Chaos' Heir Chapter 795 Faith

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Chapter 795  Faith

The political conversations were rarely short, especially when numbers were involved, so Khan, Monica, Luke, and Bruce ended up talking for quite a while. The discussion went on for so long Martha left the tent mid-way to take a break.

Baoway's star was still up, bathing the settlement in a cozy light. The clean air and relative peace slowly healed the headache the discussion had created, but Martha failed to relax completely.

Martha was no stranger to alien planets, but being surrounded by Scalqa made her feel like an outsider. That was no human world, but Khan somehow became its leader. The realization confirmed once again how far he had gotten, putting Martha in a pensive mood.

That mood didn't last long since the sound of steps reached Martha's ears, warning her about someone's arrival. She initially tensed up, but spotting the familiar face made her wear a cheerful military salute.

"Lieutenant Dyester," Martha announced. "I heard you were here."

"The brat changed my t.i.tle," Lieutenant Dyester scoffed, taking a sip from the bone cup in his hand. "I go by Master Carl now."

"I heard that, too," Martha revealed. She was still smiling, and Lieutenant Dyester failed to retain his grumpy att.i.tude before that.

"Weesso kid," Lieutenant Dyester called. "You have grown."

"Have I?" Martha wondered, helplessness tainting her smile as she glanced at the central tent. "I still feel like a kid."

Lieutenant Dyester followed Martha's gaze and immediately understood her concerns. They weren't hard to figure out, but the matter still made him shake his head.

"You lost time," Lieutenant Dyester reminded, "And you shouldn't be in a hurry to grow up."

"I guess I feel left behind," Martha sighed, diverting her eyes from the tent and turning. She glanced at the sky as her feet moved, making her wander through the settlement.

Lieutenant Dyester followed Martha, thinking about the right words for her. He could comfort her, but warnings ended up escaping his mouth.

"Maybe it's for the best," Lieutenant Dyester stated. "You know what's on the other side. Being left behind isn't the worst outcome."

"What's the worst outcome?" Martha asked.

"Being on the other side," Lieutenant Dyester said. "Being stuck there."

Martha and Lieutenant Dyester weren't speaking openly but didn't need to. They understood each other without specifying topics or people.

"He didn't have much of a choice," Martha admitted.

"There's always a choice," Lieutenant Dyester declared. "But, yeah, his options sucked."

Martha nodded. It wasn't only a matter of background. Khan faced hindrances and deadly ploys whenever his situation improved. It almost seemed the universe wanted him to take extreme measures.

"Does he-" Martha said before changing her wording. "Can he even smile anymore? I mean, after all of that."

"I'm not sure," Lieutenant Dyester admitted. "I think he does with his girl, but outside …"

"I see," Martha heaved a satisfied sigh. "At least he still can. Do you remember? He used to joke all the time."

"I remember," Lieutenant Dyester confirmed. "It was annoying."

"So annoying," Martha giggled. "Things were so simple back then, even if they only appeared to be that way."

"I'm sorry those days were stolen from you, kid," Lieutenant Dyester exclaimed.

"No," Martha shook her head. "I was spared. I know that now."

"You know," Lieutenant Dyester tried to rea.s.sure Martha. "It's not too late. Mana makes our lives long. You never know what the future has in store."

"It's fine, Lieutenant," Martha uttered, showing a smile. "I'm fine. I can't walk that path."

Lieutenant Dyester stared at Martha. Her words were partially lies but also half true. She believed them but needed some time to accept them.

"I envy you," Lieutenant Dyester announced. "I bet he does, too. Part of him, at least."

"He's an idiot," Martha scoffed. "Always has been. That's why he has us."

Lieutenant Dyester chuckled, bringing his drink to his mouth. Still, both he and Martha suddenly felt something, and their heads turned to inspect the approaching figure.

"Can we talk?" Khan asked. The tent didn't need him anymore, and he had noticed Martha's emotional state during the discussion. Needless to say, he seized the first chance he found to leave and seek her out.

"I'll leave you two be," Lieutenant Dyester said before Martha could reply. The man departed as Khan reached Martha, and she instinctively followed him toward a more private spot near the rocky barrier.

"What is it?" Khan asked once the two were relatively alone.

"You still see so much, don't you?" Martha wondered, avoiding eye contact. "I must be an open book to you."

"I don't do it on purpose," Khan revealed. "That's just how my eyes work now."

Martha lifted her gaze to inspect Khan. Unlike most people, she understood what that meant for Khan. Many would praise his innate advantage, but Martha saw the burden it carried. Khan was cursed to watch a different world.

"Don't worry about it," Martha rea.s.sured. "I just accepted something. I know I couldn't have been there like Monica is."

Khan remained silent. He would have usually praised Monica, but Martha deserved a different treatment. Besides, he knew what she truly meant with her words.

"Are we still friends?" Khan went straight to the point. He saw Martha's hesitation toward him. What he had done inside the Global Army's domain was by no means easy to accept, so he would understand Martha's eventual disgust.

"Of course, idiot," Martha snorted. "Don't even say that."

Martha's straightforwardness rea.s.sured Khan, but he didn't speak again. He looked past the rocky barrier, inspecting details only his eyes could see while waiting for Martha to say something.

"You had it hard, didn't you?" Martha eventually asked.

"It's better now," Khan said. "Everything is clearer."

"Does Monica help?" Martha questioned.

"I don't know what I'd do without her," Khan admitted. "Are you jealous?"

"No," Martha promptly responded. "I'm over you, you know?"

"I know," Khan uttered.

"You aren't fooling anyone with that serious face," Martha cursed, getting slightly angry. "Stop worrying about me."

