Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1247: Intentional Suppression

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Chapter 1247: Intentional Suppression

"We are all here, n.o.ble Lin Mu!" The warriors of the Haima tribe said in unison.

They were standing in front of a large green tent that seemed to be illusory. There were faint runes flowing along its surface as well.


A long line appeared on the tent before it widened to become a doorway.

"Five people can come in at once." Lin Mu spoke from the doorway.

The illusory green tent was none other than the Spirit Cultivation Attenuation Fomentation array. It merely looked like a tent, but it wasn't actually one.

The warriors of the Haima tribe discussed among them for a few seconds before deciding who would be the first five to go forth. All the warriors that were present here had spirit Qi that was equivalent to that of a Nascent soul realm cultivator at the very least.

There were about a hundred of them present right now and more would come after this batch had finished pa.s.sing. This was all instructed by Lin Mu yesterday to Elder Niji and had been followed accordingly.


The five Haima warriors walked into the array nervously and reached its middle.

"You all can sit in those circles." Lin Mu instructed.

There were five glowing circles on the ground and were situated at an equal distance from each other.

"Yes!" The warriors quickly obliged.

'Learning the Haima Tribe's language was certainly a good decision. Makes things a lots more efficient.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

Over the past couple of months, he had been learning from Elder Niji and had quickly learned the language. While he wouldn't say he was as proficient as a native, it was still enough to communicate in simple words.

Once the five Haima Warriors took their place, Lin Mu walked to the center of the array where a small illusory pillar was present.


Placing his hand, Lin Mu activated the entire array.


As soon as that was done, the entire array let out a humming sound that felt like a bronze bell ringing. Lin Mu left the array using blink and came to a designated area.

"How long will it take?" Elder Niji, who was waiting here for Lin Mu, questioned.

"Shouldn't take longer than a few minutes for their spirit Qi to be suppressed. As for the breakthrough, that'll depend on their individual talent." Lin Mu answered.

"I see… hopefully our people will not disappoint you." Elder Niji replied.

"They haven't so far. Or rather, they have only exceeded my expectations." Lin Mu honestly stated.

"That's good…" Elder Niji said with a smile.

He too, was excited about the entire process. He wanted to see his tribe breakthrough their shackles that had been unknowingly set up. It was hard to know if these were intentional or not, but regardless of it all, he would ensure that his tribe grew strong.

And for that, Elder Niji had willingly allowed the weaker members to go for the breakthrough first.

Lin Mu had actually offered him to be the first person to breakthrough. After all, the Haima Tribe would grow strong faster if they had a strong person in the lead. But Elder Niji had rejected him after hearing the details.

The one who was inside the array would be unable to leave until they had a breakthrough. And the time needed to do this would increase greatly depending on the initial amount of spirit Qi contained within their bodies.

For people like Elder Niji and Head Warrior Kulo, who were the strongest in the clan, this process might even take days to weeks.

The old man couldn't let his juniors wait like that, and wanted them to be the first to experience it all. Plus to him, it didn't matter if it were the weaker tribe members that went though this first or him, the end result would be the same.

With that in mind, he told Lin Mu to let the others do it first. And now, the process was already underway.


"AAAHHHHH!" A mix of cries could be heard coming from the array suddenly.

The expression of the Haima people turned tense and Elder Niji's brows furrowed. "Will they be alright?" he asked with concern.

"Pain like this is bound to happen since the array is currently suppressing their spirit Qi. It's like forcibly taking away a part of your blood." Lin Mu replied.

"I see…" Elder Niji nodded his head. "My tribesmen aren't that weak to falter just from this. They shall soldier on bravely." He stated proudly.

"I think so too." Lin Mu agreed.

His eyes stayed locked onto the array while his spirit sense was continually monitoring the array. Lin Mu could sense the changes occurring inside and knew that the Haima Tribe warriors were under a significant amount of pain.

Their expressions were also contorted, and if anyone watched them right now, there was a great chance they would be terrified.

'It was good to make the array opaque. If the other warriors saw this, they might get discouraged. Thus, even if they went in after that, they might fail simply because they weren't determined enough.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

This was a slightly tough decision that one could even consider a little cruel. But Lin Mu knew it was important for the tribe. In fact, even if the situation inside wasn't hidden, the tribesmen would still go forth with it.

But by hiding it, Lin Mu could keep their morale high, thereby allowing them better chances.

Plus, there wasn't any actual harm being done to the Warriors. The Pain they were feeling was mostly from the meridians that were screaming out due to the disappearance of the spirit Qi.

But in reality, the spirit Qi was just being suppressed deep within their bodies.

Ten minutes pa.s.sed like this, and the sound of cries had stopped long before.


It was at this moment that the second part of the array activated and a ma.s.sive amount of spirit Qi was injected into it!

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