Star Odyssey Chapter 2981: Surrounding Undying God

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Chapter 2981: Surrounding Undying G.o.d

At the same time that the Great Sovereign took Lu Yin to the Scourge to see the truth about Aeternus, a ma.s.sive battle broke out in the Transcendent Universe that threatened to destroy the entire universe.

He Ran stared blankly into the distance as s.p.a.ce trembled. At times, sharp blades sliced across the sky, cutting through the void and leaving behind ma.s.sive tears in the void and even cracks of the Hollow.

Uncle Mo was quite anxious. "Madam, hurry and leave now! If you don't leave soon, it will be too late."

He Ran clenched her fists. "I only just returned. I can't leave. If I return to the Heavens Sect, I will forever be a puppet."

There was a snap, and a withered yellow slash pa.s.sed over their head, smas.h.i.+ng the stairs behind the two to pieces. Uncle Mo quickly moved to block the resulting debris and protect He Ran.

Just a short time ago, they had received a message telling them to quickly return to the Heavens Sect because a war was about to break out in the Transcendent Universe and that they did not have much time to leave. Not only did the Heavens Sect try to evacuate He Ran and Uncle Mo, but they had also tried to evacuate as many of the residents of the Transcendent Universe as possible in the brief amount of time available.

However, less than a quarter of an hour after He Ran received the message, the fighting started.

Uncle Mo had no idea who was partic.i.p.ating in this battle. All he knew was that, even if he had a black energy converter, he would die without a doubt if he got involved in this fight.

The battle was horrifying and took place at a level that Uncle Mo had never witnessed before.

He could not even make casual contact with the aftermath of the attacks.

Far away, at the other end of the Transcendent Universe’s battlefield, five figures stood in outer s.p.a.ce. Undying G.o.d was at the center, surrounded by four other figures. Two of them were human—Big Sis and Mu Ke—but the other two were not. They were outsider powerhouses whom Lu Yin had asked for help: the Fire Lord and Lei Tian, the Lightning Lord.

Many frenzied corpses had been sent to the Sixverse a.s.sociation, and the Heavens Sect did not have enough powerhouses left who could handle this matter. Thus, Lu Yin had had no choice but to ask the Five Spirits Alliance and the Luna Alliance for their help in surrounding and eliminating Undying G.o.d and Forgotten Ruins G.o.d after Lu Yin learned of their locations.

The Lightning Lord and the Fire Lord were here to attack and kill Undying G.o.d, while the Wood Lord, Yue Shen, and the Moon Fairy were helping to deal with Forgotten Ruins G.o.d.

Since Aeternus had leaked the two SkyG.o.ds’ locations, Lu Yin naturally wanted to eliminate them both. It was best to deal with such powerhouses one by one.

Before seeing the truth of Aeternus, when Lu Yin had heard that Aeternus had leaked the two SkyG.o.ds’ locations, he had a.s.sumed that the Aeternals were genuinely out of their depths. However, after learning the truth, Lu Yin no longer had any idea what the Aeternals were thinking. They were actually allowing experts as powerful as the Seven SkyG.o.ds to be surrounded and killed.

It was also only at this point in time that Lu Yin understood why the Seven SkyG.o.ds would rather hide on the Endless Frontier within the Sixverse a.s.sociation’s territory than return to the Scourge after being seriously injured.

Undying G.o.d's eyes looked wild. Right in front of him, Mu Ke’s saber was raised high. The man took a step forward and brought his blade down at an angle. The compet.i.tion between Mu Ke and Undying G.o.d in terms of their blade skills had already been decided, and Mu Ke knew that he was not the SkyG.o.d’s opponent, but that was why Mu Ke was determined to keep distracting Undying G.o.d with his saber.

Undying G.o.d sneered as he attacked Mu Ke with a withered yellow sword. "Why haven’t you given up yet? You should know that you can’t defeat me with your blade."


The two blades clashed, creating a shockwave that tore through the void with a roar.

Lightning ran through the shockwave’s tears, blasting at Undying G.o.d. Meanwhile, Big Sis opened her hands, revealing a ma.s.sive Abyssal Flower. Undying G.o.d felt a huge threat from the blossom.

Withered gra.s.s spread from beneath Undying G.o.d’s feet, shooting towards the flower and then growing over it. At the same time, his blade kept las.h.i.+ng out, attacking Mu Ke in a relentless a.s.sault. This was no longer a compet.i.tion of pure blade skills, but rather a life and death battle. Undying G.o.d was using his Drifting innate gift to try to kill Mu Ke.

