The Only Aura User In Magic World Chapter 429: Humans Against Vampires

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Chapter 429: Humans Against Vampires

Roy let go of the vampires approaching Angela, while he faces the Vampire King and four other vampires.

The approaching vampires stopped when they see an army of humans in front of them. The humans are outnumbered, but of them are showing any sign of despair.

Albert will be the one to lead the humans, while Lynn, Henry, and Harold will support him.

Other than the four kings, there are several faces that Roy is getting along with. Other than the expert level mages.

They all will partic.i.p.ate in this battle alongside other humans.

Those people are Jewel, Oleg, Hill, Claudia, Bernard, and Sara.

Since they are not expert level mages yet, they are allowed to partic.i.p.ate.

As for the expert level mages, they are either watching the fight so they can learn something and help in case they are losing, or protecting other areas.

The angels and the werewolves were not here because they will protect other areas as well. Even if an army of vampires is approaching, that doesn't mean other monsters will stop attacking.

"Stop right there! If you move any closer, it means war!" Albert shouted when he sees the vampires.

The vampires paused for a bit. But they didn't care about Albert's threat, and move forward.

"Sigh… so you want war, huh? Everyone, attack!"

With no other interaction between two sides, the battle began between humans and vampires.

Vampires with weak long-distance attack, unable to get closer easily because of humans' magic. And two humans that stand out the most among hundreds. Lighting strikes the vampires, and bullets flying at them.

But the vampires are well prepared. They are protecting their hearts, and the frontline of the army of vampires created a s.h.i.+eld from blood to protect everyone behind them.

"Oh, they are also prepared for the war. Roy shouldn't have provoked too much. He's such a pain sometimes… often… always…" Albert sighed.

"But if not for him, some of us would have died already and the cult has taken over half of the continent. With Arturo and my kingdom at their hand," Henry said.

"But there are things that he shouldn't do. But I can't say anything to him, and his girlfriends just supported him," Albert said.

"At least he's not alone. And as long as he didn't do anything that cross the line, it should be fine. He let you be in charge even though you said that you won't allow expert level mages to partic.i.p.ate because I think he believes in you," Lynn said.

"Then you don't know him enough. Instead of me, I think he believes that the expert level mages can clean up after my mess in case things go wrong so everything will be fine. That's what he's thinking. Everyone! Surround the enemies!"

Albert gave another command to surround the enemies. This way, they will attack not just from the front. But the sides as well. As for the back, no one can go there. Because they will be spread too thinly and will only make an unnecessary weakness.

With attacks from the sides as well, the vampires started to build Blood s.h.i.+eld on their sides as they march faster and faster. Until finally, the ten Vampire Marquesses split up and lead ten groups different way. They break their own formation and fight however they like.

"Since the Vampire King is being taken care of by Roy, they have ten different leaders. I guess that's smart," Harold said.

"Hmm… I can learn something from them. I forgot to create groups, so it will be difficult for us who only have one leader," Albert said calmly. He still thinks that victory is still within this grasp.

Without giving any order, the army of humans figure out themselves that they can't rely on Albert's order all the time, so they fight however they like as well. Albert smiled because he knows that this is what's going to happen.

He has listened to others opinion prior to the fight. Including those who are hunters, and guards who protect a city that often gets attacked. And he only gave hints of what they should be doing in case there are no orders from him.

"I need to figure out who will be the leader of the guards, the leader of the agents, the leader of the hunters, and other types of leader so I only need to order those people. And they will relay my order to the rest," Albert said.

"That's no different than being a king. You just need to give the order, and other people will do it for you. I think you're doing fine already," Henry said. In which, Harold nodded.

Next to them is Lynn who writes everything down on her note. She has a reliable subordinate in Claudia, but that doesn't mean she can just rely everything on her. That's why for this fight, she ordered Claudia to take part on the battle, while Lynn herself will learn from watching Albert and the other kings.

The battle progressed well for the humans, as they are winning. No casualty at all for the human because they have healers that Albert and the other kings brought. Although their healings were weaker than the angels, it was still enough.

The vampires tried to attack the humans from distance with Blood Bullet, but before they shoot, Sara would shoot them first with her rifle which was made by Marie. Her eyes have much better vision than average humans despite having no special ability like Roy.

But she couldn't shoot all of them, and some humans get hit by Blood Bullet. But the healers were prepared, so those who got injured can go back to the battle quickly.

Albert gave orders from time to time, but it was the army themselves who did the most. Which makes them feel confident.

But whenever their confidence raised, they would pretend to not hear Albert's order and do things the way they want. But their own plans failed instead. Which make them think twice about disobeying Albert's order, and make them realize that Albert is a capable leader.

Those who disobeyed him were mostly those who are not from Tatrama. And they will all be scolded by their king later.

Some vampires started flying, but the wind mages were already prepared. Albert has been informed about their ability to fly from Roy after their first encounter.

While looking at the sky, they saw something else other than vampires and humans. It's a wolf running toward him in the sky, with two people on its back.

That wolf is Shelia, and the two on her back are a female Vampire Duke, and a corpse of another Vampire Duke.

Shelia landed in front of Albert after dropping the two vampires, and with one-foot stepping on the female vampire's head, she gave a report to Albert.

"Hey, human king! The Vampire King can suck the blood of his own kind, and he got much stronger than when the vampire boy I fought a few days ago drank my blood. At this point, he's already much stronger than Roy," Shelia said.

"Really? If any of these vampires started drinking the blood of their own kind, it will be difficult. Why are you bringing them here?" Albert asked.

"So, the Vampire King won't drink their blood. Though I failed to get another corpse, so the Vampire King should be much stronger now," Shelia replied.

"This is getting harder. Sonia, you there?" Albert called Sonia.

"You want me to prepare the expert level mages?" Sonia who had watched the situation from the start in her invisible form, already know what Albert is thinking.

"That's right. Call them all here. And if the angels and werewolves are free as well, get them here," Albert said.

Sonia then disappear to inform the others, and Kayla and the others arrive soon after.

"Do we fight now?" Kron asked.

"Not yet. Hey, vampire. Can you tell me about what happen when you start drinking the blood of your own kind?" Albert asked the female vampire whose head is being stepped by Shelia. She's still alive, but has no will to fight.

"…We will get much stronger than when we drunk the blood of other species, but we will lose our mind. It's against our ethic to drink blood from our kind, but our king did it," the female vampire said.

"You answered honestly. Do you think that the Vampire King ordered the other vampires to start drinking the blood of their own kind if things go wrong in this battle?" Albert asked.

"There's no way that will happen!"

But as soon as she said that, a commotion ensues.

A vampire start screaming from another vampire who bites his neck.

Not just one or two, but as many as half of the surviving vampires started drinking the blood of the other half.

"…seems like I was right. Expert level mages, go and fight them. We can't afford to lose anyone in this battle," Albert said.

"How… how could this happen?" the female vampire watched the sight in shock. Shelia no longer stepped on her head because she knows that the female vampire has no will to fight anymore.

"Because your king is crazy, and half of your army is filled with vampires as crazy as your king," Albert said.

He didn't show it to anyone, but after witnessing vampires biting another vampire's neck, he is panicked. Because he expected to win without casualties. But if the vampires started getting stronger, it will be difficult to win without casualties.. In fact, winning itself will be difficult despite having expert level mages to help.

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