Vampire's Slice Of Life Chapter 1074 Why Are You Guys Causing A Ruckus?

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Chapter 1074 Why Are You Guys Causing A Ruckus?

Raizen, Human Continent.

"The birthplace of the Human Ancestor. It's the immortal land where peak Supreme Ranks once used to roam as early as the Immemorial Era."

Tourists were following a fat guide around the busy outskirts of Ancestor's City in Raizen which had tons of monuments and places preserving the styles of the Ancient and Medieval Tranquility Era.

The guide stopped in front of a statue of a s.h.i.+rtless man with sharply toned muscles pointing a sword at the distance. Wrapped around him were red colored flames that started from his toes and ended at the tip of his sword.

The fat guide pointed at it and said with an amicable smile, "This revered one here, he's one of the greatest rulers to have ever existed. He's the very Flame Emperor, the first ancestor of the Flaming Emperor bloodline that lives to this day!"

"Ooooh! The Flaming Emperor bloodline's ancestor!?" The tourists were impressed and asked with increased curiosity.

"Isn't it said that the Human Ancestor is also of that very bloodline?!" A man holding a corn dog asked with visible enthusiasm.

"Yes, that's right!" The fat guide replied with similar enthusiasm. "He's currently the strongest human in the world, haha!"

The tourists began clapping as they heard that.

"The Ancestor sure is amazing!" A few of them couldn't help but praise.


"Huh? What was that sound?" The tourists looked around in panic as they felt something near them burst really loudly.

"Could be some new construction happening around, haha—"

"Hey look! What's that thing in the air coming towards us?" A young boy pointed at the sky and yelled, making everyone's attention from his children's group s.h.i.+ft at it.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! What's that? What's that? It's coming at super high speeds!" Another boy exclaimed, this time making everyone's attention s.h.i.+ft towards it.

Wondering what it was, the fat guide turned around, only to see something charge dangerously close to him. His pupils shrank as he suddenly felt immense threat to his life.

"Sigh… can't they keep it low?" A soft yet authoritative voice rang in the fatty's ears.


Another loud explosion followed and in reflex, the fatty closed his eyes.

After a few seconds when he realized nothing had happened to him, he opened them and saw something that made his jaw drop and eyes turn big like saucers.

The Flame Emperor's statue was destroyed and a crater formed in its place. Lying in the middle of it was an old man in white and blue robes.

Standing above the man was a lady wearing a black and red dress. It made her appear like an immortal cultivator who had descended down in the land of mortals.

The dress was a blend of a hanfu and the usual daoist robes. Her slender arms and left leg were exposed. The cloth clung tightly to her slim waist and had it continued at the bottom, everyone watching would've had nosebleeds. Alas, the robes at the bottom were loose and flowy. A man could only just use his imagination to ponder what could be underneath.

While everyone near the crater was busy admiring the woman, two people descended down from the sky and stopped in front of the woman.

Arbour and f.a.n.n.y looked at the brown-haired lady standing in front and bowed slightly.

"Greetings, Miss Luo Qingyue."

"Greetings, Qingyue."

Arbour and f.a.n.n.y greeted her. Even though their rank was higher than hers, Qingyue was way up in the hierarchy. They had to show her respect.

f.a.n.n.y had leeway to be informal because she had a good relation with Qingyue and the rest of the maids in the inner circle.

Qingyue sighed and asked, "Why are you guys causing a ruckus? Could you not keep it to the courtroom?"

Arbour's face was relaxed and he turned to look at f.a.n.n.y, gesturing her to explain herself.

f.a.n.n.y scratched her cheek with her index finger and said with an awkward smile, "This guy's mouth is too foul. I kicked him with all my power in hopes of shattering his bones, but who would've thought that he would go flying away?"

Listening to the conversation of the experts, the tourists were elated and had stars in their eyes. The corndog tourist pushed the entire corndog in his mouth and swallowed it immediately, then said,

"So this is how the experts converse. Interesting, very interesting!"

As the man finished, he somehow had another corndog appear in his hand and took a bite out of it.

"I feel pity for the guy who got his a.s.s kicked. I wonder how he looks now?" A guy with binoculars said while staring at the scene.

Most would think he was trying to look at the dead man on the ground with the question he asked, but he was really just trying to uncover what was behind the robes that were curved below the slim waist.

The size of the wide hips and the curvature of the clothing clearly indicated that this lady was hiding some ma.s.sive heavenly secrets.

"Brother Muan, I think it's an old man beneath the lady…" Another man with binoculars appeared at the edge of the crater and said, his gaze definitely not lingering on the old man.

