Magical Ties 150 Yona Leaves For Japan

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Yona goes to Remi's room early the next morning . He has to leave for the airport and wants to see her before Astila takes him. Sitting in the side of her bed he stares at the woman he likes. Thinking how strong she is for surviving through so much. Wanting nothing more than to stay beside her. He goes to lean down to give her a kiss on the forehead. When her head moves so their mouths meet instead. Remi laces her arms around his neck and brings him closer to her. Yona wraps his arms around her and pulls her tightly to him pulling her across his lap while gently inserting his tongue opening her lips to caress hers. Yona gently placed kisses along her neck stoping where he can fell her heart beating. He licks and gently sucks on her neck. Feeling her heart beat in his mouth. Remi gets gooseb.u.mps along her body sparking her desire to a new level. Biting his shoulder and licking where she bit . Yona takes a deep breath and settles her head on his shoulder. 

"when I get back I want to take you away for a few days. I want it to be just the two of us and no interruptions. " Remi nods ok not wanting to let him go at all. He picks her up and lays her back on the bed. She notices the large bulge in his pants . Smiling to herself she decides to tease him some. Looking up into his eyes she takes her hand and rubs the front of his pants along his hard bulge. Coming up on her knees she undoes his b.u.t.ton and zipper. Yona looks at her and tries to move her hands away . Knowing that it's not the right time for them to be together. She smacks his hands and releasing his large hard p.e.n.i.s from his pants. Gently at first she runs her hand along the length of him. Yona lets out a gasp saying her name. She darts out her pink small tongue and runs it along the shaft taking the tip into her mouth. Yona is ingulfed with desire placing his hand on the back of her head he arches his hips into her warm She moves with his rythem loving the taste of him she sucks even harder taking as much as she can into her her mouth. Closing her eyes she envisions that he is like a rocket popsicle slowing her pace just slightly to slowly suck the length of him then to flick her tongue on the tip. She runs her tongue from base to tip savoring every inch. When she goes to take him into her mouth fully this time his tip is moist from him weeping. Looking into his eyes she sees he is trying his best to control himself . She smiles up at him shyly . Giving her a wolffish grin his hand slips under her night s.h.i.+rt and rips her panties off . Pus.h.i.+ng her onto her back he spreads her legs and slides between them taking her mouth with his. Ramming his member into her hard almost out of control at her tightness. Feeling her being so small he slows to allow her body to adjust to him. The heat is riding through her body  and at her core she arches her hips and pushes him deeper. Remi's has a slight twinge of pain then pure joy at the feel of him. She has never felt so alive before . No man has ever touched her in this way. His mouth branding her as his. Yona takes Remi's mouth with his and kisses her deeply as they both climaxed together. Breathing heavily Yona kisses her softly on the forehead. 

"I promise when I get back I will pleasure you properly. " she stares at him and asks

"It gets better than that?" He busts out laughing . 

"oh baby just you wait. I will make your body sing with desire next time. I want to taste every inch of you . " 

Remi kisses him knowing it's going to be three weeks before she sees him. She is being very bold she is worried she is being to bold. Yona is loving this side of her. Wanting so much to finish stripping you and to have her again already his p.e.n.i.s already beginning to thicken again with her slight movement. 

"Remi I have to go if I don't go now we will never leave this room. Taking her hand he places it on his member that is already hardening again. She looks at him surprised. 

"Did I not do it right did you not get released?" He chuckles 

"yes you did it right and yes I got released but you my love is just to s.e.xy your slightest movement makes me hard. Remi have you not had s.e.x before with anyone?" 

"Only time anyone touched me was when Dean attacked me no one ever . You were my first kiss even. " her face goes red with embarra.s.sment. 

Yona's heart swells with joy that she gave herself to him. Letting him be the first to show her pleasure. They are kissing again when his phone goes off. It's the alarm letting him know he has to leave. Reluctantly he gets up and fixes his clothes . He just realized that they did not use protection. Looking at her he asks. 

"Remi do you take any birth control?" 

she shakes her head no . 