Every last one of Mu Ke’s attacks was real, but that was not true of Undying G.o.d’s.

He released both real and immaterial attacks with his Drifting innate gift, which made it very difficult for Mu Ke to deal with.

Only the frantic bombardment of lightning was able to hit Undying G.o.d after he used his innate gift.

No matter how incredible his innate gift of Drifting might be, it was still impossible for an injured Undying G.o.d to deal with four sequence powerhouses at the same time. Already, Mu Ke had left behind some fresh wounds.

More Abyssal Flowers blossomed, consuming Undying G.o.d’s Progenitor’s world while Mu Ke kept the SkyG.o.d’s blade occupied. Undying G.o.d wanted to leave, but more Abyssal Flowers filled the entire area, and beyond them, the Lord of Fire burned the void into the Hollow.

In order to surround and kill Undying G.o.d, the four sequence powerhouses were doing their best. Still, it was far from easy to actually defeat Undying G.o.d. After all their efforts, he still had not used his divine energy.

They continued to wear each other down, shattering the universe and causing it to tremble from their fight.

Some time later, Undying G.o.d finally used his divine energy, hoping to use it in order to survive.

Mu Ke, the Lightning Lord, and the Fire Lord all attacked. If Undying G.o.d escaped again, there was no telling when they would have another opportunity to attack him like this.

Undying G.o.d used Inverse Step and easily broke free from the encirclement. He entered the Hollow that had been burnt open by the Fire Lord and managed to escape. However, at the very last moment, a ma.s.sive black silhouette of a woman appeared behind Big Sis. This was her Progenitor’s world, Lord of the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss’s hands rose, and a ma.s.sive Abyssal Flower bloomed, covering the entire sky. "Only when the Abyssal Flower blooms can reincarnation be achieved."

The enormous flower then shrank, as though constricting the entire void.

Sequence particles erupted around Undying G.o.d, filling the area with the Law of Rot, which caused the Abyssal Flower to wither.

Big Sis snorted contemptuously. The Abyssal Flower that covered the sky continued to shrink and condense. She was fighting against Undying G.o.d in a battle of sequence particles. The SkyG.o.d had already been seriously injured, and his sequence particles could not match Big Sis’s. At best, his divine energy could protect him a bit, but he himself lacked the strength. In the past, Progenitor Yōu Ming had tricked one of the Seven SkyG.o.ds and killed them, so she was experienced in this matter.

Undying G.o.d watched as the Abyssal Flower held up. If the fight continued in this manner, the moment another one of the Heavens Sect’s powerhouses appeared, he would have an even more difficult time making his escape.

This thought made the enthusiasm suddenly fade and disappear from Undying G.o.d's eyes. He grew lazy, as though he might fall asleep at any moment.

His change caused Mu Ke’s expression to change. He put his saber away and stared at Undying G.o.d.

Undying G.o.d lifted a foot and stepped forward with Inverse Step. As he moved, a shadow appeared in front of him. As Undying G.o.d walked, his injuries disappeared, stunning both the Fire Lord and the Lightning Lord. How was this possible?

Big Sis was taken aback. "Skipping time?"

As he used Inverse Step, Undying G.o.d not only managed to fully recover from his injuries, but he also escaped from the encirclement. He had just skipped past the period of time where Big Sis’s Abyssal Flower had injured him by stopping him from leaving.

Big Sis could not believe what she was seeing. How could they fight against someone who could skip time?

Suddenly, Mu Ke's eyes snapped wide open. He had found it. His arm rose up high and then snapped back down. "Get back here!"

As he spoke, an indistinct shadow mysteriously appeared from the void, and it instantly merged into Undying G.o.d’s body.

Right when Undying G.o.d was about to escape, the shadow merged with him. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body changed visibly. Nearly half of his body shattered apart. This was the injury that he had suffered when he had touched the Hollow while fighting against Lu Yin. Not only that, but he also regained the wounds that he had suffered from Lu Tianyi’s Law of Undoing sequence particles and his Hidden Needle.

The vague shadow represented the time that Undying G.o.d had skipped during the battle on the Endless Frontier.

How could the Heavens Sect not be prepared when they attacked Undying G.o.d, intent on killing him?

How was it possible to surround and kill someone who could skip time as they pleased? The only way was to find the time that had been skipped, and Origin Tracer was capable of doing exactly that.