"I'll always worry," Khan reminded Martha, bringing his gaze back to her. "I'm happy you are doing fine."

Martha remained stunned for a few seconds. That earnest and straightforward side had always been Khan's strongest point for her. Her brain froze but quickly reawakened.

"You are always so unfair," Martha sighed. "Don't tell me you are still playing around?"

"What playing around?" Khan said, almost showing traces of emotion. "I can't even look at the others. Besides, Monica would have their heads at the first odd glance."

"She did get comfortable in the part," Martha commented. "That's not the same person I met on Milia 222."

"Neither am I," Khan pointed out. "Still, yes. She probably matured faster than me. It must be due to everything I put her through."

"Don't blame yourself," Martha scolded. "You have always been too hard on yourself."

"Monica handles that part nowadays," Khan explained. "I see so much, but she always makes me feel blind."

Martha could see something behind Khan's cold face, and noticing it made her smile. Monica was truly there for him, but the topic gave her a chance for a tease.

"Monica this, Monica that," Martha exclaimed. "Don't you think mentioning her so much with me is unfair?"

Martha was obviously joking, but her smile brightened when she saw a short smirk. Khan had broken his cold face for less than a second, but that was enough for her.

"What will you do now?" Khan asked.

"I'm still repaying my debt to Luke," Martha explained. "Don't worry. I won't ask to be stationed here. I know it's dangerous, and you wouldn't let me."

"I had a whole speech ready," Khan revealed.

"Keep it to yourself," Martha scoffed. "I'll keep working under Luke, maybe involving my family once I reach the third level."

"Do you need help with that?" Khan asked.

"I'm fine on my own," Martha rea.s.sured. "I'm still practicing what you taught me, but everything else has to come from me."

"Always so stubborn," Khan commented.

"Look who's talking," Martha said. "What about you?"

"Solidify this quadrant," Khan summarized. "Deal with my family, marry that awesome, crazy girl."

"You keep mentioning her," Martha joked.

"Hey, I love her," Khan stated. "And I recall you approving all of this."

"As if you weren't saying this because she is coming," Martha snickered.

"Of course he is," Monica announced, approaching Khan and Martha. Needless to say, Khan had sensed her long ago. Martha simply was in the right position to spot her.

"I finished dealing with those two," Monica muttered, making her way toward Khan's side. He instinctively welcomed her under his arm, and she nestled on his chest while a hand ran through her hair.

"Have a few drinks with them," Monica continued, her tone growing slightly drowsy. "I'll gossip around with Martha."

"Are you sure?" Khan whispered. "You need to rest, too."

"Yes," Monica confirmed. "I need some girls' time, and we are going to the river anyway tonight."

"It's a date," Khan exclaimed, kissing Monica's head before looking at Martha. "Have fun."

Khan pretended to let Monica go, but she promptly grabbed his uniform to pull him onto her lips. The two exchanged a quick kiss before following with a meaningful glance. Looks spoke louder than words for the couple, and Martha feigned ignorance during the scene.

"I'm sorry," Monica announced once Khan got farther away. "You'd think living together and being surrounded by aliens would give us more time alone, but well."

"You sure have changed," Martha snickered. "I still remember you getting all fl.u.s.tered whenever you planned to bring Khan into your room."

"And I remember you helping me out every time," Monica jabbed back. "You've been a good friend. I hope we won't lose that."

Martha initially expected Monica to get embarra.s.sed, but that emotion never appeared. Her confidence almost resembled shamelessness.

"Don't look at me like that," Monica giggled. "It's been over three years, and I basically outed myself to the entire network. Let them be envious for all I care."

"You sure were bold for doing that," Martha responded. "I wouldn't be able to show my face for a decade."

"The scoundrel needed a hand," Monica scoffed, reaching for Martha to steal her elbow. "Shaming myself to save his head was the least I could do."

"Look at you," Martha teased. "So bold and confident. Khan really rubbed himself on you."

"That stopped being foreplay for us years ago," Monica muttered, dragging Martha toward the settlement's exit. "I swear. I'm surprised my birth control can keep up with us."

"Monica!" Martha cried.

"What?" Monica scoffed. "I've been surrounded by sweaty aliens and math for weeks. I need to vent with my girlfriends."

"You've gotten so shameless," Martha joked.

"That's on him," Monica replied. "Not that I complain."

"Monica!" Martha scolded.

"You are so cute," Monica giggled. "Still, yes, I finally feel free. Who would have thought flirting with a cute soldier would have led me here."

"Now you are the shameless fiancée of a Prince," Martha pointed out.

"Prince is nothing," Monica declared. "Khan will rule humankind one day. I'm not the only one who sees that anymore."

Martha could accept Monica had become a tease after growing comfortable with her relations.h.i.+p, but that statement went beyond jokes. Monica's words carried no doubts or hesitation. There actually seemed to be something akin to faith behind them.

"Enough about Khan," Monica eventually continued. "Tell me about you. Do you have some hottie chasing you around?"

"I'm a soldier," Martha snorted. "I don't have time for that."

"You are so cute," Monica giggled. "I must get you drunk today."

"I'm on an official mission," Martha complained. "Besides, where would we even drink here?"

Martha's doubts were reasonable. The quadrant didn't lack booze but didn't have proper places where ordinary people could have fun, either. Everyone was on duty, and she was no exception.

"Where do you think we are going?" Monica asked, a teasing tone invading her voice.

"I'm afraid to ask now," Martha admitted.

"We have VIP areas in both brothels," Monica laughed. "We aren't leaving until you tell me all your secrets."

"Can I go back to the settlement?" Martha asked.

"Denied," Monica said. "Consider yourself officially kidnapped."

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