"I never needed to I never let anyone  touch me so I didn't need it. why?" Looking at him she then realized they used no protection. He looks at her guiltily. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't expecting this to happen I wasn't prepared."seeing her face fall he wants her to know how he feels. He sits back on the bed and pulls her into his arms. 

"Just because it did not happen when I planned. Does not mean that it was a mistake. I have been trying not to rush you because I know you are having a hard time. I love you Remi and want to be with you. h.e.l.l I have even thought about asking for a hand fasting ceremony just so we never have to be apart . I want us to go slow because of both your past and because of Crystal. I want us to be completely sure before we mess with with her life. It has nothing to do with how I feel. I have always used women to just to have fun with. It's always been the understanding between every woman in my life most have just been a few nights here and there. You could not even call them anything more than a booty call. Those women were ok with that. You are different you have been from the second I saw you getting out of your car. I have never dated anyone. I have never cared enough to date anyone. I have also never protected anyone other than my siblings and my uncle. Not even my mother's situation bothers me. You on the other hand I want to protect ,love and spend every moment I can with. " he leans in and takes her mouth for one last mind blowing kiss before leaving her dazed and staring off at him as he closes the door. Remi lays back on the bed smiling to herself. Repeating over and over in her mind he loves me. He says he loves me. No one has said that to her outside of her family ever. She gets up and rushes to shower and get ready for the day. She has a lot to prepare for before he gets back. She hears someone in Yona's room. Peaking in she sees Salali stripping the bed. 

"Oh I wanted to clean the sheets before you move in today." Remi looks at her and turns red and asks. 

"Can you just leave it? I'm a little embarra.s.sed to say , but I was looking forward to sleeping in the bed with his scent. It's weird right, to want to have his scent around you?" 

Salali laughs at her and answers her honestly. 

"Nope it's not. You want to know a secret? I sleep with one of Randy's s.h.i.+rts because he is in New York right now for a job. I miss his smell also so I understand. " Remi smiles at her and they remake the bed together. Salali watches Remi and asks her. 

"So has big brother told you he loves you yet.?You know he does. He has never taken such an interest in a woman before. He doesn't even like kids but he adores and dotes on Crystal. Has since the first day he met her. He looks at you as if the sun rises just for you. My big brother is head over heals for you. "

Remi pulls out the ring on the necklace that he gave her and shows her. 

"He gave me this on our first date. He says it is a promise ring. He told me this morning he loved me and was even thinking of a hand fasting ceremony so that we could be together. I know a lot of our traditions are old fas.h.i.+on. To us it's normal but I know to others it is very odd. I'm so happy I could burst but I keep waiting for it to be just a dream ." 

Salali hugs her close and looks at her as a sister would. 

"It's not a dream it's true love. My brother is extremely logical and cold. Both of them are I have never seen either of them smile so much in my life. You know when he first arrived he had a room at one of the hotels. Then our introverted Uncle decided to take it to have time with Moll. So he reluctantly stayed here. He began changing from that moment on. He instantly bonded with Crystal over pumpkin cake of all things. You two complete each other. " Remi has been curious about a few things. 

"Do you guys miss Tennessee?" You have uprooted your lives and have been here for so long. Do you regret leaving there?"

Salali thinks a moment and shakes her head no. 

"I already knew from a spirit walk that our lives were going to change. I kept seeing myself somewhere besides Tennessee. Inola had seen Moll in his dreams for years that is why he never married or looked for another woman. He was in love with the woman who visited him in his dreams. So when she came to Aisling before the wedding he already was smitten and wanting to be with her. As for Astila he never was in any place long. He has thought of Aisling since she was just a teenager. They met for the first time when she visited the commander. We all have our homes still there we can go back to visit anytime. I didn't leave anything really and Aisling has made it so I don't have to work unless I want. That's why I help so much here. Moll is here so my uncle will never go anywhere. So you guys are stuck with us at least until the twins are born. Things could change who knows." 

They finished tiding up the room and went down to start breakfast. Aisling was already getting the kids ready for school. Maureen was not feeling so great this morning so they left her to sleep. Moll already had left with Astila for work. The two uncles were going to map out where they want to build the new house. So the day begins. 

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