At the bottom of the crater, Qingyue sighed and said, "I had an off day today and was about to visit my parents when I got a call from the castle. They asked me to rush to this area and manage it."

"Ah… so sorry about that…" f.a.n.n.y bowed and apologized.

Arbour bowed too and said, "Please accept my deepest apologies too, Miss Luo. We'll ensure this doesn't happen again."

"Yes. You can enjoy your off day and leave the rest to us." f.a.n.n.y got up and said with a small smile.

Qingyue took a step back and got down from the old thing beneath her.

There were slight fluctuations in the loose robes that attracted more attention from the tourists.

"Sister Jiya… I… I feel like having peaches today…" A lady with binoculars, lining up with the men, said to her acquaintance beside her.

Another lady tourist in white robes, looking at Qingyue with binoculars, said, "Peaches? I feel there's cravings for cake. Really… big… cake…"

Drool accidentally leaked out from the corner of the lady's mouth.

Qingyue, although she heard those words from f.a.n.n.y, couldn't just leave.

"I need some a.s.surance."

f.a.n.n.y thought about what she could give Qingyue for a.s.surance, and after a few seconds when she couldn't come up with anything, Arbour raised his hand.

"Miss Luo, I pledge that we would not cause any ruckus publically like this. If we do, let lightning strike me ten times."

Rumble… Rumble…

Tribulation clouds gathered above Arbour's head almost immediately as he said that.

f.a.n.n.y and Qingyue were dumbfounded hearing that and looked at Arbour as if he was a fool.

Sighing and shaking her head again, Qingyue said, "I understand. I'll leave this matter in your hands then."

Qingyue gave the two an understanding nod and flew in the air, shooting herself away like a meteor.

The ones watching with binoculars felt sad, but then an intense stinging sensation was felt in their heads. An instant later, blood sprayed out from their eyes like a fountain and then fell down on the ground.

They weren't in pain. They were smiling like idiots, for they had all witnessed something jiggle as Qingyue shot herself up in the air. Some even managed to get a small glimpse of her ankle and a small part of her inner thigh.

Unaware of the public reaction, Arbour picked up the pa.s.sed out Darren like a sack of potatoes and said, "Miss f.a.n.n.y, you can torture him to your heart's content once we go back to the castle. There's more pressing matters at hand, let's wrap those up first."

f.a.n.n.y nodded. "Let's go back."

The two shot off in the distance like Qingyue, leaving many people puzzled about a conflict occurring so suddenly near them.

Were immortals back on the immortal lands? Was there a conflict due to it?

The poor mortals kept guessing and busied themselves over it, forgetting to look at the picturesque landscapes near them.


Royal Castle, Nightingale.

"Tsk. So anticlimactic."


Fei commented and an orange cat held in a hug by her nodded in agreement.

"Can't blame f.a.n.n.y for this." Lith said and took the tablet back, breaking the shoulder touch he had with Fei while looking at the scene together.

"That man perhaps placed his everything into attacking power and did not focus much on defense." Fei put out her thoughts.

Lith nodded in agreement. "When he attacked Arbour, those fists seemed like they could destroy cities. And I believe f.a.n.n.y doesn't have enough attacking power in her to send someone flying like that."

The two's chat caused the orange ball to yawn as it bored her. She struggled slightly in Fei's hands and caused the latter to loosen her hold despite not paying any attention to her.

Meryl jumped away from Fei's embrace and went to sit on Lizbeth's lap.

Lizbeth was studying diligently and was completely focused. She wasn't affected by the chattering noises near her and also did not notice an orange ball sleeping in her lap.

"…though, I didn't expect to see Qingyue there." Fei said.

Lith smiled and tapped a few times on the tablet screen, getting pictures of Qingyue displayed on it.

Zooming in, he showed it to Fei and said, "Who would've thought Qingyue had parents too and could look that s.e.xy in a traditional dress."

Fei blinked in admiration and thought, 'She looked like a normal maid here in the castle, but out in public, dressed like that, she looks like a literal G.o.ddess. Who would've thought a small change could result in such ma.s.sive outcomes. Should I perhaps start dressing up too?'

While Fei thought of such things, Lith focused on the topic of Qingyue's parents. From that he realized he didn't really know much about everyone's background around him, especially his wives.

He made an agenda to know more about them and placed it at a high priority.

Meanwhile, the orange cat finally found herself in a comfy place and slept peacefully while the owner of the said place, Lizbeth, continued to study alchemy diligently.

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