It was very difficult to use Origin Tracer to find a moment of time that Undying G.o.d had skipped without some sort of guide, but the moment that Undying G.o.d tried to skip time again, Mu Ke was prepared. He used that moment as a guide to find the last moment in time that Undying G.o.d had skipped and then returned that moment to the SkyG.o.d.

Mister Mu’s battle techniques demonstrated their true potential at this moment.

Undying G.o.d was seriously injured and on the verge of death. His lazy demeanor vanished once again. He turned around and stared at Mu Ke. "It’s really my nemesis."

"Kill him!" Big Sis screamed. Her Abyssal Flower enlarged once again, making it nearly impossible for Undying G.o.d to escape.

The Lightning Lord and Fire Lord both attacked.

Mu Ke stared at Undying G.o.d. As long as the SkyG.o.d tried to skip time again, Mu Ke could use Origin Tracer to return another moment of serious injury to Undying G.o.d. If two instances were returned at the same time, there was no question that Undying G.o.d would die.

At this moment, Undying G.o.d’s Inverse Step was as good as countered.

One attack after another fell, constantly consuming Undying G.o.d's divine energy.

"Wu Xing, you will definitely die this time!" Big Sis looked incredibly upset. She was from almost the same generation as Undying G.o.d, and his betrayal infuriated her.

Undying G.o.d smiled. "Yes, I’ll certainly die. I never thought that you would survive all this time, Yōu Ming. I thought that you had gone to the Immemorial Citadel with Ce w.a.n.gtian and the others."

"Why did you betray humanity? Why did you betray Wu Tian?" Big Sis screamed at the man.

The divine energy that covered Undying G.o.d's body was steadily being consumed.

"We all saw what Wu Tian did for you back then. He adopted you, guided your cultivation, and gave you a path to follow! He even tasked you with guarding the Wu Stele, allowing you to observe it whenever you wanted. Throughout the ages, how many people have wanted to study the Wu Stele, but couldn’t? Even I wanted that. How could you betray such a person?" Big Sis demanded.

Undying G.o.d and Big Sis stared at each other. "Calling it a betrayal is not very accurate. I am not from the Origin Universe."

"You betrayed your own humanity! Even a dog doesn’t betray its master. It doesn't matter whether you are human or another species—Wu Tian still treated you as his heir!" Big Sis raged.

Undying G.o.d lifted his head. Lightning continued to crash down, and the flames still raged. He looked over at Mu Ke. "I can't escape even with Inverse Step. You were perfectly prepared for me. Was this all arranged by that kid from the Lu family? Have him come see me. I have an explanation to give him."

"No! There’s no need for him to see a dead man who betrayed Wu Tian," Big Sis declared in a frigid tone.

A smile pulled at the corners of Undying G.o.d's mouth. "What if I told you that Wu Tian isn’t dead?"

The expressions of Big Sis and Mu Ke both changed drastically. "Wu Tian isn’t dead?"

The smile grew larger on Undying G.o.d's lazy face. "Wu Tian ??is not dead."

"Where is Wu Tian?" Big Sis quickly asked.

Undying G.o.d turned his smile towards her. "Have that kid from the Lu family come see me, and I’ll tell him."

"You want to make a deal with Little Seven?"

"What other choice do I have?"

Big Sis felt confused, and she glanced over at Mu Ke. He nodded, and a message was sent to the Heavens Sect.

Lu Yin had already returned to the Heavens Sect to direct the attacks on Undying G.o.d and Forgotten Ruins G.o.d. He had not gone to partic.i.p.ate in either a.s.sault himself. Given the efforts put into the attacks, Lu Yin was almost certain that the two SkyG.o.ds would be killed, though he did not expect them both to die. When faced with a real risk of death, the Seven SkyG.o.ds would bring out their hidden abilities. How could any of them be easy to kill even if they were on the verge of death? Shaman G.o.d was a perfect example.

There was no need for Lu Yin to join either attack.

However, when the news involving Undying G.o.d arrived, Lu Yin could no longer sit still. He did not know if Undying G.o.d would tell the truth or lie, but if Wu Tian was really still alive, it would be wonderful news for mankind.

Lu Yin instantly made his way to the Transcendent Universe.

When he arrived, he saw an enormous Abyssal Flower far off in the distance. Inside the blossom was Undying G.o.d, who was constantly being bombarded by lightning and flames.

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You're reading Star Odyssey by Author(s): Along With The Wind, 随散飘风. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 135 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.