was Palgrost's. All those men-of-war were huddling close to each other. Palgrost s.h.i.+ps tried to approach but the cannons from the men-of-war made it difficult. They didn't dare to fire back for fear of hurting their own flags.h.i.+p or the President on board.

Verremor's men-of-war tanked the bombardment. They continued charging ahead. Grey Jewel followed behind them, using their huge frames as s.h.i.+elds.

Liguritudum's frigates and caravel, which were wreaking havoc nearby, came to stop the two Verremor men-of-war

Water Lily summoned Cipher Flight's guild army, or more correctly, the guild navy, before they arrived. Ten frigates and sixteen caravels appeared out of thin air. Considering the scale, a guild didn't possess as many funds as a country. To be able to construct these many s.h.i.+ps was already a remarkable achievement.

A portion of the guild army was on those s.h.i.+ps. The number of summoned guild units corresponded to the number of s.h.i.+ps when a guild army was summoned on the sea. Bigger s.h.i.+ps could accommodate more units. The priority of summoned units was the guild's special units, then ranged type. Non-special melee units were only summoned when there was enough s.p.a.ce on the s.h.i.+ps.

These frigates and caravels immediately took action once they appeared. They engaged Liguritudum's frigates and caravels while approaching the two flags.h.i.+ps. With so many s.h.i.+ps coming at them, the cannons from Liguritudum's men-of-war couldn't stop all those s.h.i.+ps.

A few of Cipher Flight's frigates wedged themselves onto the enemy men-of-war. They threw grappling hooks to keep themselves tethered. The guild units then climbed onto the enemy s.h.i.+ps. Several entered through the gun ports. Among these guild units was the h.e.l.lion Panther, Cipher Flight's guild guardian. The h.e.l.lion Panther was now level 81.

The h.e.l.lion Panther agilely climbed the high hull of the man-of-war, arriving on the decks in only seconds. Riding atop the h.e.l.lion Panther were Cipher Flight's two guild heroes. Kishale Trueaim, who was level 78, fired her arrows that were coated with the ice element.

The other guild hero was one whom Cipher Flight recently acquired. A level 80 mythical-grade orc with the name Gurume Loudthump. He lifted his magic staff high as spell formation was formed. Multiple lightning came down from the sky and struck the ethereal soldiers who rushed at them.

The h.e.l.lion Panther ran around the deck, clawing and biting the enemies while the two riders atop it sent ranged attacks. Their disruption allowed more and more guild units to safely climb aboard.

While Cipher Flight's guild units tried to scale the men-of-war, the water nearby turned turbulent. Under the water, a huge and long shadow was seen. This was Cipher Flight's second guild guardian, the Abaia.

Abaia looked like a giant eel with sharp and glowing scales. Water swirled around it as it swam by. It swam ahead of the two Verremor's men-of-war. With a swipe of its tail, it produced a giant wave that slapped between two of Liguritudum's men-of-war. This wave pushed the two men-of-war aside, creating a path for Verremor's men-of-war toward the flags.h.i.+ps.

After opening the path, the Abaia swam away. It aided Cipher Flight's frigates and caravels in hunting the enemy smaller s.h.i.+ps.

The Abaia was a level 82 rare elite aquatic-type monster. Even though it was just a rare elite, it was at an advantage because the battle occurred in its natural terrain. It was also able to cast spells.

It cast a spell right underneath two enemy frigates. The spell conjured a twister that tossed the two s.h.i.+ps against one another, causing ma.s.sive damage to them.

The tail-swipe it performed earlier to cause a giant wave was a skill. One that had a short cooldown. It used this skill every chance it got. At one chance, it also combined this skill with a spell, causing a giant tidal wave at a group of enemy vessels. The tidal wave dealt damage to the s.h.i.+ps. A few of the smaller caravels even capsized, rendering them unable to move anymore even when they still had remaining HP.

Most of the ethereal soldiers on the capsized s.h.i.+ps drowned. Natives had another limitation compared to players. While players could breathe underwater just fine, not all natives had the same ability. Only rare elite or higher grades could perform the same feat. Special elite or below would drown if they couldn't swim.

With Cipher Flight's frigates and caravels, the Abaia took care of Liguritudum's small s.h.i.+ps which had been causing havoc amidst the Palgrost Armada. This gave the Palgrost Armada some lenience in dealing with Liguritudum's bigger s.h.i.+ps which kept on firing at them.

Aside from them, the Grey Jewel also brought many Everlasting Heavenly Legends members. These members were players who had acquired companions from the Merfolk race. These players jumped into the sea and summoned their companions. They then activated the Underwater Propeller magic scroll they had prepared. Undetected from under the sea, they struck the Liguritudum s.h.i.+ps.

With natives' limitations in terms of underwater breathing, these covert attacks were difficult to deal with. Rare elite ethereal soldiers jumped into the water to fight these underwater enemies, but they were only a few. With merfolk companions who excelled in underwater combat, these ethereal soldiers were quickly disposed of.

John didn't stay idle. He might be giving each s.h.i.+p a tactical command, but his desire to join this battle was also because his special cla.s.s and bloodline were best suited for sea battles.

Through his cooperation, and sometimes extortions, with the merfolk races, he had gained a new bloodline. He let go of their guild's super rare bloodline, Mystic Lord, for this new bloodline because the new bloodline was a unique grade.

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